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implant: review eval code
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darwin committed Aug 19, 2016
1 parent decc0ae commit 2b8c5db
Showing 1 changed file with 109 additions and 70 deletions.
179 changes: 109 additions & 70 deletions src/implant/dirac/implant/eval.cljs
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; -- helpers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defn get-dirac []
{:post [(object? %)]}
(if-let [dirac (oget js/window "dirac")]
(throw (ex-info (str "window.dirac not found") {}))))

(defn format-reason [e]
(if (string? e)
(if-let [text (oget e "text")]
(str text)
(if-let [stack (oget e "stack")]
(.toString stack)
(.toString e)))))
(string? e) e
(vector? e) (pr-str e)
:else (if-let [text (oget e "text")]
(str text)
(if-let [stack (oget e "stack")]
(.toString stack)
(.toString e)))))

(def supported-contexts #{:default :current})

(defn code-as-string [code]
(if-let [eval-fn (oget js/window "dirac" "codeAsString")]
(if-let [eval-fn (oget (get-dirac) "codeAsString")]
(eval-fn code)
(error "dirac.codeAsString not found")))
(error "window.dirac.codeAsString not found")))

(defn get-has-context-fn-name [context]
(case context
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(defn get-current-time []
(.getTime (js/Date.)))

(defn call-when-avail-or-call-timeout-fn [check-fn call-fn timeout-fn next-trial-time total-time-limit]
(defn check-and-call-when-avail-or-timeout [check-fn call-fn timeout-fn trial-delay total-time-limit]
(let [start-time (get-current-time)]
(go-loop []
(let [current-time (get-current-time)]
(if (< (- current-time start-time) total-time-limit)
(let [current-time (get-current-time)
elapsed-time (- current-time start-time)]
(if (< elapsed-time total-time-limit)
(if (check-fn)
(<! (timeout next-trial-time))
(<! (timeout trial-delay))

(defn eval-with-callback!
"Attempts to evaluate given code string in specified context.
Optionally calls provided callback with evaluation result
[::ok result],
[::eval-exception exception-details] or
Throws on internal error."
([context code]
(eval-with-callback! context code nil))
([context code callback]
(let [dirac (oget js/window "dirac")
(let [dirac (get-dirac)
has-context-fn-name (get-has-context-fn-name context)]
(if-let [has-context-fn (oget dirac has-context-fn-name)]
(let [eval-fn-name (get-eval-in-context-fn-name context)]
(if-let [eval-fn (oget dirac eval-fn-name)]
(call-when-avail-or-call-timeout-fn has-context-fn
#(eval-fn code callback)
#(error "was unable to resolve javscript context in time" context code)
(pref :context-availability-next-trial-waiting-time)
(pref :context-availability-total-time-limit))
(throw (ex-info (str eval-fn-name " not found on window.dirac object") dirac))))
(throw (ex-info (str has-context-fn-name " not found on window.dirac object") dirac))))))
(let [callback-wrapper (fn [result-remote-object exception-details]
(if callback
(let [result (if (some? exception-details)
[::eval-exception exception-details]
[::ok (if result-remote-object (oget result-remote-object "value"))])]
(callback result))))
call-fn (fn [] (eval-fn code callback-wrapper))
timeout-fn (fn []
(error "Unable to resolve javscript context in time" context code)
(if callback
(callback [::context-timeout])))
trial-delay (pref :context-availability-next-trial-waiting-time)
time-limit (pref :context-availability-total-time-limit)]
(check-and-call-when-avail-or-timeout has-context-fn call-fn timeout-fn trial-delay time-limit))
(throw (ex-info (str "Function '" eval-fn-name "' not found in window.dirac object") dirac))))
(throw (ex-info (str "Function '" has-context-fn-name "' not found in window.dirac object") dirac))))))

(defn update-banner! [msg]
(if-let [banner-fn (pref :update-banner-fn)]
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"While evaluating:\n"

(defn ^:dynamic internal-eval-timeout-msg [code]
(defn ^:dynamic eval-problem-msg [code key reason]
(str "Dirac encountered an eval problem (" key ")."
(if (some? reason) (str "\n" (format-reason reason) "\n"))
"While evaluating:\n"

(defn ^:dynamic eval-timeout-msg [code]
(str "Dirac encountered internal eval timeout while evaluating:\n"

; -- convenient eval wrapper ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

; this function never throws, returns:
; [::exception ex] in case of internal problem
; [::timeout] in case of timeout
; [::thrown exception-details] in case of eval exception
; [::ok value] in case of proper execution
(defn call-eval-with-timeout! [context code eval-time-limit]
(defn call-eval-with-timeout!
"Attempts to evaluate given code string in specified context within specified time limit.
This function should never throw, returns:
[::internal-error ex] in case of internal problem
[::context-timeout] in case of eval context availability timeout
[::eval-timeout] in case of eval timeout
[::eval-exception exception-details] in case of eval exception
[::ok value] in case of proper execution
[context code time-limit]
{:pre [(context supported-contexts)]}
(let [result-chan (chan)
timeout-chan (timeout eval-time-limit)
callback (fn [result exception-details]
(let [answer (if (some? exception-details)
[::thrown exception-details]
[::ok (if result (oget result "value"))])]
(put! result-chan answer)))]
timeout-chan (timeout time-limit)
callback (fn [result]
(put! result-chan result))]
(eval-with-callback! context code callback)
(catch :default ex
(put! result-chan [::exception ex])))
(let [[result] (alts! [result-chan timeout-chan])] ; when timeout channel closes, the result is nil
(or result (do
(close! result-chan)

