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OpenWeather Exporter

Docker Pulls Docker Automated report license release Go Version

Prometheus exporter for openweather API.

NOTE: As of version 0.0.12 of this exporter, you need to sign up for the API 3.0 free or paid subscription for your API keys to work.


  • Linux / MacOSX, git bash for Windows
  • docker
  • Openweather API 3.0 Subscription (Free or Paid)



Openweather exporter can be controlled by both ENV or CLI flags as described below.

Enabling OW_ENABLE_POL will call the API more times to pull pollution/air quality data, be weary of your API calls, so you do not get charged. See openweather pricing here.

Environment CLI (--flag) Default Description
OW_LISTEN_ADDRESS listen-address :9091 The port for /metrics to listen on
OW_APIKEY apikey <REQUIRED> Your Openweather API key
OW_CITY city New York, NY City/Location in which to gather weather metrics. Separate multiple locations with a pipe, " | "
OW_DEGREES_UNIT degrees-unit F Unit in which to show metrics (Kelvin, Fahrenheit or Celsius)
OW_LANGUAGE language EN Language in which to show metrics
OW_CACHE_TTL cache-ttl 300 Time to Live Caching Time in Seconds
OW_ENABLE_POL enable-pol false (bool) Enable Pollution Metrics.


Binary Usage

# Export weather metrics from Seattle using binary & pollution/UV metrics on
./openweather-exporter --city "Seattle, WA" --apikey mi4o2n54i0510n4510 --enable-pol

Docker Usage

# Export weather metrics from Seattle using docker
docker run -d --restart on-failure --name=openweather-exporter -p 9091:9091 billykwooten/openweather-exporter --city "Seattle, WA" --apikey mi4o2n54i0510n4510

Docker-compose Usage

    image: billykwooten/openweather-exporter
    container_name: openweather-exporter
    restart: always
      - "9091:9091"
      - OW_CITY=New York, NY
      - OW_APIKEY=mi4o2n54i0510n4510
      - OW_ENABLE_POL=true

Prometheus Scrape Usage

  - job_name: 'openweather-exporter'
    scrape_interval: 60s
      - targets: ['openweather-exporter:9091']


Openweather exporter metrics that are collected by default.

Name Description
openweather_temperature Current temperature in degrees
openweather_humidity Current relative humidity
openweather_feelslike Current feels_like temperature in degrees (heat index)
openweather_pressure Current Atmospheric pressure hPa
openweather_windspeed Current Wind Speed in mph or meters/sec if imperial
openweather_rain1h Rain volume for last hour, in millimeters
openweather_snow1h Snow volume for last hour, in millimeters
openweather_winddegree Wind direction, degrees (meteorological)
openweather_cloudiness Cloudiness in percentage
openweather_sunrise Sunrise time, unix, UTC
openweather_sunset Sunset time, unix, UTC
openweather_currentconditions Current weather conditions (sunny, cloudy, rainy, etc.)
openweather_ultraviolet_index Ultraviolet Index

If you enable pollution metrics, the following metrics will be enabled.

Name Description
openweather_pollution_airqualityindex Air Quality Index. 1 = Good, 2 = Fair, 3 = Moderate, 4 = Poor, 5 = Very Poor.
openweather_pollution_carbonmonoxide Concentration of CO (Carbon Monoxide) μg/m3
openweather_pollution_nitrogenmonoxide Concentration of NO (Nitrogen Monoxide) μg/m3
openweather_pollution_nitrogendioxide Concentration of NO2 (Nitrogen Dioxide) μg/m3
openweather_pollution_ozone Concentration of O3 (Ozone) μg/m3
openweather_pollution_sulphurdioxide Concentration of SO2 (Sulphur Dioxide) μg/m3
openweather_pollution_pm25 Concentration of PM2.5 (Fine particles matter) μg/m3
openweather_pollution_pm10 Concentration of PM10 (Coarse particles matter) μg/m3
openweather_pollution_nh3 Concentration of NH3 (Ammonia) μg/m3


I have created a grafana dashboard for this exporter, feel free to use it. Link below.

Dashboard Link


If you'd like to build this yourself you can clone this repo and run:
