In this very special repository, two warriors: Zuzia and Wojtek took a hard challenge to create a game (Shakes and Fidget and Swords and Sandals crossover) with doggos in the main role.
- Zuzia - Zuzanna Furtak -
- Wojtek - Wojciech Dróżdż -
Pjeskiem i Mieczem was created in Java
using the JavaFX
UI library.
The game was created in a raw pencil-written style and flipbook aestethic.
- The goal of the game is to earn as much gold as possible
- Players has to fight in the arena in order to level up and earn gold
- Stats give various bonuses against different kinds of opponents also they can boost health, luck or increase HP points
- Earned gold can be spent on health restoration
- Players can exit the game at any moment and continue where they left off
- After the player dies they can save their results into the Hall of Fame.
Below you can find a short gif showing demo of the gameplay:
Sometimes in the recoding frames seem to stop playing. This is due to the gif recorder framerate and compression. During actual gameplay no such thing happens
We are very proud soooo... Have a nice game!
The game was created for "Object Oriented Programming" course on AGH UST. The instrucions for the task are located in the link below:
Instructions and the game UI are written in polish, because the course was lectured in polish.
Aaaand here is a picture of us!