This unofficial coding guide is focused on how to interact with the different systems of the engine in order to implement custom features using the lua programming language.
There is no sdk or editor needed for basic lua coding in KCD, however, in order to use advanced features, which'll ease your developers life, its recommended to get the latest modding tools / SDK for KCD.
Get the SDK / modding-tools at:
In order to execute lua code, open the console (with the ^ or ~ key) and type #System.Log("Hello World!")
This command should print Hello World
to the ingame-console.
The API of KCD features lua as a programming language for logic / modding / ...
In order to run lua code from the ingame-console, you need to add an # before the actual code,
otherwise you're executing ingame commands.
In order to use the developer mode, you have to create a shortcut and append or launch the application with -devmode:
-- release binary
\common\KingdomComeDeliverance\Bin\Win64\KingdomCome.exe -devmode
In order to use the full development profile, and features of the engine, its recommended to use the kingdomcome binary provided by the sdk.
-- editor binary
The source files of your mod have to be get compressed, with a tool like zip or 7zip. The resulting archive has to be renamed from to name_of_mod.pak in order to get initialized by the engine.
dir = { main.lua, debug.lua, test.lua } => => dir.pak
So for example, after all features or changes have been implemented and finished, you just have to create a new *.pak-file from the current sources in order to simply compress it, having it all in a single file, or in order to be able to share your mods.
A *pak-file is a simple *.zip file, renamed to pak - so its a straightforward task to create / edit / update the archives, luckily for the modding community :).
When using the editor-binary the following source paths get loaded on startup
first *.pak-files, than *.lua-files
This allows to edit and reload source files at runtime, outside of the *.pak files.
In order to reload a specific scripts or all scripts at runtime
-- This is a single-line comment
--[[ This is a multi-
line comment ]]
This list is a short overview of helpful commands provided by the engine.
Logs the given string to the ingame-console
System.LogAlways("Hello World!")
userName = "Heinrich"
System.LogAlways("Hallo " .. userName .. "!")
Clear the console output
change map to
map <mapname>
show all available maps
Bind a input-key to an action
bind mouse4 cl_fov 70
bind mouse3 cl_fov 35
Log every property of an entity:
The following list contains elements related to development use cases.
Reload all lua scripts or by filename (must be inside of pak-archive or source-paths)
An already loaded lua-file has to get unloaded first in order to reload it at runtime:
Load and evaluate lua code from string and map it to function 'helloWorld()'
helloWorld = loadstring("System.LogAlways('Hello World')")
Returns a random value between 0 and 1 (inclusive)
randomValue = math.random()
Get a reference of the current player entity by name:
System.GetEntityByName("dude").class = Player
Get a reference of the current player entity by class:
System.GetEntitiesByClass("Player").class = Player
Player = dude ?
Get a set of entities within the radius from the center, filtered by entity-class:
System.GetEntitiesInSphereByClass( center, radius, EntityClass)
Defines a 3d-vector
{x=0, y=0, z=0}
u1 = {x=1, y=0, z=0}
u2 = {x=0, y=1, z=0}
u3 = {x=0, y=0, z=1}
Returns 3d-vector for player position within the world
Execute a raycast and do something with the hit entity
local from = player:GetPos();
from.z = from.z + 1.615;
local dir = System.GetViewCameraDir();
dir = vecScale(dir, 50);
local skip =;
local hitData = {};
local hitCount = Physics.RayWorldIntersection(from, dir, 10, ent_all, skip, nil, hitData);
if hitCount > 0 then
local entity = hitData[1]
System.LogAlways("Hit entity: " .. tostring(entity))
-- dome something
Show ingame view with ui-elements for n seconds: \
Game.SendInfoText("Hello world ", false, nil, n)
Show a dialog at the top right corner with a title, and detail-section for 5 seconds:\
Game.ShowTutorial("$h;Title$h_end;This is a simple introduction!",5,false,true)
Adds the command with the name 'eval' to the set of commands the console-input 'eval' gets mapped to the lua function 'eval' with a optional parameter %line.
