A collection of mods made by me for Balatro.
- Destroyer: With eternal caino, pareidolia and sixth sense, you need to acquire and destroy 6s to get multi.
- Gotta Go Fast: Begin with triboulet, but the required score scales extremely fast.
- Bankrupt: Begin with $100 and yorick, but each discard costs $10, so eventually you'll go bankrupt.
- Anti-Medusa: The deck is full of stones, and the only way to unpetrify cards is the empress generated by perkeo.
- Overpowered Boss: All boss blinds halve your base chips and multi, and the only source of money is matador. There is a soul card with chicot in it, so when to use?
- JJookkeerr: Jokers with the word "Joker" in their names each gives X1.5 Mult.
- Ascension: Increase the tier of played joker hand by 1. e.g. High Card counts as One Pair.
- Hasty Joker: Earn $8 if round ends after first hand.
- ERRORR: Discarded cards have 1 in 3 chance to become random rank.
- Piggy Bank: Put half of earned dollars into it and gain 1 Mult for each dollar.
- Housing Choice: Get a random voucher if played hand contains Full House. This can only trigger once per ante.
- Jimbow: This Joker gains +15 Chips when {context}. Context changes when achieved.
- Gameplay Update: If played hand has exactly 2 Diamonds, 0 Spades, 2 Hearts or 5 Clubs, increase value of joker to its right by 2% for each condition satisfied.
- Flying Cards: This Joker gains X(n+2)^-2 Mult per card played or discarded, where n equals number of cards left in deck.
- Friends of Jimbo: For each King of Spades, Queen of Diamonds, Jack of Hearts or King of Clubs scored, generate a Jimbo. (No need to have room)
- Balatro Mobile: This joker is mobile and can be put anywhere. Its effect varies by the area it's in.
Vouchers have rarities. Rarity affects the chance a voucher is added into the random pool. Only vouchers added into the pool can be chosen and appear. For example, if you have redeemed all vouchers but one uncommon, rare or legendary voucher, it still can not appear. Specifically, the chances for uncommon, rare and legendary vouchers to be in the pool are 1/2, 1/4 and 1/20. Vanilla vouchers and vouchers from other mods are considered common.
- Oversupply: Gain 1 Voucher Tag after beating boss blind.
- Oversupply plus: Gain 1 Voucher Tag after beating every blind.
- Gold Coin: Costs $1. Gain $11 immediately. Small Blind gives no reward money. (Yes it literally does nothing bad after white stake)
- Gold Bar: Costs $1. Gain $16 immediately. Big Blind gives no reward money.
- Abstract Art: +1 Ante to win, +1 hand and discard per round.
- Mondrian: +1 Ante to win, +1 joker slot.
- Round Up: Chips always round up to nearest tens when calculating hands.
- Round Up Plus: Mult always round up to nearest tens when calculating hands.
- Event Horizon: 1 in 4 chance to create a Black Hole card when buying a planet pack, and create 2 random negative planet cards now.
- Engulfer: 1 in 5 chance to create a Black Hole card when using a planet card, and create a Black Hole now.
- Target: If chips scored are under 120% of required chips at end of round, create a random Joker card.
- Bull's Eye: If chips scored are under 105% of required chips at end of round, create a random negative Joker card.
- Voucher Bundle: Gives 2 random vouchers. ($15)
- Voucher Bulk: Gives 4 random vouchers. ($25)
- Skip: Earn $6 when skipping blind.
- Skipper: Get a Double Tag when skipping blind.
- Scrawl: Gives $2 for each joker you have, and then randomly create Jokers until joker slots are full.
- Scribble: Randomly create 3 Negative Spectral cards.
- Reserve Area: You can reserve tarot cards instead of using them when opening a tarot pack.
- Reserve Area Plus: You can reserve spectral cards instead of using them when opening a spectral pack. Also get an ethereal tag now.
- Overkill: If chips scored are above 300% of required chips at end of round, add Foil, Holographic, or Polychrome edition to a random Joker.
