c170e2f Merge branch 'main' into hotrealoading
9ffcf03 Merge branch 'main' into hotrealoading
01901b4 Merge branch 'main' into hotrealoading
57320fe add cmd to list files
3fbc230 add file hash to artifact metadata
d9d9ffc add inspect buildinfo cmd; add content file hash to buildinfo file
de0f9c6 assure input hash comparison is similar to input hash during build
464b8c0 check file by file when extracting the artifact or invalidating targets
13908b5 cleanup
3791569 debug
c229b0d debug buildinfoFiles
6749119 dont check filehash on verifyShallow
a92a4b5 extra debug
38ca8c8 fix bob clean targets cmd
000502f fix last failing test
8b342e4 fix lint
efda6ff fix path for invalid file cleanup
686e946 fix symlink when it has changed file pointer after build
0fc028f fix typo
b388102 if child task has changed check the target of the task
00c64f2 ignore node_modules/.cache
a9abaf8 improve verify shallow performance
be8ddb2 no need for pointers
667167c prevent missuse of cleanup
20c5319 readd usage of takID and secure deleetion
c5d03ad remove bob clean
7a421fe remove debug; fix build issue on missing buildinfo
62feee5 remove file hash content on artifact meta
a419571 remove target
6c42abd remove typo
83e8de9 test bob clean
6050334 verify of hash of file contents upon target verification
You can’t perform that action at this time.