In this file it is briefly described what each of the project files contains and does:
Files "" are the libraries
Files "" are some sample usages of these libraries
"" is used for the feature extraction of different speakers for the transcript dataset. "" is an example usage. The real testing has been performed with a cross validation, with another script.
"" is used for the feature extraction regarding the topic classification for the transcript dataset, focusing on students only. "" is an example usage. The real testing has again been performed with a cross validation, with another script.
"" is used for the feature extraction regarding the movie sentiment reviews of the movie data set. "" is the script that I actually used to create train and test values to feed the libsvm classifier with KNIME.
"" is used to perform the preprocessing procedure described in the report on the transcripts dataset
"" is used to perform the leave one out crossvalidation on the already preprocessed transcripts dataset
"" is used to perform the preprocessing procedure described in the report on the movie reviews dataset"
"" is used to extract the students sentences relative to the various topics from the transcripts dataset
"" is used to perform the 10-fold crossvalidation on the various students sentences divided by topic, extracted from the transcripts dataset already preprocessed
"" is used to compute the threshold to determine the performance for each dialogue(positive or negative)
"" is used to compute the average gain for each dialogue in the transcript dataset and to determine the performance label according to an already estimated threshold