- Big Blast: If chips scored are above X5 of required chips at end of round, add Negative edition to a random Joker, and increase the target amount.
- 3D Boosters: +1 Booster Pack available in shop.
- 4D Boosters: Rerolls apply to Booster Packs, but rerolled packs cost $3 more.
- B1G50%: When you redeem a Voucher, have 50% chance to redeem a higher tier Voucher and pay half the price. B1G series can't create Legendary vouchers.
- B1G1: When you redeem a Voucher, always redeem a higher tier Voucher and pay the price.
- Collector: Each Voucher redeemed reduces Blind requirement by 4%. (multiplicative)
- Connoisseur: If you have more than $400/(Vouchers Redeemed + 1), redeeming a voucher gives Antimatter and lets the money requirement X5.
- Flipped Card: You can flip up to 3 cards once before playing each hand. Flipped cards will return to your hand after they are played.
- Double Flipped Card: Flipped cards are held in hand when scoring and can trigger hold-in-hand effects.
- Prologue: When blind begins, create an Eternal Tarot card. This card disappears when a new Prologue card is created.
- Epilogue: +1 consumable slot. When blind ends, create an Eternal Spectral card. This card disappears when a new Epilogue card is created.
- Bonus+: Permanently increases Bonus Card bonus by +30 extra chips.
- Mult+: Permanently increases Mult Card bonus by +8 Mult.
- Omnicard: Wild Cards can't be debuffed. Retrigger all Wild Cards.
- Bulletproof: Glass Cards lose X0.1 instead of breaking. They break when they reach X1.5. (Warning: this voucher has incompatibility issue with mod content that changes glass cards base xMult. Game won't crash but the effect will be strange)
- Cash Clutch: At end of each Round, earn extra $1 per remaining Hand.
- Inflation: At end of each Round, earn extra $1 per remaining Hand. (the same as above)
- Eternity: Shop can have Eternal Jokers. Eternal Jokers have 40% chance to be Negative.
- Half-life: Shop can have Perishable Jokers. Perishable Jokers only take up 0.5 Joker slots.
- Debt Burden: Shop can have Rental Jokers. Each Rental Joker increases debt limit by -$10. Rental Jokers won't cost money if you are in debt.
- Bobby Pin: Shop can have Pinned Jokers. Each Pinned Joker copies ability of Joker to the right if itself isn't triggered.
- Stow: +1 Joker Slot. Leftmost joker is debuffed if Joker Slots are full.
- Stash: +1 Joker Slot. Rightmost joker is debuffed if there is 1 or no empty Joker Slot.
- Undying: When a non-Phantom Joker is destroyed, create a Phantom copy.
- Reincarnation: When a Phantom Joker is sold, create a joker of same rarity. (Phantom Edition: +1 Joker Slot. 50% chance to trigger.) Undying and Reincarnation are unavailable on Steamodded 0.9.8 version.
- Bargain Aisle: First item in shop is free.
- Clearance Aisle: First pack in shop is free.
- Rich Boss: Boss Blinds give $8 more.
- Richer Boss: Boss Blinds give $4 more per ante.
- Gravity Assist: Planet cards also upgrade adjacent poker hands.
- Gravitational Wave: Planet cards also upgrade non-adjacent poker hands by 0.2 levels.
- Garbage Bag: You carry surplus discards over rounds. Gain 3 one-time discards.
- Handbag: You carry surplus hands over rounds. Gain 3 one-time hands.
- Echo Wall: Discarding a card triggers its end of round effect.
- Echo Chamber: Holding a card in each hand triggers its end of round effect.
- Laminator: When round ends, if leftmost joker has sticker, 1 in 3 chance to add random edition.
- Eliminator: Remove all stickers on laminated joker.
Fusion Vouchers aren't fused by clicking a fusion button. Instead they appear randomly and can be bought regularly only after you have redeemed the required 2 vouchers. (May change in the future)
- Gold Round Up (Round Up + Gold Coin): Your money always round up to nearest even number.
- Overshopping (Overstock + Oversupply): You can shop after skipping blinds.
- Reroll Cut (Director's Cut + Reroll Surplus): Rerolling boss blind also rerolls tags, and gives a random tag.
- Vanish Magic (Magic Trick + Blank): You can make playing cards in the shop vanish and earn $3 for each.
- Darkness (Glow Up + Antimatter): Negative cards appear 4X more often.
- Double Planet (Planet Merchant + B1G50): Create a random Planet card when buying a Planet card.
- Trash Picker (Grabber + Wasteful): +1 hand and +1 discard per round. You can spend 1 hand to discard if you have no discards. Each discard gives the same money as each hand after rounds.
- Money Target (Seed Money + Target): Earn double interest at end of round if your money is multiples of 5.
- Art Gallery (Hieroglyph + Abstract Art): +1 Ante to win. When Boss Blind is defeated, randomly get one of the following: +1 hand, +1 discard or -1 Ante.
- B1Ginf (Collector + B1G1): B1G1: When you redeem a Voucher, always redeem all higher tier Vouchers and pay their prices.
- Slate (Petroglyph + Bonus+): Permanently increases Stone Card bonus by +100 extra chips. Stone Cards don't take up space when played.
- Gilded Glider (Gold Bar + Bonus+): When a Gold Card gives money, if the card to its right isn't enhanced, transfer the Gold Card enhancement from this card to that card.
- Mirror (Flipped Card + Omnicard): When a Steel Card scores, the card to its right triggers one more time.
- Real Random (Crystal Ball + Omnicard): Randomize all Lucky Card effects. Create a negative Magician when blind begins.
- 4D Vouchers (4D Boosters + Oversupply): Rerolls apply to Vouchers, but rerolled Vouchers cost $2 more.
- Recycle Area (Reserve Area + Wasteful): You can discard your hand once when opening a Tarot Pack or Spectral Pack.
- Chaos (Collector + Abstract Art): Same kind of Enhancements can stack.
- Heat Death (Eternity + Half-life): Eternal and Perishable can stack. Such Joker gives +1 Joker slot when debuffed by Perishable.
- Deep Roots (Seed Money + Debt Burden): You earn interest based on the absolute value of your money. e.g. -$20 gives $4.
- Solar System (Planet Merchant + Event Horizon): Retrigger Planet Card once per Planet Card held, including the using one.
- Forbidden Area (Reserve Area + Undying): When no consumable slot left, buying a Consumable card moves it to Joker area and it acts like a Joker.
- Voucher Tycoon (Oversupply + Planet Tycoon): Vouchers appear in the shop.
- Cryptozoology (Crystal Ball + Undying): Jokers bought directly have 15% chance to have Tentacle edition. (Tentacle Edition: When Blind is selected, destroy Joker to the right and add its value to this joker's value)
- Reroll Aisle (Reroll Surplus + Clearance Aisle): First item and Booster Pack in shop are free after rerolls.
- Voucher Pack: redeem 1 of 3 vouchers.
- Uncommon Voucher Pack: redeem 1 of 3 uncommon vouchers.
- Fusion Voucher Pack: redeem 1 of 3 fusion vouchers.
Note that if there aren't enough uncommon or fusion vouchers satisfying their requirements, random normal voucher will fill in.
This structure code is based on Coupon Book mod which is for Balamod. I ported it into steamodded and added lots of content.
Rewrite the Run Info - Vouchers tab to enable it to display dozens of redeemed vouchers.
This mod can't work on Steamodded 0.9.8. Abilities have their unique area. Active abilities can be used infinite times as long as they aren't on cooldown. Passive abilities are like vouchers but can be sold and revert the changes.
- GIL: (cooldown: 1 round) If all jokers are Eternal, remove Eternal from all jokers. Otherwise, set all jokers to be Eternal.
- Glitched Seed: (cooldown: 1 round) Next 2 random events are guaranteed success.
- Rank Bump: (cooldown: 2 hands) Temporarily increase ranks of chosen cards by 1 for this hand.
