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@bestpractical-mirror bestpractical-mirror released this 23 Jul 20:43
· 6218 commits to stable since this release

RT 4.2.6 -- 2014-07-16

We are pleased to announce that RT 4.2.6 is now available.

SHA1 sums

3a876015da1330ed58719997979c1346dca2df75  rt-4.2.6.tar.gz
527ad4a5a5918ea29c8fa128c59312239faf35d0  rt-4.2.6.tar.gz.asc

This release is primarily a bugfix release; of particular note is that
it contains schema changes for MySQL. Though the changes are quite
limited, it is especially important to take, and verify you can recover
from, a database backup prior to upgrading.

Also of note, it fixes a regression in 4.2.5 regarding unsetting core
date fields, and now allows HTML tables in ticket history if the
optional HTML::Gumbo module is installed.

General web UI

  • Fix a regression introduced in 4.2.4, which caused lack of formatting
    of plain text when responding via the rich text editor.
  • Allow tables in HTML mail if the optional HTML::Gumbo dependency is
  • Fix a regression in 4.2.5 which prevented core date fields (Due,
    Starts, etc) from being unset (#30180)
  • Hide empty transaction custom fields when they have no value; this
    fixes a regression in 4.2.1 where transaction custom fields began
    displaying on all transactions. (#29757)
  • Allow searching on requestor city, state, zip, and country in query
    builder (#26960)
  • Don't attempt to parse IP/Date(time) CFs if the value is NULL; this
    prevents warnings.
  • Remove border-radius: 0 to allow Firefox to use native text entry
    widgets (#28233)
  • Allow Firefox to reflow the data table below the chart on rudder
  • Whitelist user search from CSRF restrictions
  • Only include closing paren in MakeClicky link if it included an open
    paren (#29064)
  • Canonicalize CF values (including dates, IP addresses, and IP ranges)
    before comparing to the database value; this prevents spurious
    "changed from a to a" messages.
  • Allow downloading 0-length files if they have a filename (#9050)
  • Quick Create now defaults to the lifecycle's default create status,
    instead of hardcoding "new"
  • Show Wikitext CFs in bulk update
  • Add autocompletion to link boxes on bulk update


  • Add localization strings for Articles admin pages
  • Add localization strings for user "Create Ticket" user summary portlet
  • Add new #loc{key} form, to allow for more concise Lifecyles in config
  • Updated German translation

Web administration

  • Provide a default Category on External custom fields, for performance
  • Provide a new "Notify Owner or AdminCCs" action
  • Move search widgets for custom field admin interface to the top of
    the page, to match other admin pages
  • Use "LIKE" as the default search operator in the queue admin interface
  • Enable searching by Lifecycle and SubjectTag in the queue admin
  • Add SubjectTag to the default AdminSearchResultFormat for queues
  • Move Disabled to the last column of the default Queue admin search
    result format, to match Scrips
  • Add Disabled column to AdminSearchResultFormat for Classes,
    CustomFields, Groups, and Users
  • Add Disabled ColumnMap entry for Classes, Groups, and Users
  • Prevent RT from locking up if a too-large image was uploaded for the
    logo (#29929)
  • Fix bugs in cascaded CFs of radio buttons and checkboxes when
    categories contained spaces or periods.
  • Quiet "No valid Type specified" warnings from queue watcher page for
    user search results that were left blank (#29993)

Server administration

  • DBD::Pg 3.3.0 conflicts with RT's UTF-8 handling; for this release,
    it has been blacklisted. If you are using PostgreSQL as your
    database and have DBD::Pg 3.3.0 installed, you will need to download
    and install DBD::Pg 3.2.1 from CPAN.
  • Allow the validator to fix incorrect values for Owner (#28403)
  • Fix a regression in 4.2.5 which caused errors when calling
    rt-crontool with a numeric --template argument.
  • Quiet warnings in the 4.2.2 upgrade step for users upgrading from
  • Add not_member_of restriction for User shredder plugin
  • Warnings avoidance for RT::Attachments->Address when run as the
    System User
  • Update logo attribute as the current user, to allow auditing of who
    changed it last
  • Alter Links table on MySQL to support Unicode URLs (#19338)
  • Warn on non-ASCII right names (#19339)
  • Support Sphinx builds compiled with --enable-id64
  • For compatibility with RT::Extension::MergeUsers, ensure that
    Shredder checks that a user (possibly resolved from a merged user) is
    valid before attempting to shred them
  • Correctly detect presence of graphviz binary (dot), instead of, for perl dependency calculation
  • When merging instances with identical $Organization values, do not
    qualify groups and queues


  • Move AboutThisUser callback back to /Ticket/Elements/ShowGroupMembers
    where it appears to originate, from where RT 4.2.0 accidentally moved
    it, /Elements/ShowPrincipal/AboutThisUser
  • Move all runtime module loading to UNIVERSAL::require
  • Correct error message from RT::Date->Timezone
  • Simplify code to assume Postgres 8.4, as RT 4.2 requires
  • Add more class and id attributes to user admin pages and preferences
  • Pass right number of arguments to sprintf, for Perl 5.22
  • Move sbin/rt-message-catalog into devel/tools and streamline to unify
    with Launchpad import format
  • Adjust more tests for RT_TEST_WEB_HANDLER=inline
  • Remove dependency checks in t/, as they are covered by required
    developer dependencies


  • Improved documentation for RT::Date
  • Link POD, URLs, and emails in HTML generated from README
  • Document "Satisfy any" technique for allowing rt-mailgate to post to
    RT when $WebRemoteUserAuth and Apache authentication is used
  • Document explicit steps for adding a new status to a lifecycle

A complete changelog is available from git by running:
git log rt-4.2.5..rt-4.2.6
or visiting