BitShares Explorer REST API allows your programs to query the blockchain.
The following procedure will work in Debian based Linux, more specifically the commands to make the guide were executed in Ubuntu 18.04
with Python 3.7
Some API calls make use of elasticsearch plugins for Bitshares. This plugins are elasticsearch
and es-objects
For elasticsearch installation and usage tutorial please go to:
To avoid installation the API comes with public elasticsearch node that can be updated from config.
This API backend connects to a BitShares witness_node
to get data. Additionally from elasticsearch API makes use of the following bitshares plugins:
The node must have asset_api
and orders_api
"permission_map" :
"password_hash_b64" : "*",
"password_salt_b64" : "*",
"allowed_apis" : ["database_api", "network_broadcast_api", "history_api", "asset_api", "orders_api"]
To install a bitshares node please refer to:
You can use/change public bitshares API nodes for this by updating the config.
Install python and pip if you dont have them:
apt-get install -y python python-pip
Clone the app:
git clone
cd bitshares-explorer-api/
Install virtual environment and setup:
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv -p python3 wrappers_env/
source wrappers_env/bin/activate
Deactivate with:
Install dependencies in virtual env activated:
pip install -r requirements/production.pip
Note: If you have errors in the output about websocket you may need to also do:
apt-get install python-websocket
Note: If you see a problem similar to:
WARNING:connexion.options:The swagger_ui directory could not be found.
Please install connexion with extra install: pip install connexion[swagger-ui]
or provide the path to your local installation by passing swagger_path=<your path>
You need to execute:
pip install connexion[swagger-ui]
In order to simply test and run the backend api you can do:
flask run --host=
Then go to apidocs with your IP:
In a production environment, when multiple requests start to happen at the same time, flask alone is not enough to handle the load. Nginx and uwsgi are alternatives to host a production backend.
Install nginx:
apt-get install nginx
Install uwgsi:
pip install uwsgi
Create config file in /etc/nginx/sites-available:
server {
listen 5000;
location / {
include uwsgi_params;
uwsgi_pass unix:/tmp/app.sock;
Create symbolic link to sites-enabled and restart nginx:
ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/api /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/api
/etc/init.d/nginx restart
Now api can be started with:
(wrappers) root@oxarbitrage ~/bitshares/bitshares-explorer-api # uwsgi --ini app.ini
To activate profiler use:
PROFILER_ENABLED=true flask run
Then you will be able to access profiling data at http://localhost:5000/profiler
By default the profiler is not protected, to add basic authentification add username and password in
or using environment variables PROFILER_USERNAME
To run the server in development mode to have an auto reload on code change:
FLASK_ENV=development flask run
Run all tests:
This will also run API tests (using Tavern), that needs an local server to run, so make sure your development server is started.
To run one specific test:
PYTHONPATH=. pytest -k test_ws_request
Or for API tests:
PYTHONPATH=. py.test tests/test_api_explorer.tavern.yaml -k get_asset_holders_count
You can run API tests on a non localhost server using the command:
PYTHONPATH=. py.test tavern-global-cfg=your_customized_environment.yaml tests/test_api_explorer.tavern.yaml
See tests/local_urls.yaml
to see how to define a new environment.
And for non regression see non_reg/