- Variable: (cooldown: 2 hands) Select some cards, let X be the rank of rightmost card, and then increase ranks of other cards by X.
- Cached Hand: (cooldown: 1 round) Hand type of next hand is set to the last hand.
- Heal: (cooldown: 3 hands) Undebuff selected cards for this hand.
- Absorber: (cooldown: 1 ante) Reduce Hands to 1 and gain X0.1 for each hand reduced.
- Double Lift: (cooldown: 2 rounds) Choose 1 more card in current pack.
- Recycle (cooldown: $20 used) Reduce reroll cost by $5.
- Glyph (cooldown: 4 blind skips) -1 Ante, -$10.
- Colour (cooldown: 2 rounds) Create a random ability.
- Extract (cooldown: 2 hands) Create a negative planet card of current hand.
- Endoplasm (cooldown: 5 consumables used) Set a random consumable to be Negative.
- Pay2Win (cooldown: none) Pay $5 to let blind size X0.6.
- Number (cooldown: 3 hands) Select a Number card to be destroyed and draw X cards, where X equals to its rank.
- Fog (cooldown: 2 hands) During current round, X2 Mult but cards are drawn face down.
- Antinomy (cooldown: 1 ante) Create a temporary Negative eternal copy of selected joker for this round.
- Enhancer (cooldown: 1 round) Randomly enhance selected joker.
- Zircon: (cooldown: 25 hands) 50% chance to create a Legendary Joker, otherwise create a Legendary Voucher.
- Rental Slot: (passive) +1 Joker Slot. Lose $4 after each round.
- Philosophy: (passive) +1 Ability Slot.
- Midas Touch: (passive) Gain $2 when using an ability.
- Thumb: (passive) If played hand has less than 5 cards, +0.2 hands per card below 5. (Capped at +0.8 per hand)
- Shield: (passive) Hand Size can't go below 6.
- Shuffle: (passive) If no cards remain, shuffle all cards back into deck.
- Dead Branch: (passive) When a card is destroyed, add a random card with enhancement, seal and edition into deck.
- Decay: (passive) X0.5 blind size if played hand scores less than 5% of blind size.
- Echo: (passive) When first card of hand scores, put a temporary Negative copy into hand.
- Able: +1 Ability Slot.
- Capable: +1 Ability Slot.
- Cooled Down: Abilities cool down 50% faster.
- Cooled Below: Abilities can cool down into negative values. (e.g. if you buy an ability whose cooldown is 2 rounds, after 5 rounds it reaches -3/2, and you can use it 2 times consecutively then it'll become 1/2)
Spell is a new type of card which triggers when certain sequence is completed. The sequence of a spell isn't fixed, instead it's randomly generated when you buy it and after buying it won't change. This is to ensure each suit and rank has the same chance to be used and prevent some suits/ranks become too op. For example before buying Light's sequence displays as "2 different Light suits" and after buying it'll be Heart, Diamond or Diamond, Heart. How spells trigger: each spell has a count of how much its progress is completed. Take Heart, Diamond as example, upon buying its count is 0, and if you plays a hand of 9H, 8D, 7S, 6H, 5D, when calculating first card, 9H, its count increases as the first element of this sequence is heart and it matches the first card. This also happens for the second card, 8D. After second card is scored, the spell's count reaches 2, meaning its sequence is completed, so you gain +10 Mult and it resets count to 0. Overall this hand triggers the spell 2 times and not 3 (someone may think there are 3 pairs that are 9H-8D, 9H-5D, 6H-5D, and through the analysis above we know 9H-5D is not a pair). If current card doesn't satisfy current element the progress won't reset. So 9H, 8D, 6H, 7S, 5D still triggers twice as 7S doesn't reset the progress. The sequence is displayed under the spell after bought, but due to limited space it only display last completed element and next element to complete. e.g. if sequence is 7, 6, 5, then it will display either "7, 6" or "6, 5". The background of completed element is lighter than not completed one. The element of sequence can be the following: Face cards, Numbered cards, Each suit and Each rank. There is "negative element" which means if the card doesn't match the element the count increases, for example "negative Spade" displays as "not Spade" and Spade icon with red background (normal elements have green background) and increases the count if current scoring card is not Spade. To make the system more complex :] and inspired by Doodle God game I set Dark, Light, Fire, Water, Earth and Air to be 6 basic spells, and all other spells should be fused from previous elements. e.g. Dark + Light becomes Shadow. There is a fuse button if you select two spells. Currently spells appear in shop and spell pack, and fusion spells only appear if you have fused it during this run.
- Dark (2 different Dark suits): +80 chips.
- Light (2 different Light suits): +10 Mult.
- Fire (2 ranks x, x+1): destroy second card.
- Water (2 ranks x, x-1): decrease rank of second card by 1.
- Earth (2 same ranks): +$5.
- Air (2 ranks with gap>4): 1 in 4 chance to duplicate second card.
- Shadow (Dark + Light) (1 Dark suit and 1 Light suit): X1.5 Mult.
- Inferno (Dark + Fire) (2 ranks x, x+1 and 1 Dark suit): destroy third card and + 80 chips
- Abyss (Dark + Water) (2 ranks x, x-1 and 1 Dark suit): +30*a chips where a is rank of third card.
- Cavern (Dark + Earth) (2 same Dark suits): +$4.
- Smoke (Dark + Air) (1 Dark suit and 1 not Dark suit): Change second card into second Dark suit.
- Radiance (Light + Fire) (2 ranks x, x+1 and 1 Light suit): Third card gains -5 Mult, other played cards gain +5 Mult, cards held in hand gains +3 Mult.
- Reflection (Light + Water) (3 Light suits X, Y and X): Change rank of third card to first card.
- Crystal (Light + Earth) (2 same Light suits): Enhance second card to Glass Card. If already Glass Card, +$6.
- Halo (Light + Air) (1 Light suit and 1 not Light suit): Second card gains +5 Mult.
- Steam (Fire + Water) (3 ranks x, x+1 and x-1): X3 Mult, but cards in this hand will be debuffed after 3 rounds.
- Magma (Fire + Earth) (4 ranks x, x, x+1 and x+1): Change 3 unenhanced cards in deck into Gold Card.
- Ember (Fire + Air) (2 odd ranks and 2 even ranks, alternatively): Destroy all played cards and generate 3 copies of fourth card.
- Mud (Water + Earth) (4 ranks x, x, x-1 and x-1): Cards hold in hand gain +$1 when played. (Hiker-like effect)
- Cloud (Water + Air) (3 ranks x, x-2 and x-4): Transfer permanent bonuses (+chips, +Mult and +$) from played cards to third card.
- Dust (Earth + Air) (4 ranks x, x, y and y): Copy fourth card and gain +$3 for each card copied by this spell.
- Ripple (Shadow + Water) (3 ranks x, x-1 and x): X2.5 Mult.
- Lava (Magma + Air) (4 ranks x, x, Numbered and Numbered): Change first unenhanced card in hand into Gold card. X1.5 Mult for each Gold card in hand.
Also add Pack:
- Spell Pack: choose 1 of 3 spells. Vouchers:
- Magic Scroll: +1 Spell Slot.
- Magic Wheel: +1 Spell Slot. Spend $2 to reroll sequence of a spell. Ability:
- Switch (cooldown: 3 hands) Flip the current element of selected spell.
Note that Steamodded is required to load the mods.
The mods are written and tested on Steamodded 1.0.0. There was code for 0.9.8 compatibility but since most people are shifting to SMOD 1.0.0 and SMOD 1.0.0 supports 0.9.8 mods now, I won't check 0.9.8 compatibility very frequently and can't promise its compatibility. About config: You can disable unwanted vouchers and my other mods in AppData/Roaming/Balatro/config/BetmmaVouchers.jkr. If such .jkr doesn't exist, boot the game once and .jkr will be automatically created.