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Panel Links
: Blee Panel | Github Panel
See Also
: At Github | At PYPI | bisos.PyCS | bisos.cmdb
Common BISOS (ByStar Internet Services OS) Library contains general purpose modules.
Layered on top of Debian, BISOS: (By* Internet Services Operating System) is a unified and universal framework for developing both internet services and software-service continuums that use internet services. See Bootstrapping ByStar, BISOS and Blee for information about getting started with BISOS.
bisos.common is a small piece of a much bigger picture. BISOS is a foundation for The Libre-Halaal ByStar Digital Ecosystem which is described as a cure for losses of autonomy and privacy that we are experiencing in a book titled: Nature of Polyexistentials
The sources for the bisos.facter pip package is maintained at:
The bisos.facter pip package is available at PYPI as
You can install bisos.facter with pip or pipx.
If you need access to bisos.facter as a python module, you can install it with pip:
pip install bisos.common
Part of ByStar Digital Ecosystem
This module’s primary documentation is in
bisos.common Blee-Panles are in ./panels directory. From within Blee and BISOS these panles are accessible under the Blee “Panels” menu.
For support, criticism, comments and questions; please contact the
Mohsen Banan at: