Prototypes for how to handle polymorphism when different implementations have different interfaces
How can we handle the situation where two implementations (e.g., for fire parameterizations) have different interfaces, in terms of the input variables they require? I cannot see a straightforward way to do this using polymorphism. These prototypes explore some alternatives.
Note that I'm really thinking about the case where each implementation has some data that are specific to that implementation. That is the case where I think it really makes sense to use object orientation & polymorphism, as opposed to a purely procedural solution. However, this example does not actually illustrate that case. So imagine that each of the two fire implementations has some of its own, private data.
I am most inclined towards Option #1, Option #2 or Option #5. These are the three I provide examples for. I am including other options here for completeness, but right now I feel that the downsides of the other options outweigh the upsides.
For simplicity, I am making objects that contain scalar quantities, and am just passing scalar quantities as inputs to subroutines. In CLM, these would be arrays.
Option 1: Have the argument list for all implementations contain all arguments needed for any implementation
Example implementation: See the option1 directory
- Probably the simplest to implement.
When adding a new implementation, or changing the argument list of an existing implementation, you need to modify all other implementations.
You cannot see at a glance which arguments are actually used by each implementation
Possible variant: The common routine (with unused arguments) could simply be a wrapper to the real routine in each implementation. This real routine would contain only the arguments that are actually needed by this implementation. This would do away with con #2, for the most part.
e.g., in the fire example, this would mean that, for fire_method1, we would have:
subroutine do_fire(this, precip, temperature, soil_moisture)
class(fire_method1_type), intent(inout) :: this
real, intent(in) :: precip
real, intent(in) :: temperature ! IGNORED!
real, intent(in) :: soil_moisture
call this%do_fire_method1(precip=precip, soil_moisture=soil_moisture)
end subroutine do_fire
subroutine do_fire_method1(this, precip, soil_moisture)
class(fire_method1_type), intent(inout) :: this
real, intent(in) :: precip
real, intent(in) :: soil_moisture
this%fire = precip + soil_moisture
end subroutine do_fire_method1
Option 2: Use a non-object-oriented wrapper that accepts all possible arguments, but then dispatches to the correct method using a 'select type' statement
Example implementation: See the option2 directory
From the point of view of the caller, this is similar to option 1, except now the call would not use object-oriented syntax; i.e., rather than calling:
call some_inst%do_something(...)
callers would call:
call do_something_wrapper(some_inst, ...)
and then do_something_wrapper would have code like:
select type (some_inst)
class is (some_type1)
call some_inst%do_something([args needed by type1's do_something routine])
class is (some_type2)
call some_inst%do_something([args needed by type2's do_something routine])
This would also look similar to the non-object-oriented solution that we were gravitating towards in CLM, for supporting multiple implementations of things like the soil water retention curve method. (In that solution there was a wrapper routine that dispatched to the correct actual routine based on the value of some control flag.) In fact, that old solution is probably preferable in cases where we are selecting between state-less routines, since it doesn't require invoking object orientation at all. But the solution here may be preferable when there is some attached state ('fire' in the provided example.) Other advantages of the object-oriented solution are:
- If some methods have the same interface between different parameterizations, we can use the simpler option (1) for those methods rather than needing to write a dispatcher routine
- With the procedural implementation, you could accidentally call the wrong
parameterization's method in some branch of the
select case
block; the compiler won't let you do that for the OO solution - If some implementations have a common interface whereas others have different
interfaces: There would probably be a way to avoid needing to add a new
section in the
select type
block for new implementations that share the common interface. (This might involve having the base class have an empty implementation of the common interface, with anendrun("Not implemented")
call.) One advantage of this is that unit tests could introduce a new unit test-specific implementation without needing to add a clause in theselect type
The wrapper can go in the same module that provides the factory method, since this module already needs to know about the individual types (and is the ONLY module in the system that needs to know about these individual types).
Note that, in this solution, the do_something routine is NOT part of the base class interface. Instead, each type provides its own implementation of do_something, and the interfaces can differ between them. The base class is then mainly there for the sake of defining public data that can be accessed by other parameterizations. (And there could still be some routines shared between the different implementations, if they could agree on an interface for these routines.)
It's easy to see what each implementation depends on (by avoiding unused arguments).
When introducing a new parameterization, or changing the input argument requirements of an existing parameterization, you do not need add arguments to other parameterizations.
