Come visit our friendly bunch of prehistoric creatures through the magic of Virtual Reality!
This site was built to be a fun experience for all ages that takes advantage of the sense of scale that VR and AR can deliver, as well as functioning as a demonstration of the latest and greatest capabilities of the WebXR Device API and it's various extended modules.
- "All Dinosaur models" by Jose Diaz and purchased from SketchFab under their Standard License.
- "Jurassic Park Jaula" environment by Gigano Regulus
- "Controller" model by Jack Brookes is licensed under CC-BY 3.0.
- "Misty Pines" 360 photo by HDRI Haven
- "Tree Frog and Bird Sound" audio by Mike Koenig
- "Diesel Horn" audio by thepodcastdoctor
- "Heavy Dinosaur Footsteps" audio by theguitarmanjp
- "Soft Footsteps Gravel/Leaves/Dirt/Pavement" audio by newagesoup