Wear Expenses is an Android Wear app that allows you to track all your expenses using either voice and number pad on your Android Wear or easy-to-use interface on your phone. Use your watch to quickly find out how much money you spent or open the app on your phone to view full history.
More info: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=lv.bestan.android.wear.expensestracker
##Development When working on Wear Expenses I'm using following tools:
- Android Studio 1.2.11
- Android SDK tools 24.3.2
- Gradle 2.2.1
###Things that Wear Expenses is missing
- Wear app UI fixes for round displays
- Categorizing expenses
- Changing currency
- Fixing reviews
###Merging and releasing Open an issue if you intend to work on something. Having a discussion prior to coding would make it much easier to merge PRs and release them!