Simple bash shell script for monitoring ELK Linux operations.
This script is used for monitoring TCP/IP, RESTful, and Init jobs within the Elasticsearch-Logstash-Kibana (ELK) suite.
Tested on GNU bash 4.3.11 on Ubuntu 14.x.x but will work on most versions.
//Copy the file to your directory where you can either run on-demand or as a cron job (recommended) and install mailutils:
$cd /usr/local/bin
$sudo chmod 755
//Check for bash issues (no harm to do this)
$bash -n
//Add as a cron job:
$sudo crontab –e
//Add in:
00 08 * * * /usr/local/bin/
//*Note this will set the job to run daily at 08:00 UST. Also confirm SMTP is allowed out through your firewall and also don’t forget to edit lines 7-9 for your mailings.
//For Debian based systems:
$sudo apt-get install mail-utils
//For RHL based systems:
$sudo yum install mail-utils