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: At PYPI | bisos.PyCS | bisos.cmdb
bisos.qmail is a python package that uses the PyCS-Framework for NOTYET. It is a BISOS-Capability and a Standalone-BISOS-Package.
bisos.qmail is based on PyCS-Foundation and can be used both as a Command and as a Service (invoke/perform model of remote operations) using RPYC for central management of multiple systems.
- Overview
- Part of BISOS — ByStar Internet Services Operating System
- bisos.qmail is a Command Services (PyCS) Facility
- Uses of bisos.qmail
- bisos.qmail as a Standalone Piece of BISOS
- Installation
- Usage
- Documentation and Blee-Panels
- Support
Layered on top of Debian, BISOS: (By* Internet Services Operating System) is a
unified and universal framework for developing both internet services and
software-service continuums that use internet services. See Bootstrapping
ByStar, BISOS and Blee for information about getting started with BISOS.
BISOS is a foundation for The Libre-Halaal ByStar Digital Ecosystem which is
described as a cure for losses of autonomy and privacy in a book titled: Nature
of Polyexistentials
bisos.qmail is part of BISOS.
bisos.qmail can be used locally on command-line or remotely as a service. bisos.qmail is a PyCS multi-unit command-service. PyCS is a framework that converges developement of CLI and Services. PyCS is an alternative to FastAPI, Typer and Click.
bisos.qmail uses the PyCS Framework to:
- Provide access to qmail facilities through native python.
- Provide local access to qmail facilities on CLI.
- Provide remote access to qmail facilities through remote invocation of python Expection Complete Operations using rpyc.
- Provide remote access to qmail facilities on CLI.
What is unique in the PyCS-Framework is that these four models are all a single abstraction.
The core of PyCS-Framework is the bisos.b package (the PyCS-Foundation). See for an overview.
Within BISOS, bisos.qmail is used as a common facility.
bisos.qmail is a standalone piece of BISOS. It can be used as a self-contained Python package separate from BISOS. Follow the installtion and usage instructions below for your own use.
The sources for the bisos.qmail pip package is maintained at:
The bisos.qmail pip package is available at PYPI as
You can install bisos.qmail with pip or pipx.
If you need access to bisos.qmail as a python module, you can install it with pip:
pip install bisos.qmail
If you only need access to bisos.qmail as a command on command-line, you can install it with pipx:
pipx install bisos.qmail
The following commands are made available:
- qmail.cs
- roInv-qmail.cs
- roPerf-qmail.cs
These are all one file with 3 names. roInv-qmail.cs and roPerf-qmail.cs are sym-links to qmail.cs
can be invoked directly as
You can also run
Run performer as:
Run invoker as:
bisos.qmail Source Code is in writen in COMEEGA (Collaborative Org-Mode Enhanced Emacs Generalized Authorship) –
bisos.qmail is part of ByStar Digital Ecosystem
This module’s primary documentation is in the form of Blee-Panels. Additional information is also available in:
bisos.qmail Blee-Panles are in ./panels directory. From within Blee and BISOS these panles are accessible under the Blee “Panels” menu.
For support, criticism, comments and questions; please contact the
Mohsen Banan at: