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nrepl: update dirac! command to support compiler switching
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darwin committed Sep 28, 2016
1 parent dfbf310 commit 5a19e1a
Showing 1 changed file with 92 additions and 42 deletions.
134 changes: 92 additions & 42 deletions src/nrepl/dirac/nrepl/controls.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,28 +1,36 @@
(ns dirac.nrepl.controls
(:require [dirac.nrepl.sessions :as sessions]
[dirac.nrepl.compilers :as compilers]
[dirac.nrepl.helpers :refer [with-err-output get-nrepl-info error-println]]
[clojure.string :as string])
[clojure.string :as string]
[cljs.analyzer :as analyzer]
[dirac.nrepl.state :as state])
(:import (java.util.regex Pattern)))

; note: this namespace defines the context where special dirac commands are eval'd

; -- usage docs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(def ^:dynamic general-usage
["Dirac provides this command to control its REPL operations."
"You may invoke this special `dirac!` function from any of your nREPL sessions by evaluating a form:"
["You can control Dirac REPL via this special `dirac!` command:"
" `(dirac! <command> [arg1] [arg2] [...])`"
" `(dirac! <sub-command> [arg1] [arg2] [...])`"
"Dirac <command> is a keyword followed by optional arguments."
"The argument <sub-command> is a keyword followed by optional arguments."
"A list of known commands:"
" :status -> prints current session state"
" :ls -> list available Dirac sessions"
" :join -> join Dirac"
" :disjoin -> disjoin Dirac"
" :switch -> switch ClojureScript compiler"
" :spawn -> start a fresh ClojureScript compiler" ; TODO: :spawn
" :kill -> kill (selected) ClojureScript compiler" ; TODO: :kill
" :join -> join a Dirac session"
" :disjoin -> disjoin Dirac session"
" :match -> list matching Dirac sessions"
" :version -> print version info"
" :help -> print usage help"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -108,65 +116,91 @@
:ls ls-usage
:join join-usage
:disjoin disjoin-usage
:match match-usage})
:match match-usage}) ; TODO: add docs for :switch and others

(defn render-usage [lines]
(string/join "\n" lines))

; -- error messages ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -- messages ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defn ^:dynamic no-such-command-msg [command]
(defn ^:dynamic make-no-such-command-msg [command]
(str "No such command '" command "'.\n"
"Execute `(dirac! :help)` for a list of available commands."))

(defn ^:dynamic invalid-matcher-msg [matcher]
(defn ^:dynamic make-invalid-matcher-msg [matcher]
(str "Invalid matching strategy provided. It must be either a number, a string, a regex or omitted.\n"
"Provided matching strategy '" matcher "' is of type " (type matcher)))

(defn ^:dynamic cannot-disjoin-dirac-session-msg []
(defn ^:dynamic make-cannot-disjoin-dirac-session-msg []
(str "Your session is a Dirac session. Cannot disjoin this type of session."))

(defn ^:dynamic cannot-disjoin-clojure-session-msg []
(defn ^:dynamic make-cannot-disjoin-clojure-session-msg []
(str "Your session is not joined to Dirac. Nothing to do."))

(defn ^:dynamic session-disjoined-msg []
(defn ^:dynamic make-session-disjoined-msg []
(str "Your session was disjoined from Dirac. Now you are back in normal Clojure session."))

(defn ^:dynamic cannot-join-dirac-session-msg []
(defn ^:dynamic make-cannot-join-dirac-session-msg []
(str "Your session is a Dirac session. This type of session cannot join any other session."))

(defn ^:dynamic cannot-match-clojure-session-msg []
(defn ^:dynamic make-cannot-match-clojure-session-msg []
(str "Your session is not joined to Dirac. Use `(dirac! :join)` to join the Dirac first."))

(defn ^:dynamic no-matching-dirac-sessions-msg [info]
(defn ^:dynamic make-no-matching-dirac-sessions-msg [info]
(str "No connected Dirac session is \"" info "\"."))

(defn ^:dynamic list-matching-dirac-sessions-msg [info tags]
(defn ^:dynamic make-list-matching-dirac-sessions-msg [info tags]
(let [printer (fn [i tag]
(str (if (zero? i) " * " " ") tag))]
(str "Listing Dirac sessions which are \"" info "\":\n"
(string/join "\n" (map-indexed printer tags)))))

(defn ^:dynamic no-dirac-sessions-msg []
(defn ^:dynamic make-no-dirac-sessions-msg []
(str "No Dirac sessions are currently available. Connect with at least one Dirac REPL to your nREPL server."))

(defn ^:dynamic list-dirac-sessions-msg [tags]
(defn ^:dynamic make-list-dirac-sessions-msg [tags]
(let [printer (fn [i tag]
(str " #" (inc i) " " tag))]
(str "Listing all Dirac sessions currently connected to your nREPL server:\n"
(string/join "\n" (map-indexed printer tags)))))

(defn ^:dynamic default-error-msg [command]
(defn ^:dynamic make-default-error-msg [command]
(str "Unrecognized Dirac command '" command "'\n"
"Use `(dirac! :help)` to list all available commands."))

(defn ^:dynamic after-join-msg []
(defn ^:dynamic make-after-join-msg []
(str "Your session joined Dirac (ClojureScript). "
"The specific target Dirac session will be determined dynamically according to current matching strategy."))

(defn ^:dynamic make-list-compilers-msg [descriptors]
(let [printer (fn [i descriptor]
(str " #" (inc i) " " (compilers/get-compiler-descriptor-id descriptor)))]
(str "Listing all ClojureScript compilers currently available in your nREPL server:\n"
(string/join "\n" (map-indexed printer descriptors)))))

(defn ^:dynamic make-no-compilers-msg [selected-compiler available-compilers]
(str "No ClojureScript compiler matching '" selected-compiler "' is currently available: " (pr-str available-compilers) "."
"\nYou may want to use `(dirac! :ls)` to review current situation."))

(defn ^:dynamic make-status-msg [session-type selected-compiler matched-compiler-descriptor available-compiler-ids]
(str "Your current nREPL session is " session-type ".\n"
"Your selected ClojureScript compiler is '" selected-compiler "'"
(if (some? matched-compiler-descriptor)
(let [compiler-id (compilers/get-compiler-descriptor-id matched-compiler-descriptor)]
(if (= compiler-id selected-compiler)
(str " which currently matches compiler <" compiler-id ">.")))
(str " which currently does not match any available compilers: " (pr-str available-compiler-ids)))))

(defn ^:dynamic make-version-msg [nrepl-info]
(str nrepl-info "."))

(defn ^:dynamic make-cljs-quit-msg []
(str "To quit, type: :cljs/quit"))

; == special REPL commands ==================================================================================================

; we are forgiving when reading the command argument,
; we are forgiving when reading the sub-command argument,
; it gets converted to keyword so all following variations are permitted:
; (dirac! :help)
Expand All @@ -185,81 +219,97 @@
(println (render-usage general-usage))
(if-let [doc (get docs (keyword command))]
(println (render-usage doc))
(error-println (no-such-command-msg command))))
(error-println (make-no-such-command-msg command))))

; -- (dirac! :version) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defmethod dirac! :version [_ & _]
(println (str (get-nrepl-info) "."))
(let [nrepl-info (get-nrepl-info)]
(println (make-version-msg nrepl-info)))

; -- (dirac! :status) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defmethod dirac! :status [_ & _]
(let [session (sessions/get-current-session)
session-type (sessions/get-session-type session)]
(println (str "Your current nREPL session is " session-type ".")))
session-type (sessions/get-session-type session)
selected-compiler (state/get-session-selected-compiler)
matched-compiler-descriptor (compilers/find-matching-compiler-descriptor selected-compiler)
available-compiler-ids (compilers/collect-all-available-compiler-ids)]
(println (make-status-msg session-type selected-compiler matched-compiler-descriptor available-compiler-ids)))

