A newer version is already available! Please don't use this version anymore.
This release add a lot of new payment methods as well reduces the min. trade fee so that small trades become much cheaper! We also enable now to set a open offer inactive to give better control over offers in time of high volatility.
Don't miss that update!
Release notes:
- Reduce min. trade fee from 0.0002 BTC to 0.00005 BTC
- Add option to set an open offer inactive
- Add new payment methods: Venmo, Cash App (Square), Popmoney, Revolut, Uphold, MoneyBeam (N26)
- Re-enable national bank transfer (ACH, WIRE) for US
- Add TD Bank as Zelle memberbank
- Add popup for explaining the trade limits at account creation
- Add new altcoins: Stellite, Dai Stablecoin, Obsidian, BitDaric, Yenten, Cassubian Detk, DigiMoney, SpeedCash, SOS Coin, AchieveCoin, vDinar
- Change max. deviation of market price to 30% (in settings it can be extended to 50%)
- Fix wrong fee estimation (#1325)
- Fix bug with deactivated Cash deposit offers
- Fix bug with currency selection in create offer screen when a mulit-currency account is used
Url of the signing key (Manfred Karrer): https://bisq.network/pubkey/F379A1C6.asc
Full fingerprint: 1DC3 C8C4 316A 698A C494 039C F5B8 4436 F379 A1C6
How to verify signatures?
$ gpg --digest-algo SHA256 --verify BINARY{.asc*,}
Replace BINARY with the file you downloaded (e.g. Bisq-0.5.1.dmg)
Hint for Debian users:
If you have problems starting Bisq on Debian use: /opt/Bisq/Bisq