The Viminal Hill (Latin Collis Viminalis, Italian Viminale) is the smallest of the famous seven hills of Rome.
Also my homesick compatible vim dot files repo.
Make sure to either:
- ...clone the repo like
git clone --recursive git://
- ...or after clone do a
git submodule update --init
Special Functions:
will turn on word processing mode which turns on spell check, word wrap and activates auto-correct pluginCTRL-w ,
(< key) will move a tab leftCTRL-w .
(> key) will move a tab left:spell
turns on spell check:hardtabs
enables hard tabstops for those Makefiles:Hexmode
toggles hex editingU
activates graphical undo treeQ
activates NERDTreeCTRL-p
activates ctrlp plugin (duh)CTRL-l
unhighlights the last searched for item
Plugins auto-loaded by pathogen:
- gundo (requires vim to be compiled with Python)
- dash
- ctrlp.vim
- fugitive
- funcoo
- git
- LaTeX
- NERDtree
- powerline
- screen
- trailing-whitespace
- vim-coffee-script
- vim-colors-solarized
- vim-fugitive
- vim-git
- vim-haml
- vim-handlebars
- vim-latex
- vim-markdown
- vim-multiple-cursors
- vim-nerdtree-tabs
- vim-rails
- vim-ruby
- vim-surround
- vim-trailing-whitespacesupport