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Andreas Treubert edited this page Apr 14, 2017 · 4 revisions


Standard redmine plugin installation: You can read the generic plugin installation guide here or you can use the following guide (Debian 7, Apache2/Passenger).

Go to your redmine plugins-folder
cd /srv/redmine/plugins
Download the latest plugin-Version:
Unzip the downloaded zip-File
Rename the folder:
mv mega_calendar-master mega_calendar
Give the folder the right privileges in this case apache (to execute the command you must be root)
chown -R www-data.www-data mega_calendar
Go to the plugin folder
cd /srv/redmine/plugins/mega_calendar
Install the gems
Go back to your redmine folder
cd /srv/redmine
Migrate the database
bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
Now restart your redmine and you can configure the plugin in the admin settings in redmine.
To start redmine under apache2/passenger, please execute the following commands
cd /srv/redmine
touch tmp/restart.txt

If the installation fails on Bitnami, then please try the workaround from the FAQ.

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