As we all are familiar with native OS threads in Rust programming which helps for executing a Rust program that contains their own stack and local state but using these threads can cause following problems:
- Race conditions
- Deadlocks
- Non Reproducible bugs
async is a Rust’s built-in tool for writing asynchronous code that allows us to run multiple tasks concurrently on the same OS thread. async
uses await to wait for the completion of another type that implements a trait called Future
await doesn’t require to block the current thread and allows other tasks to run by waiting for future completion asynchronously.
Blocking is a process where multiple tasks execute in the same OS thread in a row, which means other tasks have to wait for the previous task to complete first.
Non-Blocking is a process where other tasks will not need to wait for previous task to be completed if that is in a waiting state, whenever the previous task goes into a waiting state then the next task will start its execution.