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Bryant E. McDonnell edited this page Dec 1, 2016 · 4 revisions


SWMM Binary Output Reader - Python Wrapper for SWMM

This package provides a Pythonic interface to a binary output file generated by USEPA Stormwater Management Model (SWMM5). This tool has proven to be useful in post-processing applications with both large and small output files. The Python wrapper (SWMMOutputAPI.swmmbinreader) calls on a compiled object library which handles seeking though the binary output file. Taking this approach increases the rate at which data can be read from a binary output file. With a simpler collection of tools to access binary output, the user can spend more time on data analysis, visualization, and prototyping than plumbing.


Python Hosted Docs


pip install SWMMOutputAPI

Basic Tutorial

from swmmbinreader import *

#Create and instance of SWMMBinReader
OutputObject = SWMMBinReader()

#Open Outputfile

#Get Link IDs
LinkIDs = OutputObject.get_IDs(SM_link)
>>> ['C3', 'C2', 'C1']

#Get Time Series
Times = OutputObject.get_TimeSeries()
>>> [datetime.datetime(2015, 11, 29, 14, 0), datetime.datetime(2015, 11, 29, 14, 1), ..., datetime.datetime(2015, 11, 29, 14, 9)]

#Get Data Series
Series = OutputObject.get_Series(SM_link, flow_rate_link, 'C2')
>>> [3.908519983291626, 4.6215434074401855, 4.594745635986328, 4.595311641693115, ...,  4.595311641693115]

#Close Binary File
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