This is the command line version of MiFish pipeline. It can also be used with any other eDNA meta-barcoding primers
If you use MiFish Pipeline in your projects, please cite:
- Zhu T, Sato Y, Sado T, Miya M, and Iwasaki W. 2023. MitoFish, MitoAnnotator, and MiFish Pipeline: Updates in ten years. Mol Biol Evol, 40:msad035.
- Sato Y, Miya M, Fukunaga T, Sado T, Iwasaki W. 2018. MitoFish and MiFish Pipeline: A Mitochondrial Genome Database of Fish with an Analysis Pipeline for Environmental DNA Metabarcoding. Mol Biol Evol 35:1553-1555.
- Iwasaki W, Fukunaga T, Isagozawa R, Yamada K, Maeda Y, Satoh TP, Sado T, Mabuchi K, Takeshima H, Miya M, et al. 2013. MitoFish and MitoAnnotator: a mitochondrial genome database of fish with an accurate and automatic annotation pipeline. Mol Biol Evol 30:2531-2540.
If you use MiFish Primers in your projects, please cite:
- Miya M, Sato Y, Fukunaga T, Sado T, Poulsen JY, Sato K, Minamoto T, Yamamoto S, Yamanaka H, Araki H, et al. 2015. MiFish, a set of universal PCR primers for metabarcoding environmental DNA from fishes: detection of more than 230 subtropical marine species. R Soc Open Sci 2:150088.
Currently we only support Linux. Please use conda to manage the environment. If you do not have a Linux OS, or you just want to have a quick look, you can try the Docker version
Add these softwares to your system PATH. You can download all the external executable files here(except for MAFFT), or compile by yourself.
- fastp (v0.23.2)
- FLASH (v1.2.7)
- seqkit (v2.3.0)
- vsearch (v2.23.0+)
- NCBI BLAST+ (v2.9.0)
- MAFFT (v7.505)
- Gblocks (v0.91b)
- FastTreeMP (v2.1.11)
conda create -n MiFish python==3.9.13
conda activate MiFish
pip3 install numpy==1.23.1
pip3 install scikit-bio==0.5.6
pip3 install PyQt5==5.15.7
pip3 install ete3==3.1.2
pip3 install duckdb==0.6.1
pip3 install XlsxWriter==3.0.3
pip3 install cutadapt==4.1
pip3 install biopython==1.79
git clone
cd MiFish
python3 develop
mifish -h
In Ubuntu, the following library is also needed.
sudo apt-get install -y libgl1
cd test
mifish seq mifishdbv3.83.fa -d seq2
There are six files in the result directory MiFishResult
. Note: seq
and seq2
are two directories with FQ files.
mifish /path/to/your/amplicon/sequencing/directory/ /path/to/your/ref/db.fa
Since MiFish supports multi-sample analysis, amplicon sequencing data in compressed FASTQ/FASTA format should be put in directories. Pass the path of the directory as the first parameter. Refer to MiFish's Homepage to see the rules of filenames. Here are some examples:
Prepare your RefDB in FASTA format and index it using the makeblastdb
from NCBI BLAST+. RefDB for an old version of MiFish is in test/mifishdbv3.83.fa
The head line of RefDB (FASTA) follows this rule:
Replace blanks with underscores in the species name. Here are examples.
accessionID can be any unique strings. Primers were trimmed off from the sequences.
Following optional parameters are designed for MiFish metabarcoding primers. If running with other eDNA primers, change them to satisfy your own primers.
-m MIN_READ_LEN, --min-read-len MIN_READ_LEN
Minimum read length(bp) (default: 204)
-M MAX_READ_LEN, --max-read-len MAX_READ_LEN
Maximum read length(bp) (default: 254)
The range of amplicon lengths (including primers). Adjust them to satisfy your own primers. You can estimate the range of from your reference database file.
-f PRIMER_FWD, --primer-fwd PRIMER_FWD
forward sequence of primer (5->3) (default: GTCGGTAAAACTCGTGCCAGC)
-r PRIMER_REV, --primer-rev PRIMER_REV
reverse sequence of primer (5->3) (default: CATAGTGGGGTATCTAATCCCAGTTTG)
change them according to your own primers
Following optional parameters are designed for all metabarcoding primers.
-d OTHER_DATA_DIR, --other-data-dir OTHER_DATA_DIR
other directory of the amplicon sequencing data file (FASTQ/FASTA). Can specify multiple times. Each directory is considered as a group (default: None)
If your samples are in multiple groups, please arrange them in different directories and use the -d
parameter for multiple times. e.g. -d 2nd_group_dir -d 3rd_group_dir
Minimum identity (percentage) for filtering BLASTN results (default: 97.0)
-u UNOISE_MIN, --unoise-min UNOISE_MIN
value for the -minsize option in UNOISE3 (default: 8)
Decrease this value would get higher sensitivity but lower accuracy.
-s, --skip-downstream-analysis
Skip abandance statics, phylogenetic and bio-diversity analysis (default: False)
Turn on this option if you only want to get taxonomy identification results and do not need other analysis.
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
directory for output (default: .)
Default is putting MiFishResult
under your current directory. If you specify another directory /path/dir/
, it will put results into /path/dir/MiFishResult
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
number of threads for BLASTN and usearch (default: 2)
Pass to external programs such as usearch
-k, --keep-tmp-files Keep temporary files (default: False)
Useful for debug. If you encountered problems, turn it on and share me the Sample-*
directory in the MiFishResult
There are six files in the MiFishResult
taxonomy.xlsx (if not using -s)
relative_abandance.json (if not using -s)
diversity.json (if not using -s but using -d)
The first four files are the same as the web version of MiFish. (Screenshots were from DRR126155 against refDB v3.83)
See Riaz
- Please make sure that in a FASTQ/FASTA file, names of reads should start with an identitcal word, such as:
Otherwise usearch
cannot work properly.