Launcher for Mozilla Firefox.
The easiest way is to keep karma-firefox-launcher
as a devDependency in your package.json
You can simple do it by:
npm install karma-firefox-launcher --save-dev
// karma.conf.js
module.exports = function(config) {
browsers: ['Firefox', 'FirefoxDeveloper', 'FirefoxAurora', 'FirefoxNightly'],
You can pass list of browsers as a CLI argument too:
karma start --browsers Firefox,Chrome
To run Firefox in headless mode, append Headless
to the version name, e.g. FirefoxHeadless
, FirefoxNightlyHeadless
To configure preferences for the Firefox instance that is loaded, you can specify a custom launcher in your Karma
config with the preferences under the prefs
browsers: ['FirefoxAutoAllowGUM'],
customLaunchers: {
FirefoxAutoAllowGUM: {
base: 'Firefox',
prefs: {
'media.navigator.permission.disabled': true
If you have extensions that you want loaded into the browser on startup, you can specify the full path to each
extension in the extensions
browsers: ['FirefoxWithMyExtension'],
customLaunchers: {
FirefoxWithMyExtension: {
base: 'Firefox',
extensions: [
path.resolve(__dirname, 'helpers/extensions/[email protected]'),
path.resolve(__dirname, 'helpers/extensions/[email protected]')
Please note: the extension name must exactly match the 'id' of the extension. You can discover the 'id' of your
extension by extracting the .xpi (i.e. unzip XXX.xpi
) and opening the install.RDF file with a text editor, then look
for the em:id
tag under the Description
tag. If your extension manifest looks something like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RDF xmlns="" xmlns:em="">
<Description about="urn:mozilla:install-manifest">
Then you should name your extension [email protected]
For more information on Karma see the homepage.