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GitHub Actions / Test Results succeeded Apr 10, 2024 in 1s

4915 passed, 0 failed and 4 skipped

Tests passed successfully

✅ junit.xml

4919 tests were completed in 94s with 4915 passed, 0 failed and 4 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
1Password 1Pif Importer 5✅ 244ms
1Password 1Pux Importer 29✅ 7s
1Password mac CSV Importer 3✅ 207ms
1Password windows CSV Importer 3✅ 326ms
AccessPolicySelectorService 17✅ 2s
AccessSelectorComponent 15✅ 3s
Account 2✅ 136ms
AccountKeys 4✅ 163ms
AccountProfile 1✅ 109ms
accountService 18✅ 227ms
AccountSettings 2✅ 162ms
AccountSwitcherService 5✅ 607ms
AccountTokens 1✅ 102ms Forwarder 24✅ 181ms
AppIdService 14✅ 199ms
Attachment 9✅ 161ms
AttachmentView 1✅ 167ms
AuthPopoutWindow 8✅ 127ms
AuthRequestService 8✅ 406ms
AuthService 10✅ 236ms
AutofillInit 35✅ 448ms
AutofillOverlayButton 7✅ 221ms
AutofillOverlayButtonIframe 1✅ 138ms
AutofillOverlayContentService 97✅ 832ms
AutofillOverlayIframeElement 3✅ 79ms
AutofillOverlayIframeService 39✅ 531ms
AutofillOverlayList 28✅ 5s
AutofillOverlayListIframe 1✅ 147ms
AutofillOverlayPageElement 13✅ 109ms
AutofillService 232✅ 7s
BannerComponent 2✅ 278ms
BaseImporter class 27✅ 164ms
BillingAccountProfileStateService 11✅ 192ms
biometrics tests 6✅ 613ms
BiometricStateService 31✅ 437ms
BitwardenPasswordProtectedImporter 11✅ 176ms
Browser Send State Service 2✅ 207ms
Browser State Service 1✅ 282ms
Browser Utils Service 28✅ 203ms
BrowserApi 40✅ 394ms
BrowserClipboardService 8✅ 97ms
BrowserPopupUtils 33✅ 448ms
browserSession decorator 5✅ 226ms
builder 3✅ 76ms
buildSvgDomElement 11✅ 160ms
Button 6✅ 1s
Button 3✅ 1s
Button 3✅ 1s
Callout 4✅ 273ms
canAccessFeature 9✅ 3s
Card 6✅ 148ms
Chrome CSV Importer 2✅ 255ms
Cipher DTO 19✅ 989ms
Cipher Service 13✅ 1s
CipherContextMenuHandler 6✅ 523ms
CipherView 5✅ 224ms
cleanUserAgent 4✅ 264ms
clearClipboard 2✅ 112ms
CLI Console log service 2✅ 803ms
CollectAutofillContentService 129✅ 5s
Collection 3✅ 254ms
CollectionUtils Service 1✅ 471ms
combine 1✅ 97ms
commaSeparatedEmails 5✅ 279ms
ConfigService 39✅ 467ms
ConsoleLogService 5✅ 145ms
ContentMessageHandler 9✅ 179ms
context-menu 12✅ 6s
ContextMenuClickedHandler 7✅ 4s
createFilter 20✅ 881ms
cryptoService 42✅ 1s
currentVersion 4✅ 177ms
Dashlane CSV Importer 7✅ 380ms
decodeJwtTokenToJson 5✅ 307ms
Deep Link Guard 9✅ 507ms
DefaultActiveUserState 28✅ 1s
DefaultActiveUserStateProvider 1✅ 141ms
DefaultDerivedState 14✅ 421ms
DefaultDomainSettingsService 2✅ 212ms
DefaultGeneratorNavigationService 5✅ 183ms
DefaultGlobalState 18✅ 526ms
DefaultSingleUserState 26✅ 617ms
DefaultStateProvider 17✅ 228ms
DeriveDefinition 2✅ 159ms
deserializes state key definitions 10✅ 110ms
deserializes state UserKeyDefinition {
stateDefinition: [StateDefinition],
key: 'clientKeyHalf',
options: [Object],
clearOn: [Array],
[Symbol(UserKeyDefinition)]: true
} 7✅ 152ms
devFlag decorator 2✅ 106ms
deviceTrustCryptoService 39✅ 754ms
DomElementVisibilityService 19✅ 311ms
DuckDuckGo Forwarder 16✅ 272ms
EFF long word list generation strategy 10✅ 182ms
electronCryptoService 3✅ 721ms
ElectronLogMainService 1✅ 289ms
Email subaddress list generation strategy 10✅ 168ms
Email subaddress list generation strategy 10✅ 166ms
EmergencyAccessService 6✅ 1s
encArrayBuffer 7✅ 152ms
encrypted folders 3✅ 147ms
encrypted org keys 4✅ 165ms
encrypted provider keys 4✅ 140ms
EncryptionPair 4✅ 172ms
EncryptService 20✅ 386ms
EncString 24✅ 191ms
Enpass JSON Importer 5✅ 315ms
EnvironmentService 24✅ 443ms
EventRunnerService 2✅ 154ms
Ever had user key 8✅ 175ms
ExposedPasswordsReportComponent 2✅ 1s
Fastmail Forwarder 27✅ 288ms
Fido2Credential 7✅ 236ms
Fido2Service 1✅ 169ms
FidoAuthenticatorService 31✅ 2⚪ 2s
FidoAuthenticatorService 32✅ 1s
Field 6✅ 170ms
FilelessImporterBackground 17✅ 498ms
Firefox CSV Importer 2✅ 254ms
Firefox Relay Forwarder 19✅ 258ms
flagEnabled 11✅ 148ms
Folder 3✅ 145ms
Folder Service 8✅ 396ms
FolderView 1✅ 139ms
forbiddenCharacters 4✅ 266ms
foreground background derived state interactions 5✅ 365ms
foreground background memory storage interaction 7✅ 224ms
ForegroundDerivedState 3✅ 169ms
