update date: 03/09/2023
Author: Beichen Hu[[email protected]], Junhao Shen [[email protected]]
OS support:
- MacOS Ventura 13.0 Apple M2 Chips
- Ubuntu 20.04
- Java version: 11.0.18
- Scala Version: 2.13.10
- Play! Framework version: 2.18.19
- sbt version: 1.7.2
Version compatibility table[https://docs.scala-lang.org/overviews/jdk-compatibility/overview.html]
├── README.md # README first
├── app # write your code under this folder
│ ├── controllers # controller module
│ │ ├── HomeController.java # home controller, you can define any default page here
│ │ └── UserController.java # user controller, define user pages here
│ ├── models # data model module
│ │ └── User.java # data model User
│ ├── services # service module[optional]
│ │ └── UserService.java
│ ├── utils # utility module, for any utility functions(you don't have to change, just use it)
│ │ ├── Constants.java # save all constants
│ │ ├── HttpResponse.java # define and save all http response
│ │ ├── HttpUtil.java # utility functions for http
│ │ └── RESTfulCalls.java # handle all RESTfull calls to backend
│ └── views # view module, all your html files
│ ├── detail.scala.html
│ ├── edit.scala.html
│ ├── login.scala.html
│ └── register.scala.html
├── build.sbt # build file, define all dependencies here
├── conf # configuration files
│ ├── application.conf
│ ├── logback.xml
│ └── routes # define all routes here
├── logs
├── project
│ ├── build.properties # build properties, define sbt version,etc.
│ ├── plugins.sbt # define preload plugins, play framework, etc.
│ └── project
└── public # public files, css, js, images, etc.
├── images
├── javascripts
└── stylesheets
Session & Flash Scope
Protecting against Cross Site Request Forgery