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absolute abundance calculations from 16S rRNA qPCR or ddPCR


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Absolute Abundance

Absolute quantification of prokaryotes in the microbiome by 16S rRNA qPCR or ddPCR

Table of contents

  1. Organization
  2. Using the scripts and notebooks


This repo contains the following directories:

  • src contains source code
  • scripts contains scripts
    • follows the steps in qPCR-specific analysis in the protocol to perform quality control and calculate 16S rRNA copies per reaction from qPCR data
    • follows the steps in ddPCR-specific analysis in the protocol to perform quality control and calculate 16S rRNA copies per reaction from ddPCR data
    • follows the steps in Universal analysis in the protocol to assess controls and calculate 16S rRNA copies per dry gram of input stool
  • artifacts contains key general files that the scripts rely on
  • examples contains examples
    • qpcr_v1 includes toy data input files, bash files to run the scripts, toy data example expected output, and a template Jupyter notebook
    • ddpcr_v1 includes toy data input files, bash files to run the scripts, toy data example expected output, and a template Jupyter notebook
  • manuscripts contains data and code specific to associated manuscripts

Using the scripts and notebooks


Typical installation time: 5-10 minutes.

Clone the repository

git clone

Install dependencies

Install conda (, if not already installed. This will provide Python.

Then execute the following commands.

pip install click
pip install matplotlib
pip install pandas
pip install scipy
pip install seaborn
pip install openpyxl
pip install jupyterlab

Note: Most versions of packages should work. For a list of specific package versions used during testing, refer to requirements_pinned.txt. Tested on Linux Ubuntu 20.04.


Typical run time: less than 10 seconds.


Navigate to

cd absolute-abundance-16s/examples/qpcr_v1

Then make an output directory

mkdir output

Perform qPCR-specific analysis


And then use the output from qPCR-specific analysis for universal analysis


As each analysis script proceeds, it will output key information to the command line. The output files will appear in output and can be compared to the output_expected.


Navigate to

cd absolute-abundance-16s/examples/ddpcr_v1

Then make an output directory

mkdir output

Perform ddPCR-specific analysis


And then use the output from ddPCR-specific analysis for universal analysis


As each analysis script proceeds, it will output key information to the command line. The output files will appear in output and can be compared to the output_expected.

Jupyter notebooks

We highly recommend analyzing data interactively. One way to do this is with a notebook in Jupyter Lab.

To see a notebook version of either the qPCR or ddPCR example analysis, first navigate to absolute-abundance-16s.

Then launch Jupyter Lab:

jupyter lab

And navigate to http://localhost:8888/lab in your browser window.

Open the file examples/qpcr_v1/qpcr_notebook_template.ipynb for qPCR (including universal analysis) or examples/ddpcr_v1/ddpcr_notebook_template.ipynb for ddPCR (including universal analysis).

These are setup to view the example data, but you may duplicate the notebooks and edit filepaths for your own data. The input files (e.g. Prepare input files) and parameters (e.g. User adjustable parameters) are the same as in the scripts. The notebooks do not automatically save any outputs, but they can be edited to do so.

Prepare input files

qPCR-specific analysis

1. qPCR data Excel spreadsheet with two columns

column name description
Well Well number on the 384-well plate, e.g. A1 through P24
Cq Numerical value or Undetermined if a given well was empty or was a failed technical replicate

2. qPCR layout Excel spreadsheet with seven columns

column name description
Well96 Well number on the 96-well plate, e.g. A1 through H12
Name Must be unique for each sample, control, and standard dilution. Should be NIST_A for component A of NIST etc. and NIST_mix_A_R for the NIST mixture from Reagent Setup. Other specific names do not matter.
LiquidHandlerDilution Numerical value that corresponds to the liquid handler or 96-well format dilution, e.g. 1000 for 1:1000 dilution. Should be 1 if no dilution is performed.
SinglePipettorDilution Numerical value that corresponds to the single pipettor dilution, e.g. 1000 for 1:1000 dilution. Should be 1 if no dilution is performed.
Type Options in qPCR are "PCRPos" (e.g. for NIST), "PCRNeg" (e.g. for no template control), "DNAPos" (e.g. for Zymo mock), "DNANeg" (e.g. for extraction from water), "Pvul" (e.g. for P. vulgatus standard curve dilution points), "Fpra" (e.g. for F. prausnitzii standard curve dilution points), and "Sample" (e.g. for all samples).
uLAdded The number of diluted uL of sample, control, or standard added to the reaction. This value is 6 uL in our protocol.
ElutionVolume The elution volume (uL) in the final step of DNA extraction. Must be provided for Type=DNANeg, DNAPos, or Sample. This value is 100 uL in our protocol.