; return with [::ok value] [::failure reason]
(catch :default e
(put! result-chan [::internal-error e])))
(let [[result ch] (alts! [result-chan timeout-chan])] ; when timeout channel closes, the result is nil
(if (= ch timeout-chan)
(close! result-chan)

; returns with
; either [::ok value]
; or [::failure reason]
(defn wait-for-dirac-installed! []
(let [timeout-chan (timeout (pref :install-check-total-time-limit))
trial-delay (pref :install-check-next-trial-waiting-time)
installation-test-eval-time-limit (pref :install-check-eval-time-limit)
installation-test-code (installation-test-template)
last-reason (volatile! "timeout")
last-reason (volatile! [::install-check-timeout])
return (fn [& [val]] (or val [::failure @last-reason]))]
(go-loop []
(if (core-async/closed? timeout-chan) ; timeout might close outside of alts! we must have this test here
(if (core-async/closed? timeout-chan)
(let [result-chan (call-eval-with-timeout! :default installation-test-code installation-test-eval-time-limit)
[result chan] (alts! [result-chan timeout-chan])]
(if (= chan timeout-chan)
(case (first result)
(::timeout ::exception ::thrown) (do
(if-let [reason (second result)]
(vreset! last-reason reason))
(<! (timeout (pref :install-check-next-trial-waiting-time))) ; don't DoS the VM, wait between installation tests
::ok (return result))))))))
[result] (alts! [result-chan timeout-chan])]
(case (first result)
::ok (return result)
(if-let [reason (second result)]
(vreset! last-reason reason))
(<! (timeout trial-delay)) ; don't DoS the VM, wait between installation tests

; -- simple evaluation for page-context console logging ---------------------------------------------------------------------

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; Also look into implementation of process-message :eval-js, there is a deliberate delay before processing eval-js requests
; This means printing messages in tunnel have better chance to complete before a subsequent eval is executed.

(defonce eval-requests-chan (chan))
(defonce eval-requests (chan))

(defn start-eval-request-queue-processing-loop! []
(go-loop []
(if-let [[context code handler] (<! eval-requests-chan)]
(if-let [[context code handler] (<! eval-requests)]
(let [call-handler! (fn [args & errors]
(if-not (empty? errors)
(apply display-user-error! errors))
(apply handler args))
install-result (<! (wait-for-dirac-installed!))]
(if handler
(apply handler (concat args errors))))
install-result (<! (wait-for-dirac-installed!))
eval-time-limit (pref :eval-time-limit)]
(case (first install-result)
::failure (call-handler! [::install-failure (second install-result)] (missing-runtime-msg (second install-result)))
::ok (let [eval-result (<! (call-eval-with-timeout! context code (pref :eval-time-limit)))]
::failure (let [reason (second install-result)]
(call-handler! [::install-failure reason] (missing-runtime-msg reason)))
::ok (let [eval-result (<! (call-eval-with-timeout! context code eval-time-limit))]
(case (first eval-result)
::exception (call-handler! eval-result (internal-eval-error-msg code (second eval-result)))
::timeout (call-handler! eval-result (internal-eval-timeout-msg code))
(call-handler! eval-result))))
::ok (call-handler! eval-result)
::internal-error (call-handler! eval-result (internal-eval-error-msg code (second eval-result)))
::eval-timeout (call-handler! eval-result (eval-timeout-msg code))
(call-handler! eval-result (eval-problem-msg code (first eval-result) (second eval-result))))))
(log "Leaving start-eval-request-queue-processing-loop!"))))

; -- queued evaluation in context -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defn queue-eval-request! [context code handler]
(put! eval-requests-chan [context code handler]))
(put! eval-requests [context code handler]))

(defn eval-in-context! [context code]
(let [result-chan (chan)]
(queue-eval-request! context code (fn [& args] (put! result-chan args)))
(let [result-chan (chan)
handler (fn [& args]
(put! result-chan args))]
(queue-eval-request! context code handler)

(defn safely-eval-in-context! [context safe-value code]
{:pre [(context supported-contexts)
(string? code)]}
(let [[result value] (<! (eval-in-context! context code))]
(if (= result ::ok)
(let [[result-code value] (<! (eval-in-context! context code))]
(if (= result-code ::ok)

; -- probing of page context ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defn is-runtime-present? []
(let [[result value] (<! (eval-in-context! :default "dirac.runtime"))]
(case result
(let [[result-code value] (<! (eval-in-context! :default "dirac.runtime"))]
(case result-code
::ok true
(format-reason value)))))

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