Backend for Better Friend Reminders
Reminders App Endpoints
API server link: http://localhost:7000
[Add the endpoints below to the localhost link above] (Heroku link)
Main login/register endpoint: /api/auth
[Add the endpoints below after the main endpoint for login and registering new users above]
Login: /login
Register: /register
Users endpoints
[Add the following endpoints after the localhost link]
get: /api/users
get by id: /api/users/:id
update by id: /api/users/:id
delete by id: /api/users/:id
Friends endpoints
[Add the following endpoints after the localhost link]
get: api/friends
get by id: /api/friends/:id
post: /api/friends
update by id: /api/friends/:id
delete by id: /api/friends/:id
Family endpoints
[Add the following endpoints after the localhost link]
get: api/family
get by id: /api/family/:id
post: /api/family
update by id: /api/family/:id
delete by id: /api/family/:id