INFOShare has a plethora of ways people can collaborate and share information.
The project has five basic apps:
- News (A Twitter-like microblog)
- Articles (A collaborative blog or a Facebook like post)
- Question & Answers (A Stack Overflow-like platform)
- Messeger (A basic chat-a-like tool for asynchronous communication.)
- Groups (which could be a club or event: Coding Club, Alcheringa)
- Python_ 3.6.x / 3.7.x
Django Web Framework
_ 1.11.x / 2.0.x- PostgreSQL_
Redis 3.2
_Twitter Bootstrap 4
_jQuery 3
libpq-dev $ sudo apt-get libpq-dev
clone the repository
$ git clone
Create a virtual env
Activate the virtualenv you have just created
CD into the project folder
Install development requirements:
$ pip install -r requirements/local.txt
Create a new PostgreSQL database and a user 'infoshare'
$ createdb infoshare $ createuser infoshare
Enter PostgreSQL
$ sudo -u postgres psql
create Role to access database
# CREATE ROLE infoshare WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'ultimate';
Grant all privileges to the user for him to connect to the database
# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES infoshare TO infoshare;
Migrate the database
$ python migrate
Setup Email Backend - MailHog
url -
- Download the latest MailHog release for your OS.
- Rename the build to MailHog.
- Copy the file to the project root.
- Make it executable. $ chmod +x MailHog
- Spin up another terminal window and start it there: $ ./MailHog
Configure Redis Server for websockets used in Notifications $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt install redis-server $ redis-server
Run Server locally to view the project
$ python runserver 8000