ddPCR-specific analysis

1. ddPCR data Excel spreadsheet with four columns

column name description
Well Well number on the 96-well plate, e.g. A01 through H12
Accepted Droplets The number of accepted droplets, e.g. the sum of positive droplets and negative droplets
Positives The number of positive droplets, e.g. droplets above the threshold set in QX Manager
Negatives The number of negative droplets, e.g. droplets below the threshold set in QX Manager

2. ddPCR layout Excel spreadsheet with seven columns

column name description
Well96 Well number on the 96-well plate, e.g. A1 through H12
Name Must be unique for each sample and control. Should be NIST_A for component A of NIST etc. and NIST_mix_A_R for the NIST mixture from Reagent Setup. Other specific names do not matter.
LiquidHandlerDilution Numerical value that corresponds to the liquid handler or 96-well format dilution, e.g. 1000 for 1:1000 dilution. Should be 1 if no dilution is performed.
SinglePipettorDilution Numerical value that corresponds to the single pipettor dilution, e.g. 1000 for 1:1000 dilution. Should be 1 if no dilution is performed.
Type Options in ddPCR are "PCRPos" (e.g. for NIST), "PCRNeg" (e.g. for no template control), "DNAPos" (e.g. for Zymo mock), "DNANeg" (e.g. for extraction from water), and "Sample" (e.g. for all samples).
uLAdded The number of diluted uL of sample, control, or standard added to the reaction. This value is 6 uL in our protocol.
ElutionVolume The elution volume (uL) in the final step of DNA extraction. Must be provided for Type=DNANeg, DNAPos, or Sample. This value is 100 uL in our protocol.

Universal analysis

1. The output from qPCR-specific or ddPCR-specific analysis, specifically the "for_universal_analysis" sheet

2. Weights Excel spreadsheet with six columns

column name description
Name Must correspond to the Name from the qPCR or ddPCR layout file
empty_wt The mass (g) of the empty tube used for drying to measure moisture content
filled_wt The mass (g) of the tube used for drying with the wet stool for drying in it
dry_wt The mass (g) of the tube used for drying with the now dry stool from drying in it
empty_PB The mass (g) of the empty PowerBead tube for DNA extraction
filled_PB The mass (g) of the PowerBead tube with the wet stool for DNA extraction in it

Run scripts and view output

Typical run time: less than 10 seconds.

Create a new directory for the prepared input files from the previous step and create another directory for the script output.


Edit and execute the following command for qPCR-specific analysis to perform quality control and calculate 16S rRNA copies per reaction.

python full_path_to/scripts/ -q full_path_to/qpcr_data.xlsx -qs Sheet1 -l full_path_to/qpcr_layout.xlsx -ls Sheet1 -f full_path_to/artifacts/format_conversion.tsv -o outputfolder --pcopy insertpcopy --fcopy insertfcopy

The script will output key information to the command line and files to the specified output directory. The qPCR-specific analysis script saves plots of the standard curve after each step:

filename description
standard_curve_visualization_post_step_76.pdf Initial visualization
standard_curve_visualization_post_step_77.pdf After removing standard curve dilution points with a large technical replicate span
standard_curve_visualization_post_step_78.pdf After removing concentrated dilution points that plateau
standard_curve_visualization_post_step_79.pdf After removing dilute dilution points too near the limit of blank
standard_curve_visualization_final_post_step_81.pdf The resulting dilution points and final regression line

At the end, the qPCR-specific analysis script outputs an Excel spreadsheet qpcr_specific_output.xlsx with the following sheets:

sheet name description
for_universal_analysis All samples and controls that passed quality control
removed_wells_tech_reps_fails All wells removed because they do not have at least two successful technical replicates
removed_standards Standard curve dilution points removed due to a large technical replicate span, being too concentrated, or being too dilute
removed_high_variation_samples Samples and controls removed due to technical replicate variation
removed_samples Samples and controls removed due to being too concentrated, too dilute, or low confidence but not undiluted

After reviewing these, edit and execute the following command for universal analysis to assess controls and calculate 16S rRNA copies per dry gram of input stool.

python full_path_to/scripts/ -d outputfolder/qpcr_specific_output.xlsx -ds for_universal_analysis -w full_path_to/weights.xlsx -ws Sheet1 -n full_path_to/artifacts/nist_expected_values_03262024.xlsx -ns Sheet1 -o outputfolder

The universal analysis script outputs an Excel spreadsheet univ_analysis_output.xlsx with the following sheets:

sheet name description
from_universal_analysis All samples
nist_measured_expected NIST positive PCR controls measured to expected
neg_dna_extract_controls Negative DNA extraction controls
pos_dna_extract_controls Positive DNA extraction controls
extract_input_outside_range List of samples with DNA extraction input outside of desired range.
drying_input_outside_range List of samples with drying aliquot (e.g. for stool moisture content) outside of desired range.
dry_stool_amount_low List of samples with a small mass of dried stool after drying, which increases the error
water_fraction_over_cutoff List of samples with a water fraction over the cutoff, which similarly indicates increased error

Note: unlike in qPCR- and ddPCR-specific analysis, the samples identified in the latter four sheets of universal analysis are not removed. It is up to the user to assess the situation on a case-by-case basis.


