TASH is a mini shell deprived from Unix V6SH which used to be refferred as to Thompson shell (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thompson_shell) which was written by Ken Thompson in 1971. I did some little things in ANSI C and ported it on modern Linux system. It is still regarded as a quite simple CLI interpreter but not yet for scripting.
The basic functions of this interpreter include command line, pipe, terminal reporting, I/O redirection and so on. More information is mentioned at on-line manual: http://v6shell.org/history/sh.1.html.
TASH currently contains only two source files: tash.c glob.c. You may make them into executable files at a time and install them on /usr/local/bin as for your user id as root.
You may have a quick start inputing command lines in three ways as follows:
Execute command with option '-c'
~/tash$ ./tash -c "ls *.c | grep glob"
Execute shell file with option '-t'
~/tash$ ./tash -t test.sh
ls *.c | grep glob
Execute shell file
~/tash$ cat test.sh
ls *.c | grep glob
~/tash$ chmod +x test.sh
~/tash$ ./test.sh
The original source code and mannual of Unix V6SH was put on The Unix Heritage Society(TUHS). You may download them at http://minnie.tuhs.org/cgi-bin/utree.pl for free.
Any good suggestions are welcomed:^)