FormSelectionList 15✅ 630ms
ForwardEmail Forwarder 34✅ 340ms
ForwarderGeneratorStrategy 8✅ 430ms
fromChromeEvent 4✅ 113ms
FSecure FSK Importer 2✅ 154ms
functionToObservable 9✅ 301ms
GeneratedCredential 6✅ 190ms
GeneratePasswordToClipboardCommand 2✅ 145ms
GeneratorComponent 2✅ 1s
GeneratorNavigationEvaluator 10✅ 145ms
getStoredValue 3✅ 146ms
Icon 5✅ 301ms
IconComponent 2✅ 283ms
Identity 6✅ 204ms
IfFeatureDirective 6✅ 344ms
ImportService 12✅ 1s
InactiveTwoFactorReportComponent 2✅ 2s
InsertAutofillContentService 54✅ 1s
KeePass2 Xml Importer 5✅ 242ms
Keeper CSV Importer 5✅ 269ms
Keeper Json Importer 5✅ 226ms
Key definitions 12✅ 132ms
Key definitions 2✅ 149ms
Key definitions 2✅ 175ms
KeyConnectorService 14✅ 481ms
KeyDefinition 8✅ 315ms
KeyGenerationService 9✅ 215ms
KeyRotationService 8✅ 731ms
Lastpass CSV Importer 5✅ 327ms
leastPrivilege 5✅ 165ms
leastPrivilege 9✅ 158ms
leastPrivilege 5✅ 154ms
LegacyPasswordGenerationService 11✅ 388ms
LegacyUsernameGenerationService 15✅ 3s
LocalBackedSessionStorage 27✅ 610ms
LocalGeneratorHistoryService 12✅ 270ms
LockComponent 29✅ 7s
Login DTO 8✅ 175ms
LoginStrategy 28✅ 4s
LoginStrategy 9✅ 505ms
LoginStrategy 16✅ 527ms
LoginStrategy 15✅ 643ms
LoginStrategy 14✅ 342ms
LoginStrategy 11✅ 410ms
LoginStrategy 21✅ 359ms
LoginStrategyService 3✅ 656ms
LoginUri 8✅ 164ms
LoginUriView 28✅ 225ms
LoginView 1✅ 246ms
LP Suppress Import Download 5✅ 129ms
LP Suppress Import Download for Manifest v2 1✅ 78ms
LpFilelessImporter 16✅ 311ms
MemoryStorageService 5✅ 206ms
Menu 4✅ 723ms
Messenger 7✅ 331ms
MigrationBuilder 11✅ 251ms
MigrationBuilderService 8✅ 1s
MigrationRunner 4✅ 1⚪ 1s
migrator default methods 6✅ 149ms
Myki CSV Importer 6✅ 1s
NodeCrypto Function Service 64✅ 2s
NordPass CSV Importer 10✅ 363ms
NotificationBackground 51✅ 2s
objectToStore 7✅ 144ms
OffscreenDocument 5✅ 192ms
Org Domain API Service 7✅ 389ms
Org Domain Service 7✅ 162ms
Organization Permissions Guard 7✅ 435ms
OrganizationManagementPreferencesService 3✅ 190ms
ORGANIZATIONS state 1✅ 124ms
OrganizationService 17✅ 276ms
OrganizationUserResetPasswordService 10✅ 400ms
orgSeatLimitReachedValidator 6✅ 293ms
OverlayBackground 64✅ 1s
p1363ToDer 6✅ 170ms
Passky Json Importer 2✅ 176ms
Password 6✅ 149ms
Password generation strategy 10✅ 182ms
Password generation strategy 10✅ 182ms
Password generator options builder 137✅ 2s
Password generator options builder 34✅ 425ms
Password generator options builder 4✅ 149ms
Password generator service 10✅ 335ms
PasswordHistoryView 1✅ 136ms
PasswordInputToggle 9✅ 2s
PasswordRepromptService 2✅ 5s
PasswordResetEnrollmentServiceImplementation 5✅ 399ms
PasswordStrengthService 6✅ 250ms
Payment Method Warnings Service 7✅ 353ms
PinCryptoService 14✅ 420ms
PolicyService 21✅ 670ms
Protonpass Json Importer 6✅ 235ms
Provider Permissions Guard 6✅ 607ms
PROVIDERS key definition 7✅ 293ms
PSONO JSON Importer 13✅ 1⚪ 1s
RadioButton 3✅ 550ms
RadioGroupComponent 3✅ 581ms
RangeWithDefault 4✅ 157ms
reduceCollection 4✅ 171ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 12✅ 345ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 19✅ 388ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 20✅ 471ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 18✅ 262ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 17✅ 401ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 19✅ 196ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 17✅ 473ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 18✅ 478ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 18✅ 351ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 36✅ 246ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 18✅ 271ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 17✅ 361ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 14✅ 283ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 18✅ 294ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 17✅ 304ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 18✅ 233ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 18✅ 239ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 19✅ 219ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 17✅ 181ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 18✅ 232ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 19✅ 241ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 16✅ 240ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 17✅ 242ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 16✅ 273ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 20✅ 223ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 16✅ 449ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 16✅ 226ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 19✅ 210ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 18✅ 196ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 19✅ 245ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 19✅ 236ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 16✅ 210ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 19✅ 250ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 19✅ 220ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 19✅ 220ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 18✅ 188ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 15✅ 191ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 17✅ 187ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 18✅ 215ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 18✅ 200ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 15✅ 184ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 16✅ 185ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 16✅ 156ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 17✅ 141ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 18✅ 181ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 16✅ 172ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 15✅ 149ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 14✅ 193ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 16✅ 199ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 14✅ 149ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 18✅ 160ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 14✅ 177ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 14✅ 259ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 14✅ 201ms
RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator 14✅ 191ms
ReusedPasswordsReportComponent 2✅ 1s
Roboform CSV Importer 3✅ 204ms
RotateableKeySetService 1✅ 283ms
Safari CSV Importer 2✅ 177ms
SafeUrls service 3✅ 588ms
SecretClassifier 17✅ 186ms
SecretKeyDefinition 18✅ 275ms
SecretState 13✅ 245ms
SecureNote 5✅ 137ms
SecureSafe CSV Importer 2✅ 191ms
Send 3✅ 151ms
Send State Provider 2✅ 178ms
SendAccess 3✅ 236ms
SendFile 3✅ 151ms
SendService 28✅ 960ms
SendText 3✅ 129ms
sequentialize decorator 9✅ 1s
ServerConfigData 3✅ 146ms
serviceUtils 4✅ 146ms
session syncer 15✅ 485ms
sessionSync decorator 2✅ 137ms
SimpleLogin Forwarder 23✅ 211ms
Specific State Providers 16✅ 219ms
SsoComponent 20✅ 5s
state 3✅ 795ms
state definitions follow rules for client web 200✅ 349ms
StateEventRegistrarService 3✅ 158ms
StorageServiceProvider 2✅ 196ms
SymmetricCryptoKey 7✅ 187ms
TabsBackground 21✅ 218ms
throttle decorator 5✅ 388ms
toAlmostEqual custom matcher 9✅ 180ms
toEqualBuffer custom matcher 4✅ 204ms
TokenService 124✅ 8s
TotpService 5✅ 298ms
TrialInitiationComponent 15✅ 31s
TriggerAutofillScriptInjection 1✅ 71ms
TriggerFido2ContentScriptInjection 1✅ 84ms
trimValidator 7✅ 220ms
TwoFactorComponent 16✅ 2s
UnassignedItemsBanner 3✅ 327ms
UnsecuredWebsitesReportComponent 2✅ 1s
UserDecryptionOptionsService 4✅ 282ms
UserKeyEncryptor 6✅ 142ms
UserKeyEncryptor 11✅ 170ms
Utils Service 86✅ 397ms
validateRpId 11✅ 150ms
Vault Browser State Service 4✅ 196ms
vault filter service 14✅ 2s
VaultExportService 14✅ 10s
VaultExportService 14✅ 11s
VaultFilter 19✅ 521ms
VaultFilter 18✅ 402ms
VaultOnboardingComponent 11✅ 2s
VaultPopoutWindow 10✅ 154ms
VaultTimeoutService 19✅ 395ms
VaultTimeoutSettingsService 17✅ 399ms
WeakPasswordsReportComponent 2✅ 1s
Web Platform Utils Service 14✅ 928ms
WebauthnAdminService 6✅ 1s
WebAuthnLoginPrfCryptoService 1✅ 191ms
WebAuthnLoginService 6✅ 361ms
WebCrypto Function Service 69✅ 828ms
WebMigrationRunner 5✅ 385ms
WebStorageServiceProvider 6✅ 244ms