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Download recorded lessons from unifi webex platform passing by the Moodle platform.


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Download recorded lessons from UniFi's Webex platform passing by the Moodle platform.

This utility can automatically download all UniFi courses' recordings saved on Webex.

âš  Update 2023-09 âš 

Our University decided to not renew the contract with webex and therefore the recordings are not available anymore.

For anyone interested in reusing this for webex recordings found somewhere else, it should be trivial to extract the webex logic as the downloader is modular. I'd suggest to use the webex.js helper together with the downloadRecording function defined in app.js. (All assuming webex didn't change the requests flow...)

I'll archive this repository for the moment.


Quick Start

The easiest way to start is by downloading the pre-compiled application from the latest release available.

Then, copy the config.example.json file to a new file named config.json and change the credentials and courses ids accordingly.

Done, that's it!

While being the easiest method, it does come with a drawback. To update it, you'll have to manually check the repository once in a while and download the latest version. For this reason, if possible, it is recommended to use the following method that uses Node directly.

[Optional] Quick Start with Node

[Optional] Quick Start with Node

Node.js v14 or newer is required.

  • Install project dependencies: npm ci

  • Copy config.example.json to a new file named config.json and change credentials and courses ids accordingly.

  • Run the app with: npm start

When you pull new updates, remember to update project dependencies using npm ci.

[Optional] Quick Start with Docker

[Optional] Quick Start with Docker

Suppose you are on Linux and have docker. In that case, you can execute the to automatically execute the downloader inside of a container.

Note a few things:

  • Make sure to use the same UID and GID of your user in the Dockerfile. By default, they are both set to 1000;
  • If you use .yaml configs instead of .json, change the extension accordingly in

PLEASE NOTE - Known issues

Errors related to stream downloads:

  • If a recording doesn't seem to have the audio while reproducing it with the Windows Media Player, try with a different player such as VLC.
  • If there are stutters while scrubbing the timeline or segments missing audio, this is caused by the way HLS recordings are downloaded and by how poorly Webex encodes the recordings. To solve this, install ffmpeg, enable the fix_streams_with_ffmpeg option and then delete-and-redownload the faulty recordings.

If a recording gives you an error, verify on Webex that it can actually be opened before opening an issue. Recordings could be disabled by the course organizer.

If you get a 429 Error, it means that Webex received too many requests. In this case, you should wait some time before trying again.

If the tool repeatedly fails to download a specific recording, feel free to open an issue to let me know what happens.


Config section

The config file has 3 sections.

Currently, both .json and .yaml file are supported, JSON being the default one.

The default config file path is config.json inside the root directory; you can change it with the environment variable CONFIG_PATH.


Key name Value type Optional Default value Description
username string No Username used for authenticating to the Moodle Platform.
password string No Password used for authenticating to the Moodle Platform.


Key name Value type Optional Default value Description
base_path string No Path in which to download recordings.
progress_bar boolean Yes true Show a progress bar while downloading the recordings.
show_existing boolean Yes true Show already downloaded recordings.
max_concurrent_downloads number Yes 3 maximum number of parallel downloads.
fix_streams_with_ffmpeg boolean Yes false Remux all recordings using ffmpeg. This requires ffmpeg to be installed and available on system path. Additionally, check that the h264/mp4/m4v formats are supported for remuxing operations. On Linux you can check this using `ffmpeg -formats


Array of objects, one for each course. The object contains the following fields.

Please note that on Windows the name field shouldn't contain any of the not allowed characters, such as : " *. It is therefore recommended to keep the name simple using only letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores.

Key name Value type Optional Description
id string No Id of the course shown in the URL bar of the Moodle's course page.
name string No Name prepended to the folder name and also shown in the logs.
custom_webex_id string Yes Manually set the id of the Webex page instead of trying to find it in the course page.
skip_names string Yes Regex to match recordings names to skip. Exclude slashes and flags from strings. E.g. 'test' and NOT '/test/i'.
skip_before_date string Yes Skip recordings before the date YYYY-MM-DD.
skip_after_date string Yes Skip recordings after the date YYYY-MM-DD.
prepend_date boolean Yes Prepend the date of the recording (YYYYMMDD-) to the filenames.

