Folder Structure
- _old: all previous testing pages
- fog: most up-to-date files
- source-files: illustrations, wireframe etc.
- Please follow folder structure when you update. Thank you.
Our website will feature 4 San Francisco attractions using parallax scroll animation. Each section will have a link/button that goes to a separate page in which more information of the attraction is introduced. On each more info page, there will be a button that leads user back to our main page.
- Compile website inspirations;
- Figure out how to make the website (methods, plugins etc.);
- Moodboard;
- Sketches;
- Typeface;
- Adam- create wireframes for our site (landing page and inner page) and update us By EOD Friday.
- Ben- create an icon set that describes each tourist attraction, and buttons. Please give us an update by EOD Friday.
- Ulrica- create illustrations of 4 attractions and share 2 by Friday or Saturday.
- Sun Dai- replace the landing image (golden gate bridge) and figure out responsiveness of this parallax scroll animation thing. Once I receive any updates I will update the page accordingly. I will also research on navigation functionalities (click to navigate to a specific section etc).
- Animated gif for the fog, background cover.
- Building/landmark graphic make on a seperate layer as transparent PNG.
- Update new illustrations
- Update fonts / typesettings
- Add icons
- Tweak scrolling animation
- Responsiveness
- Adam: Implementing the Google maps with marker for each location category.
- add sass cache to gitignore
- fix typo