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Custom XML Serialization library for .NET with a special emphasis on SOAP-serializable objects and the brand new C# 7 syntax.

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Custom XML Serialization library for .NET with a special emphasis on SOAP-serializable objects and the brand new C# 7 syntax.


I'm currently working on real-world project where I need to communicate with a third-party service. It happens that XML, and SOAP in particuliar, is their preferred method of exchanging information. So I started implementing their APIs' specification from a document that I've been given. Very soon I came to realize that serializing and deserializing the objects to and from SOAP is not an easy task.

It came as a shock to me when I used the built-in .NET SOAP formatter (System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.SoapFormatter) when it was about time to do some testing. The output was simply horrifying.

After a lot of googling and diving deeply into StackOverflow, I haven't found exactly what I needed. That's why I ended up writing my own logic to handle the dehydration (serialization) and hydration (deserialization) processes bearing in mind simplicity, flexibility, and reusability. So here I am, trying to give it back to the community and my fellow developers like you to make our lives easier.


Serialize .NET objects into XML and above all SOAP formats exactly the way you want to, and deserialize them easily back into objects.

Getting started

Here's a quick example of how to use this library. Suppose you have the following SOAP file (found on StackOverflow):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAPSDK1="" xmlns:SOAPSDK2="" xmlns:SOAPSDK3="" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
  <SOAP-ENV:Body SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="">
    <SOAPSDK4:GetStoreInformationResponse xmlns:SOAPSDK4="">
        <Address type="Address-US">
          <Street>Via Roma 1</Street>

Let's suppose you have the equivalent business objects defined like that:

using Softcore.Xml.Serialization.Soap;
using System;
using System.Xml.Serialization;

namespace MyNamespace.Models
    [XmlRoot("GetStoreInformationResponse", Namespace = "")]
    public class StoreInformationResponse : SoapContainer
        [XmlElement(Namespace = "")]
        public StoreInformation StoreInformation { get; set; }

    public class StoreInformation
        public int StoreID { get; set; }
        public DateTime BusinessDate { get; set; }
        [XmlElement(Namespace = "")]
        public Address Address { get; set; }

    public class Address
        public string Type { get; set; }
        public string Street { get; set; }
        public string City { get; set; }

You can do that by creating a test project in Visual Studio with the following SampleTests.cs file and this simple Should_Deserialize_To_Object() method:

using MyNamespace.Models;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using Softcore.Xml.Serialization;
using Softcore.Xml.Serialization.Soap;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Xml;

namespace MyNamespace.Tests
    public class SampleTests
        public void Should_Deserialize_To_Object()
            // ARRANGE
            // the xml to deserialize
            var xml = "Put the above SOAP file content here";
            // a filter function that returns the expected types in different parts (header, body, or fault) of the envelope
            Func<SoapEnvelopePart, Type[]> get_types = part =>
                switch (part)
                    case SoapEnvelopePart.Header:
                    case SoapEnvelopePart.Body:
                        return new[] { typeof(StoreInformationResponse) };

                    case SoapEnvelopePart.Fault:
                return null;

            // don't forget your default soap target namespace
            var tns = SoapContainer.TargetNamespace = SoapContainer.SoapVersion11TargetNamespace;

            // ACT

            // method 1: simplest one might think but it's not gonna work
            var storeInfoResponse1 = xml.XDeserialize<StoreInformationResponse>();

            // method 2: more complex and also much more flexible
            // parse the xml and expect only type 'StoreInformationResponse' in the 'Body' element
            var env = SoapEnvelope.Parse(xml, get_types);
            var response = env.Body.GetContent<StoreInformationResponse>();

            // ASSERT

            // should be null because the XML serializer cannot simply deserialize the stuff without much more info


            Assert.AreEqual(response.StoreInformation.StoreID, 99612);
            Assert.AreEqual(response.StoreInformation.BusinessDate, new DateTime(2016,1,28));

            Assert.AreEqual(response.StoreInformation.Address.City, "Milano");
            Assert.AreEqual(response.StoreInformation.Address.Street, "Via Roma 1");
            Assert.AreEqual(response.StoreInformation.Address.Type, "Address-US");

            // What follows after assertions is just for the demo and shouldn't be in this test method.
            // If your StoreInformationResponse class inherits Softcore.Xml.Serialization.Soap.SoapContainer, you can do the following:
            if (response is SoapContainer container)
               // serialize just your business object

            // serialize soap envelope with your business object inside

            // now output the envelope with your local target namespace
            //env = SoapEnvelope.Create(storeInfoResponse2); // create a new SoapEnvelope or reset the existing
            env.Namespaces = null;
            env.ExcludeXmlDeclaration = true;
            var prefix = SoapContainer.TargetNamespacePrefixDefault = "SOAP-ENV";
            var encodingNs = SoapContainer.SoapVersion11EncodingNamespace;

                new XmlQualifiedName("SOAPSDK1", ""),
                new XmlQualifiedName("SOAPSDK2", ""),
                new XmlQualifiedName("SOAPSDK3", encodingNs),

                // is the SOAP target namespace: it will be
                // removed during serialization because it's already and always present at the envelope level
                new XmlQualifiedName(prefix, tns)

            env.Body.Attributes[$"{prefix}:encodingStyle"] = encodingNs;

            response.Namespaces = null;
            response.SetNamespaces(new XmlQualifiedName("SOAPSDK4", ""));


This is just a quick use case of how to deserialize a SOAP envelope into custom business objects. More will be coming soon in the wiki or some documentation for the library.


If you are interested in contributing to this project, either by submitting code, suggesting new features, or pointing out areas of improvement, please feel free to join.


Custom XML Serialization library for .NET with a special emphasis on SOAP-serializable objects and the brand new C# 7 syntax.






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