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πŸ› bug
:bug: bug
Something isn't working
πŸ’‘ feature request
:bulb: feature request
New feature request
πŸ‘₯ duplicate
:busts_in_silhouette: duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
⚰️ wontfix
:coffin: wontfix
This will not be worked on
🎲 dependencies
:game_die: dependencies
Working on dependencies
🐣 good first issue
:hatching_chick: good first issue
Good for newcomers
πŸ”’ locked:heated
:lock: locked:heated
This issue has been locked
πŸ”’ locked:off-topic
:lock: locked:off-topic
This issue has been locked
πŸ”’ locked:spam
:lock: locked:spam
This issue has been locked
πŸ“ documentation
:memo: documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation
🚫 invalid
:no_entry_sign: invalid
This doesn't seem right
πŸ™ help wanted
:pray: help wanted
Extra attention is needed
πŸ“Œ pinned
:pushpin: pinned
This is important
πŸ’€ stale
:skull: stale
This had no recent activity
✨ enhancement
:sparkles: enhancement
An enhancement on an existing feature
πŸ€” needs more info
:thinking: needs more info
This requires a bit more explanation