Releases: benhackbarth/audioguide
AudioGuide version 1.79
Fixed a stupid bug fix in musicalwriting that cause a fatal error sometimes
AudioGuide version 1.78
Version 1.78
Fixed a bug that broke audioguide when a csf(includeStr) yielded no samples.
Fixed a bug in interactive mode where if certain options were removed from the options file they wouldn't return to their default values.
AudioGuide version 1.76
Small bug fixes
AudioGuide version 1.75
Many bug fixes, including: reaper scableDb volume, musicalwriting.intervalrestictions for multiple voices, issues with instruments when using -i interactive mode, issues with automatic dynamic detection using filenames, problems with pitchfilter when using interactive mode/the API.
Also, better error handling for: audio files that cannot be read and empty directories, html.log printing if no segments get past an spass().
AudioGuide now skips sound files in a directory that start with '._'
AudioGuide version 1.74
New Writing for Instruments article and video tutorial.
Various improvements and bug fixes, mostly related to instrument writing.
• added a method instrParams={'pitched': False} for unpitched instrument csf()s that should bypass pitchfilters and interval restrictions. Useful for unpitched sound collections that shouldn't be subject to static or temporal pitch filtering.
• added a method pitchfilter={'harmonics': ['D1']} for filtering with harmonics of one or more fundamental frequencies. This may be combined with other parameters; e.g. pitchfilter={'harmonics': ['D1'], 'pitches'=['C3', 1]} gives all harmonics of D1 as well as C3 and C# in any octave.
• rewrote instr(interval_limit_range_per_sec) so that it works properly.
• bug fixes for pitchfilter, 'closest' sub method of spass('parser'), midiPitchMethod={'type': 'file_match'}
AudioGuide version 1.72
• Better documentation of working with output file names. You can now specify output files or directories using the '$TIME' string, which adds the current time stamp to output files so that they are not overwritten each time runs. See examples/
• Velocity is now used in the bach output files and represents the volume of the selected sound (plus any attenuation from scaleDb or envelope). By default, it is mapped from -80dB=0 to -0dB=127. You can customize this mapping with BACH_DB_TO_VELOCITY_BREAKPOINTS.
• Better comments in the files in examples/.
• Various bug fixes. You can now have csound output files with spaces in the filenames!
AudioGuide version 1.71
Support for creating Reaper .rpp files.
AudioGuide version 1.7
Support added for .aaf files for working in Logic/Pro Tools