Environment variables

The app tries to be as docker-friendly as possible.

In fact, as an alternative, the configs may all be specified using environment variables. Just convert the config names to uppercase. In the case of nested properties, separate them with two underscores.

E.g. credentials.username => CREDENTIALS__USERNAME; download.base_path => DOWNLOAD__BASE_PATH

Courses can also be specified through the COURSES env variable using the following format, although limited to only id and name:



To modify the default log level of 'info', set the env variable LOG_LEVEL with one of winston available log_level.

How it works

Inner workings of the downloader (Optional)

Unfortunately, UniFi Moodle doesn't make use of REST APIs. So we have to do a bit of guessing and matching on the response body.

This approach works for now but is prone to errors and will stop working if things change. Feel free to open an issue or a PR to report these changes.

Login to Moodle

As of March 2021, they use this new unified authentication system for accessing their services.


In the response body match

<input type="hidden" name="execution" value="..."/>.

Then post the form with the execution field.


Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

The request body should match the following format:

    "username": 00000,
    "password": "*****",
    "execution": "...",
    "_eventId": "submit",
    "geolocation": ""

If the credentials are wrong, a status code 401 should be returned from the POST request.

Otherwise, follow the Location header that should have a ticket in the URL parameters.

Set MoodleSession Cookie from the Set-Cookie response header and follow the Location header again.

Finally, get the authenticated MoodleSession Cookie from the Set-Cookie response header.

Get Webex Id

To launch Webex, we have to get the Webex course id relative to the Moodle course id.


In the body, match the launch URL:


Retrieve the id parameter

Get Webex launch parameters


Cookie: MoodleSession

Serialize from the HTML body all the name attributes in input tags

Launch Webex


Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

In the body send the parameters retrieved from Moodle

From the response:

Get cookies [ahoy_visitor, ahoy_visit, _ea_involvio_lti_session]

Get Webex course recordings


The request headers should match the following

Cookie: ahoy_visitor=***,ahoy_visit=***,_ea_involvio_lti_session=***

The response is an array of objects like the following

        "created_at": "2020-01-13T00:00:00.000-07:00",
        "duration_hour": 0,
        "duration_min": 0,
        "duration_sec": 0,
        "file_url": "******",
        "format": "MP4",
        "id": 0,
        "name": "",
        "password": "",
        "recording_url": "******",
        "timezone": "Europe/Rome",
        "updated_at": "2020-01-13T00:00:00.000-07:00"

Download a recording - STEP 1

Before starting, to better understand the following operations, from what I understood, there are two types of recordings.

There are recordings of Meetings and recordings of Events. Some of the following strategies are structured upon this idea.

As some teachers disable the download functionality, I've implemented multiple strategies to try and download the recordings. The following strategies are tried in order, if one fails, the next one is tried. If they all fail, the recording is skipped and an error is logged.

  1. Webex download functionality: uses the file_url property.
  2. fallbackPlaySrc property: Using the recording_url, download the fallbackPlaySrc property.
  3. hlsURL property: Using the recording_url, download using the downloadRecordingInfo.downloadInfo.hlsURL property.
  4. HLS stream: Using the recording_url, download using the mp4StreamOptions property.

Download with Webex functionality - STEP 1

GET file_url

  1. If the response matches Error then, there's been an error. This means that the recording has the download functionality disabled, or has been deleted, or isn't available at the moment. Try with another strategy.

  2. If the response contains 'internalRecordTicket' then you're downloading an event. Go to STEP 2b

  3. If none of the above, then you're downloading a meeting. Go to STEP 2a

Download with Webex functionality - STEP 2a

If the response of the previous step doesn't contain recordingpasswordcheck, the recording doesn't need a password, and you can skip to STEP 3. Also, note that if the response doesn't contain "commonGet2PostForm", you should instead skip to STEP 3 after the first request to

Otherwise, follow along...

Get all name and values attributes from the input tags.

Note that you may need to change firstEntry to false since the JS does it there:



The body should contain the input attributes from the previous request and the password of the recording.