The help message could be shown with 'eval ?' \
System.AddCCommand( 'eval', 'eval(%line)', "Help message of eval")
shows string in the top right corner
wh_ui_CopyrightMsgRight = string
shows string in the top left corner
wh_ui_CopyrightMsgLeft = string
This is a simple definition of a function with parameters:
function <function_name>(<parameter>)
<function body>
Example: add two variables and return result
function add(a,b)
return a + b
Functions could be assigned to variables and reused, for example:
l = System.LogAlways()
t = tostring()
n = tonumber()
l("Hello World") -- returns Hello World
l(t(42)) -- returns 42
l(t(n(42))) - returns 42
This is a simple definition of an if-then-else condition in lua
if condition then
-- if block
-- optional else block
Example: If variable a is greater than b, log always ha!
a = 1
b = 0
if a > b then
Ternary operator
The ternary operator is a shortcut for the if-else structure
visitCount = 0
firstVisit = (visitCount > 0) ? "Welcome new user!" : "Hello again!";
For every member in the player object, print the name of it
for key,value in pairs(player) do System.LogAlways(key) end
For every entity within the radius of 100, log their keys to the console
local ents = System.GetEntities({x=2000,y=2000,z=100}, 100)
for i,e in pairs(ents) do
For every entity within the radius of 100, log their values to the console
local ents = System.GetEntities({x=2000,y=2000,z=100}, 100)
for i,e in pairs(ents) do
Delete every instance of "BasicEntity"
function deleteall ()
local ents = System.GetEntitiesByClass("BasicEntity")
for i,e in pairs(ents) do
In order to get the height and width provided by the rendering properties
screenHeight = tonumber(System.GetCVar("r_height"))
screenWidth = tonumber(System.GetCVar("r_width"))
see main.lua header
The built-in functions like System.LogAlways, Script.ReloadScript(...), Script.UnloadScript(...) are c++ functions exposed to LUA. There is a documentation for all of them in /tools/luadoc.
Create *.ent file in Entities/<nameOfEntile.ent>
Create *.lua file in Scripts/Entities/<nameOfLuaFile.lua>
Delegate the functionality of the entity into a controller class -
this allows the use usage of #Script.ReloadScript("Scripts/Entities/<nameOfLuaFile.lua>")
The following code shows how to spawn an entity at a given position entity.pos and some kind of input (line) for the path of the model / *.cgf file:
local spawnParams = {}
spawnParams.class = "BasicEntity"
spawnParams.position = entity.pos -- or = { x = 0, y = 0, z = 0 }
spawnParams.orientation = { x = 0, y = 0, z = 1 } = "BasicEntityInstance" = {} = 0
-- use the parameter of this method as the models actual file path (will be loaded at runtime)
for example
line = "objects/nature/stones/dry_stone_a.cgf"
line "objects/nature/stones/dry_stone_a.cgf"
]] = line
local ent = System.SpawnEntity(spawnParams)
-- do something with the entity
The following code shows how to delete a given entity by its id
entity = <someKindOfEntity>
By default, entities, or subclasses of entities, are setup for near distance fade-outs, this means, if you move away from the entity in a short distance, the entity gets hidden from the rendering system.
This is more useable for high density scenes or scenes with lot of vegetation or detail.
Use the following snippet for enabling unlimited view distance of an entity.
In order to execute logic at some specific point in the application execution (after the scene has been loaded, onExit, on...)
function object:uiActionListener(actionName, eventName, eventArgs)
System.LogAlways("actionName: " .. actionName)
System.LogAlways("eventName: " .. eventName)
if eventArgs then
System.LogAlways("eventArgs: " .. tostring(eventName))
if actionName == "sys_loadingimagescreen" and eventName == "OnEnd" then
-- do something when the scene is loaded (not main menu)
UIAction.RegisterActionListener(object, "", "", "uiActionListener")
Get the total income of pribyslawitz
Mod - More Functions for Mouse Right Button
Mod - Cheat
Cryengine documentation (very helpful)\
Linear algebra - intersection of a line with plane
Modding guide
Get the sdk / modding tools