- Introduced datetime format personalisation
- Auto close AO history on external click [GH-823]
- Made table columns resizable
- Reanimate and Delete AOs from History [GHI-826]
- Updated "settings/about" with more information for users
- Remove all AO and strategy related keymaps to prevent unwanted closures [GHI-814]
- Clear AO history when switching accounts
- Removed template action from atomic orders
- Edit AO order will have always toggle on buy
- Fixed app crashes due to missing i18n object
- Remove Pendo integration
- Make opt in to analytics as a default setting
- Store visibleOnHit property for AO
NOTICE: This release contains a known issue regarding the auto-update functionality in macOS which prevents the feature from working. To use the most up-to-date version, please uninstall your current version and manually update to 3.31.6