BeyondWords is the AI voice platform that brings frictionless audio publishing to newsrooms, writers, and businesses. Automatically create audio versions of WordPress posts and pages and embed via a customizable player. Lifelike neural voices and customizable text-to-speech algorithms deliver realistic speech that keeps listeners coming back for more.
The doc/ directory contains these useful resources:
- Getting started: Set up a development environment for our plugin using wp-env.
- Code quality checks: Automated code quality checks that run for every commit.
- Running tests: How to manually run our unit and e2e tests in your local development environment.
- WordPress VIP: Our WordPress VIP compatibility.
- Plugin features: An overview of the features of our plugin.
- wp-config.php: Our wp-config.php settings.
- BeyondWords: Create your free account or manage your BeyondWords projects here.
- Online docs: The online docs for installing and configuring our WordPress plugin.
- WordPress Plugin repo page: Our plugin page on
This WordPress plugin is released under the GPL, which is the same license that WordPress itself uses.