Go to STEP 3

Download with Webex functionality - STEP 2b

Follow the redirect of the previous request.

Serialize the form inputs and:

  • add password to playbackPasswd=
  • change theAction=... to theAction=check_pass
  • change accessType=... to accessType=downloadRecording


Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Save cookies from the response header.

Parse from the response the following fields:

  • formId
  • accessType
  • internalPBRecordTicket
  • internalDWRecordTicket


Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Cookie: From the previous step

Request body:

  "firstName": "Anonymous",
  "lastName": "Anonymous",
  "siteurl": "unifirenze",
  "directview": 1,
  "AT": "ViewAction",
  "recordId": 0000, // formId of the previous step
  "accessType": "downloadRecording",
  "internalPBRecordTicket": "4832534b000000040...",
  "internalDWRecordTicket": "4832534b00000004f..."

Parse from the response the following fields:

  • siteurl
  • recordKey
  • recordID
  • serviceRecordID

Go to STEP 3

Download with Webex functionality - STEP 3

From the previous request match var href='***&serviceRecordID=***&recordKey=***';

Parse the URL arguments and make the following request.


Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Request body:

  "action": "publishfile", // always required
  "siteurl": "unifirenze", // could also be 'unifirenze-en'
  "recordKey": "***",
  "recordID": "***",
  "serviceRecordID": "***",

Match the following part

    function download(){
        document.title="Download file";
        var recordId = 000;
        var serviceRecordId = 000;
        var prepareTicket = '******';
        var comeFrom = '';
        var url = "" + "&recordid=" + recordId+"&prepareTicket=" + prepareTicket;
        if (serviceRecordId > 0) {
            url = url + "&serviceRecordId=" + serviceRecordId;


GET matched url

Match window.parent.func_prepare('***','***','***');

This is the function declaration func_prepare(status, url, ticket) that I'll refer to.

Check the status that could be one of the following [OKOK, Preparing, Error, "null if bug?"]

GET MultiThreadDownloadServlet

The response is the recording that can be saved as name.format (from the recording object).

Download using hlsURL

GET recording_url

If in the response JSON object DOES NOT contain the downloadRecordingInfo.downloadInfo.hlsURL, this strategy won't work. Try another one.

In this case the HLS playlist doesn't contain a list of segments but only the name of the recording with a bunch of ranges. We only need the recording name to download it and ignore the ranges part.


In the response, containing the m3u8 playlist, match the #EXT-X-MAP:URI="filename.mp4", ... line and extract the filename.

Download the recording replacing hls.m3u8 with filename.mp4 in the last URL ->

Download using fallbackPlaySrc

GET recording_url

If in the response JSON object DOES NOT contain the fallbackPlaySrc, this strategy won't work. Try another one.

GET fallbackPlaySrc

Download HLS Stream - STEP 1

GET recording_url

  1. If the response matches Error then, there's been an error. Try another strategy.

  2. If the response contains 'internalRecordTicket', then you're downloading an event. This is a WIP since I never found an event recording with download disabled. Feel free to open an Issue to solve this.

  3. If none of the above, then you're downloading a meeting. Go to Download HLS Stream

Download HLS Stream - STEP 2

From the response of the recording_url, match the recording ID.



In the request, also add the following custom header


Optionally: if you wanna get the approximate filesize, sum fileSize with mediaDetectInfo.audioSize

Save the mp4StreamOption parameter and proceed to Download HLS Stream - STEP 3

Download HLS Stream - STEP 3


In the request, add the following query parameters from the mp4StreamOption object of the previous step:

  "recordingDir": "",
  "timestamp": 0,
  "token": "",
  "xmlName": ""

From the response match HLS_FILE

<Screen ...>
  <Sequence ...>HLS_FILE</Sequence>

Use all parameters in this URL, and you get the HLS Playlist file to download

let playlistFile = `${mp4StreamOption.recordingDir}/timestamp/${mp4StreamOption.timestamp}/token/${mp4StreamOption.token}/fileName/${HLS_FILE}.m3u8`


Download recorded lessons from unifi webex platform passing by the Moodle platform.







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