NOTE: Please use the Master branch. The Httpeapod branch is a unstable experiment to mix up httpebble with Peapod+, but things are still under heavy developement, and might never see the light cause of some technical limitaions!!
Experiment on Katherin's Peapod :)
This app adds some more 2 way communication functionality with Katharine's Peapod app. The original Peapod app is used to better music control, and now PeapodPlus has NotesViewer, Calendar view+RecentReminder+CalenderEvents, BatteryStatus+FindMyPhone+VolumeControl, CameraControl with Flash and Camera selection options. Here is some specifications...
- Peapod: Katharine's lovely music control app with album art, volume control and Library browsing.
- Notes: Supports 5 notes with 15charactesr title and 699 characters of each NoteText Length.
- Calendar: Shows normal calendar, up down goes to next previous month. Tapping the select button shows upcoming 7-10 calendar events and reminders together sorted by date, long press will return the calendar to current month.
- Phone Status: Shows batter percentage (not always accurate), battery status (charging/using/charged). You can control phone volume using up/down key, and play a sound with Ping my Phone pressing the select button.
- Camera Control: Up key switches the Front/Rear camera, down key switch the flash to auto/on/off mode and the select button, obviously takes a shot. (For using this option your phone app need to be in foreground/open, NOT in background)
Thanks a ton to lots of guys for learning Pebble Development studying and using their code specially Katharine :) And for Calendar Watchapp code used: , for Calendar iOS app code used:
The original source can be found at on master branch Get the watchapp from here: Get the iOS ipa from here: 1.0.ipa