Edit and execute the following command for ddPCR-specific analysis to perform quality control and calculate 16S rRNA copies per reaction.

python full_path_to/scripts/ -d full_path_to/ddpcr_data.xlsx -ds Sheet1 -l full_path_to/ddpcr_layout.xlsx -ls Sheet1 -o outputfolder

The script will output key information to the command line and files to the specified output directory. At the end, the ddPCR-specific analysis script outputs an Excel spreadsheet ddpcr_specific_output.xlsx with the following sheets:

sheet name description
for_universal_analysis All samples and controls that passed quality control
too_few_droplets Wells with a low number of droplets
too_concentrated Samples and controls removed due to being too concentrated (e.g. need more dilution)
too_dilute Samples and controls removed due to being too dilute (e.g. need less dilution)

After reviewing these, edit and execute the following command for universal analysis to assess controls and calculate 16S rRNA copies per dry gram of input stool.

python full_path_to/scripts/ -d outputfolder/ddpcr_specific_output.xlsx -ds for_universal_analysis -w full_path_to/weights.xlsx -ws Sheet1 -n full_path_to/artifacts/nist_expected_values_03262024.xlsx -ns Sheet1 -o outputfolder

See the qPCR section for information on the universal analysis script output.

User adjustable parameters

The scripts provide default values for all parameters, which align with the recommendations provided in the protocol. However, if the user would like to modify parameters in a particular case, a full list of parameters that can be passed on the command line and their descriptions can be found in the help text of each script. Use the following commands to see the help text (also displayed below) in the terminal window.

python scripts/ --help
python scripts/ --help
python scripts/ --help

qPCR-specific analysis

Usage: [OPTIONS]

  -q, --qpcr-path                 qPCR data path to Excel file.  [required]
  -qs, --qpcr-sheet               qPCR data Excel sheet name.  [required]
  -l, --layout-path               96-well layout path to Excel file.  [required]
  -ls, --layout-sheet             96-well layout Excel sheet name.  [required]
  -f, --format-conversion-path    format conversion file path.  [required]
  -o, --output-path               output folder path.  [required]
  --pcopy                         16S rRNA copies in uLAdded (e.g. 6 uL) of stock P. vulgatus standard plasmid.
                                  [100000000<=x<=1000000000000; required]
  --fcopy                         16S rRNA copies in uLAdded (e.g. 6 uL) of stock F. prausnitzii standard plasmid.
                                  [100000000<=x<=1000000000000; required]
  --num-of-tech-reps              number of qPCR technical replicates. 2 replicates will select Rep1 and Rep2 (e.g.
                                  A1, A2) from the format conversion file and 3 replicates will select Rep1, Rep2, and
                                  Rep3 (e.g. A1, A2, B1) from the format conversion file.  [default: 3; 2<=x<=3]
  --max-cq-span-ntc               maximum span of median Cq values of all no template controls.  [default: 2;
  --max-cq-span-standard-dil-pt   maximum span of Cq values of each standard dilution point.  [default: 2;
                                  maximum number of standard dilution points removed for technical replicate
                                  variation.  [default: 1; 0<=x<=4]
  --min-cq-gap-conc-standards     minimum Cq gap between concentrated points of the standard curve (e.g. no plateau).
                                  [default: 3.11; 2.81<=x<=3.41]
  --cq-cutoff-conc-standards      maximum Cq value to consider gap between concentrated points of the standard curve.
                                  [default: 15; 8<=x<=18]
  --cq-standards-sep-lob          minimum Cq separation between most dilute standard dilution point and limit of
                                  blank.  [default: 2; 1<=x<=6.6]
  --max-fold-change-pvul-fpra     maximum fold change between P. vulgatus and F. prausnitzii standard curves.
                                  [default: 2; 0.1<=x<=4]
  --most-steep-slope-allowed      most steep slope allowed for the standard curve.  [default: -3.58; -3.98<=x<=-3.31]
  --least-steep-slope-allowed     least steep slope allowed for the standard curve.  [default: -3.11; -3.29<=x<=-2.71]
  --min-r-squared                 minimum R squared value for the standard curve.  [default: 0.98; 0.93<=x<=0.999999]
  --cq-non-standards-sep-lob      minimum Cq separation between samples or controls and limit of blank.  [default: 2;
  --overhang-allowed              determines whether samples are allowed to overhang the dilute end of the standard
                                  curve, while remaining the minimum distance from the limit of blank.  [default:
  --max-copies-rxn-lob            maximum acceptable apparent 16S rRNA copies per reaction of the no template
                                  controls.  [default: 500; 5<=x<=3000]
                                  maximum difference between the Cq values of the two closest technical replicates for
                                  samples or controls.  [default: 2; 0.1<=x<=3.3]
  --cq-low-conf-sep-lob           Cq separation between samples or controls and limit of blank to decide a measurement
                                  is low confidence.  [default: 3.3; 1<=x<=6.6]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

