- Contributors: pluginkollektiv
- Tags: antivirus, malware, scanner, phishing, safe browsing, vulnerability
- Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=8CH5FPR88QYML
- Requires at least: 3.8
- Tested up to: 4.7
- Stable tag: 1.3.9
- License: GPLv2 or later
- License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Security plugin to protect your blog or website against exploits and spam injections.
AntiVirus for WordPress is a easy-to-use, safe tool to harden your WordPress site against exploits, malware and spam injections. You can configure AntiVirus to perform an automated daily scan of your theme files and database tables. If the plugin happens to detect any suspicious code injections, it will send out a notification to a previously configured e-mail address.
In case your WordPress site has been hacked, AntiVirus will help you to become aware of the problem very quickly in order for you to take immediate action.
- Virus alert in the admin bar
- Cleaning up after plugin removal
- Daily scan with email notifications
- Database tables and theme templates checks
- Whitelist solution: Mark suspected cases as "no virus"
- Manual check of template files with alerts on suspected cases
- Optional: Google Safe Browsing for malware and phishing monitoring.
- Community support via the support forums on wordpress.org
- We don’t handle support via e-mail, Twitter, GitHub issues etc.
- Active development of this plugin is handled on GitHub.
- Pull requests for documented bugs are highly appreciated.
- If you think you’ve found a bug (e.g. you’re experiencing unexpected behavior), please post at the support forums first.
- If you want to help us translate this plugin you can do so on WordPress Translate.
- Author: Sergej Müller
- Maintainers: pluginkollektiv
- If you don’t know how to install a plugin for WordPress, here’s how.
- PHP 5.2.4 or greater
- WordPress 3.8 or greater
Not literally "protect from". The plugin’s purpose is to detect any "hack" that has already happened and enable you to take immediate action upon it.
A complete documentation is available in the GitHub repository Wiki.
- generated a POT file
- added German formal translation
- updated, translated + formatted README.md
- updated expired link URLs in plugin and languages files
- updated plugin authors
- Detection and warning for the MailPoet Vulnerability
- Update the Google Safe Browsing Lookup API to v3.1
- Code revision and data validation
- Optimizations for WordPress 3.8
- Google Safe Browsing for malware and phishing monitoring with e-mail notification. Additional information on Google+ (only german)
- Add inspection for iFrames
- Retina support for teaser and screenshot
- Remove the check for include and require commands (#wpforce)
- Compatibility with WordPress 3.4
- High-resolution plugin icon for retina displays
- Remove icon from the admin sidebar
- System requirements: From PHP 5.0 to PHP 5.1
- Xmas Edition
For the complete changelog, check out our GitHub repository.
This is mainly a maintenance release for better translation (support) and some expired link URLs are corrected.
- WordPress AntiVirus settings