Requires some extra logic (including a select type statement) in some separate dispatcher module. (However, note that a wrapper module is needed anyway for the factory method, so in my mind this is not a huge downside.)
The calling style differs depending on whether you are using this extra wrapper level (i.e., a procedural calling style vs. an object-oriented calling style). I feel like there could be a way around this, but all of the simple solutions I can think of introduce circular dependencies (or require that you combine multiple classes into a single module, which I view as a significant step backwards).
Select type statements are generally considered evil in object-oriented programming. This makes me worry that there may be some practical issues that I am overlooking here.
Since the common routine (do_something) is no longer declared in the base class, it may not be quite as obvious that each implementation is still supposed to implement this do_something routine.
Option 3: Have the argument list contain only things that are in common between all implementations, storing pointers to other things that are needed
Example implementation: NOT YET PROVIDED
Arguments unique to a given implementation could then be handled in one of a few ways, all of which involve storing pointers to things this implementation needs (either via the constructor / init method [probably ideal], or via setter methods that are called when the instance is created):
Store a pointer to the whole model instance that contains this particular object
However, this feels like a back-door way to get global access to everything without being more explicit about what you're using.
Store pointers to each derived type that this implementation depends on
Store pointers to individual arrays that are needed
Storing pointers directly in the object would be problematic, because there would be nothing to signal that these are pointers to external things, rather than an inherent member of this class. However, we could introduce a sub-component of the class (e.g., named external_stuff) which is a derived type that contains pointers to these various individual arrays.
But this still would have some problems:
- You need to write this%external_stuff%foo
- It's harder to find where the various external stuff came from
- Using pointers carries a performance penalty
- The array pointed to needs to be a target
- I feel like this represents a compromise solution in some sense.
Figuring out the interface (input arguments) to a given routine becomes more complex, because you need to consider pointers stored in initialization. This is especially true if there are multiple subroutines in a class, some of which use one set of pointers stored in initialization, and some of which use a different set of pointers.
Storing pointers to individual arrays is awkward, as noted above.
It would be impossible to use this strategy if some implementations depend on a subroutine local variable in the caller (which therefore could not be passed in to the constructor at initialization time).
Unless we use this scheme pro-actively all the time, it would require a significant rework of a class's interface whenever we first introduce an alternative parameterization that has a different interface: We would need to strip down the subroutine interface, and add a bunch of pointers that are set in initialization.
It is awkward to have some parameters passed in explicitly as arguments, and others accessed as pointers set in initialization. So we may want to set ALL argumetns to such subroutines as pointers in initialization. (Also, if we had a mix of explicit arguments and pointers-set-in-initialization, then we could have a similar problem to the one in option #1: If a new parameterization is introduced that has a smaller set of input arguments, then we need to rework all of the implementations to move more things out of the argument list.)
This would represent an abandonment of explicit arguments, and the benefits gained from them. However, it would not mean needing to abandon modularity: we could have 'use' statements that use particular objects that are needed as inputs in this implementation.
Mariana has cast a resounding NO vote against this option.
Example implementation: See the option5 directory
This is similar to Option 2, but now, rather than having a non-object-oriented "dispatcher" module, that functionality is moved into the fire type. In addition, rather than having the specific fire implementations extend a base fire type, we instead have a fire type that contains a fire method strategy. This is similar to the "strategy" design pattern. However, in contrast to typical implementations of the "strategy" pattern, here I am NOT defining an interface in the base class, but am instead relying on a "select type" statement to dispatch the call appropriately. The reason for this is to allow each implementation to have its own interface. (As a side-note: The Gang of Four Design Patterns book suggests that it's okay to have unused arguments in some implementations of the strategy pattern [p. 322].)
An advantage compared to Option 2 is that the calling style looks the same even with this extra wrapper level. Also, it does away with the need for a "dispatcher" module.
However, a disadvantage is the oddity of having a basically empty base class.
Overall, I think I like this better than Option 2.
Note: As with option 2, if the individual implementations did not have any state specific to that implementation, then we wouldn't need a "strategy" object (i.e., the fire_method object in this example). Instead, the do_fire routine in the 'fire' module would dispatch to the appropriate non-object-oriented subroutine using a simple 'select case' statement rather than the current 'select type' statement. Each do_fire routine could be in its own module (which could help clarify things if there were multiple routines associated with a given method), or they could all be in the main fire.F90 module. In the latter case, the design would include only one fire module: fire.F90.