ddPCR-specific analysis

Usage: [OPTIONS]

  -d, --ddpcr-path            ddPCR data path to Excel file.  [required]
  -ds, --ddpcr-sheet          ddPCR data Excel sheet name.  [required]
  -l, --layout-path           96-well layout path to Excel file.  [required]
  -ls, --layout-sheet         96-well layout Excel sheet name.  [required]
  -o, --output-path           output folder path.  [required]
  --droplet-volume            volume (nL) of each droplet.  [default: 0.795; 0.75<=x<=0.92]
  --rxn-volume                volume (uL) of ddPCR reaction as setup on the pre-droplet plate.  [default: 22;
  --min-accepted-droplets     minimum number of accepted droplets per well.  [default: 10000; 5000<=x<=20000]
  --max-copies-rxn-lob        maximum 16S rRNA copies per reaction of the no template controls.  [default: 25;
  --max-copies-rxn-span-ntc   maximum span (e.g. fold change) of 16S rRNA copies per reaction of all no template
                              controls.  [default: 4; 1<=x<=10]
  --min-negative-droplets     minimum number of negative droplets per well.  [default: 10; 0<=x<=100]
  --copies-rxn-loq-mult       multiplied by the limit of blank to define the limit of quantification, under which
                              samples or controls are removed.  [default: 4; 2<=x<=100]
  --help                      Show this message and exit.

Universal analysis

Usage: [OPTIONS]

  -d, --data-path                 qPCR- or ddPCR-specific analysis output Excel file path.  [required]
  -ds, --data-sheet               qPCR- or ddPCR-specific analysis output Excel sheet name (e.g.
                                  'for_universal_analysis').  [required]
  -w, --weights-path              sample weights Excel file path.  [required]
  -ws, --weights-sheet            sample weights Excel sheet name.  [required]
  -n, --nist-expected-path        NIST expected values Excel file path. Must contain 16S rRNA copies per undiluted uL
                                  in a column titled 'copies_uL_expected' and a name that matches the name from the
                                  layout for qPCR- or ddPCR-specific analysis in a column titled 'Name'.  [required]
  -ns, --nist-expected-sheet      NIST expected values Excel sheet name.  [required]
  -o, --output-path               output folder path.  [required]
  --nist-max-fold-diff            maximum fold difference between measured and expected NIST control 16S rRNA copies
                                  per undiluted uL.  [default: 5.0; 1.01<=x<=10]
  --neg-extract-ctrl-max-copies   maximum 16S rRNA copies per DNA extraction for negative DNA extraction controls.
                                  [default: 5000.0; 500<=x<=30000]
  --pos-extract-ctrl-max-span     maximum span (e.g. fold change) of 16S rRNA copies per DNA extraction for positive
                                  DNA extraction controls.  [default: 2; 1.1<=x<=10]
  --extract-max-input             maximum amount of stool (g) from which to extract DNA.  [default: 0.25;
  --extract-min-input             minimum amount of stool (g) from which to extract DNA.  [default: 0.15;
  --drying-max-input              maximum amount of stool (g) to dry for stool moisture content.  [default: 0.125;
  --drying-min-input              minimum amount of stool (g) to dry for stool moisture content.  [default: 0.075;
  --min-dried-dry-mass            minimum dried amount of stool (g) from drying for stool moisture content.  [default:
                                  0.008; 0.002<=x<=0.05]
  --water-fraction-cutoff         cutoff for water fraction, given the error in 16S rRNA copies per dry gram as the
                                  water fraction increases.  [default: 0.9; 0.8<=x<=0.99]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


absolute abundance calculations from 16S rRNA qPCR or ddPCR







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