; -- (dirac! :ls) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defmethod dirac! :ls [_ & _]
(let [tags (sessions/get-dirac-session-tags)]
(if (empty? tags)
(println (no-dirac-sessions-msg))
(println (list-dirac-sessions-msg tags))))
(println (make-no-dirac-sessions-msg))
(println (make-list-dirac-sessions-msg tags))))
(let [compiler-descriptors (compilers/collect-all-available-compiler-descriptors)]
(println (make-list-compilers-msg compiler-descriptors)))

; -- (dirac! :join) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defn announce-join! [& _]
(println (after-join-msg))
(println (make-after-join-msg))
(dirac! :match) ; this should give user immediate feedback about newly matched sessions
; trigger Cursive switching to CLJS REPL mode
(println "To quit, type:" :cljs/quit)) ; this is taken from
(println (make-cljs-quit-msg))) ; triggers Cursive switching to CLJS REPL mode

(defmethod dirac! :join [_ & [matcher]]
(let [session (sessions/get-current-session)]
(sessions/dirac-session? session) (error-println (cannot-join-dirac-session-msg))
(sessions/dirac-session? session) (error-println (make-cannot-join-dirac-session-msg))
(nil? matcher) (announce-join! (sessions/join-session-with-most-recent-matcher! session))
(number? matcher) (announce-join! (sessions/join-session-with-number-matcher! session matcher))
(string? matcher) (announce-join! (sessions/join-session-with-substr-matcher! session matcher))
(instance? Pattern matcher) (announce-join! (sessions/join-session-with-regex-matcher! session matcher))
:else (error-println (invalid-matcher-msg matcher))))
:else (error-println (make-invalid-matcher-msg matcher))))

; -- (dirac! :disjoin) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defmethod dirac! :disjoin [_ & _]
(let [session (sessions/get-current-session)]
(sessions/dirac-session? session) (error-println (cannot-disjoin-dirac-session-msg))
(not (sessions/joined-session? session)) (error-println (cannot-disjoin-clojure-session-msg))
(sessions/dirac-session? session) (error-println (make-cannot-disjoin-dirac-session-msg))
(not (sessions/joined-session? session)) (error-println (make-cannot-disjoin-clojure-session-msg))
:else (do
(sessions/disjoin-session! session)
(println (session-disjoined-msg)))))
(println (make-session-disjoined-msg)))))

; -- (dirac! :match) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defmethod dirac! :match [_ & _]
(let [session (sessions/get-current-session)]
(sessions/dirac-session? session) (error-println (cannot-join-dirac-session-msg))
(not (sessions/joined-session? session)) (error-println (cannot-match-clojure-session-msg))
(sessions/dirac-session? session) (error-println (make-cannot-join-dirac-session-msg))
(not (sessions/joined-session? session)) (error-println (make-cannot-match-clojure-session-msg))
:else (let [description (sessions/get-target-session-info session)
tags (sessions/list-matching-sessions-tags session)]
(if (empty? tags)
(println (no-matching-dirac-sessions-msg description))
(println (list-matching-dirac-sessions-msg description tags))))))
(println (make-no-matching-dirac-sessions-msg description))
(println (make-list-matching-dirac-sessions-msg description tags))))))

; -- (dirac! :switch) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defmethod dirac! :switch [_ & [user-selected-compiler]]
(let [selected-compiler (str user-selected-compiler)]
(compilers/select-compiler! selected-compiler)
(let [matched-compiler-descriptor (compilers/find-matching-compiler-descriptor selected-compiler)]
(if (nil? matched-compiler-descriptor)
(error-println (make-no-compilers-msg selected-compiler (compilers/collect-all-available-compiler-ids)))))
(state/reply! (compilers/prepare-announce-ns-msg analyzer/*cljs-ns*)))

; -- default handler --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defmethod dirac! :default [command & _]
(if (some? command)
(error-println (default-error-msg command))
(error-println (make-default-error-msg command))
(dirac! :help))

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