A simple toolkit to process TREC files. If you do not know what TREC is, you surely do not need this package.
pip install trectools
The aim of this module is to facilitate typical procedures used when analysing data from a TREC/CLEF/NTCIR campaign. The main object in TREC campaign is participant retrieval system. A retrieval system is takes as input some information need represented by a query and generates a list of documents that are relevant for that query. This information is represented in a TREC campaign as a participant run, which is a file with the following structure:
qid Q0 docno rank score tag
- qid is the query number
- Q0 is the literal Q0
- docno is the id of a document returned for qid
- rank (1-999) is the rank of this response for this qid
- score is a system-dependent indication of the quality of the response
- tag is the identifier for the system
1 Q0 nhslo3844_12_012186 1 1.73315273652 mySystem
1 Q0 nhslo1393_12_003292 2 1.72581054377 mySystem
1 Q0 nhslo3844_12_002212 3 1.72522727817 mySystem
1 Q0 nhslo3844_12_012182 4 1.72522727817 mySystem
1 Q0 nhslo1393_12_003296 5 1.71374426875 mySystem
Once a campaign ends, the evaluation phase starts. Usually, it is impossible to judge every document retrieved by every participant run for every query. There is a huge cost, both in terms of money and time, to make judgements. Many strategies have been proposed to select which documents to judge. Without going into many details, a pool of documents has to be created. Once documents in that pool are judged with respect to a query, a file is created containing all these judgements. This file is usually called 'qrel' and contains lines like this:
qid 0 docno relevance
- qid is the query number
- 0 is the literal 0
- docno is the id of a document in your collection
- relevance is how relevant is docno for qid
1 0 aldf.1864_12_000027 1
1 0 aller1867_12_000032 2
1 0 aller1868_12_000012 0
1 0 aller1871_12_000640 1
1 0 arthr0949_12_000945 0
1 0 arthr0949_12_000974 1
Finally, the information retrieval community uses some evaluation metric to quantify how good a participant system is. Many of common metrics, such as precision@N, mean average precision, bpref and others, are implemented in a tool called [trec_eval] (http://trec.nist.gov/trec_eval/). Although trec_eval lacks many other important measures (e.g., nDCG or RBP), it provides a consistent format for system result:
label qid value
- label is any string, usually representing a metric
- qid is the query number or 'all' to represent a aggregate value
- value is numeral result of a metric
Example: num_rel_ret 7 77 map 7 0.4653 P_10 9 0.9000 num_rel_ret all 1180 map all 0.1323 gm_map all 0.0504
The three main modules found in this package are inspired by the main files created in a TREC campaign: a participant run, a qrel e a result file: TrecRun, TrecQrel, TrecRes. Also, there is a 'misc' module to implement many common operations involving one or more module (such as comparing statistical significance of different runs). See the section below for some examples.
> from trectools import TrecRun, TrecQrel, TrecRes, misc
> myRun = TrecRun("~/mysystem.run")
> myRun.topics()
> myRun.get_top_documents(topic=1,n=2)
['nhslo3844_12_012186', 'nhslo1393_12_003292']
> myQrel = TrecQrel("~/assessor.qrel")
> myQrel.describe()
count 2076.000000
mean 0.268786
std 0.575825
min 0.000000
25% 0.000000
50% 0.000000
75% 0.000000
max 2.000000
> myQrel.get_number_of(1)
> myQrel.get_number_of(2)
> myQrel.check_agreement(myQrel)
> myRes = myRun.evaluate_run(qrel)
> myRes.get_result(metric="P_10")
> myRes.get_results_for_metric("P_10")
{1:0.9000, 2:0.8000, ...}
> myRun2 = TrecRun("~/mysystem2.run")
> myRes2 = myRun2.evaluate_run(qrel)
> myRes.compare_with(myRes2, metric="map")
Ttest_indResult(statistic=1.2224721254608264, pvalue=0.22486892703278308)
> list_of_results = [myRes, myRes2]
> misc.sort_systems_by(list_of_results, "P_10")
[(0.8700, 'myRes1'), (0.8300, 'myRes2')]
> misc.get_correlation( misc.sort_systems_by(list_of_results, "P_10"), misc.sort_systems_by(list_of_results, "map") )
KendalltauResult(correlation=0.99999999999999989, pvalue=0.11718509694604401)
> misc.get_correlation( misc.sort_systems_by(list_of_results, "P_10"), misc.sort_systems_by(list_of_results, "map"), correlation="tauap" )