RtfDomParser is an open source C# library for parsing RTF documents and generating RTF DOM Tree.
This is a fork from this project:
I've added some basic support for "stylesheets".
This fork is able to parse RTF like this:
{\f0 Calibri;}
{\f1\fcharset2 Symbol;}
{\*\defchp \fs22}
{\*\defpap \sa278}
{\ql Normal;}
{\s1 Quote;}
{\cs13 Code;}
{\s3 H1;}
{\s4 H2;}
{\s5 H3;}
{\s6 H4;}
{\s7 H5;}
{\s8 H6;}
{\cs11 HighLight;}
{\cs12 HTML;}
{\listlevel\f1{\leveltext\leveltemplateid560950967 \'01\u183\'b7;}}}
{\pard\s3 Titulo 1\par}