snort3_aws is a project for building snort3 docker images and deploying IPS/IDS in AWS environment using Gateway Load Balancer(GWLB) and Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS).
In order to build the docker images and run kubernetes deployment, the following applications must be installed on your local computer
- java for running gradle build
- docker
- go
- kubectl
- helm for running local test
- kind for running local test
- aws cli for installing gwlb and eks using cloudformation script
- a dockerhub repo where you can publish images
To build docker image, first set the following environmental variables.
export DOCKER_REPO='your_docker_repo'
export DOCKER_SERVER='your_dockerhub_server'
export DOCKER_USER='your_docker_username'
export DOCKER_PASSWORD='your_docker_password'
Then run
./gradlew build
You can also run unit test
./gradlew test
To publish docker images
./gradlew publish
./gradlew startLocalTest
./gradlew stopLocalTest
Before installing the helm chart, please replace the YOUR_DOCKER_REPO in helm/snort3-ips/values.yaml with your actual docker repo.
Please see aws/gwlb and aws/eks in this repo for creating GWLB and EKS using cloudformation templates.
- daq: gwlb
- interface: eth1
- mode: -Q # use -Q for inline mode and -v for passive mode
- numThread: 4
Here interface is where snort3 will be listening on for Geneve traffic (UDP port 6081). Please make sure you have security group rule to allow incoming traffic from UDP port 6081.
- daq: afpacket
- interface: eth0:eth1
- mode: -Q # use -Q for inline mode and -v for passive mode
- numThread: 2
For on-prem deployment, you should use afpacket in general. If you want to deploy it with inline mode, you need an inline pair of interfaces. Please refer to snort3 manual ( for more details.
How to apply Talos_LightSPD.tar.gz dowloaded from your account
./scripts/ ~/Downloads/Talos_LightSPD.tar.gz 2021-11-09-001
The first argument is the path of Talos lightspd package. The second argument is the package verison.
./scripts/ balanced-security-and-connectivity
Available policies:
- no-rules-active
- connectivity-over-security
- security-over-connectivity
- balanced-security-and-connectivity
- maximum-detection
Note after running this script, the IPS alerts will be saved on your local computer in current directory and the alert files in the running snort3 containers will be pruned.