Bayesian nonparametric discovery of Isoforms and Individual Specific Quantification with BIISQ
Requires python version 2 (2.7+)
Required packages: joblib cython numpy scipy
If you have a working anaconda or python installation, then:
pip install --user numpy
pip install --user scipy
pip install --user joblib
pip install --user cython
If you would like to install via a new vitual environment, then:
virtualenv biisq_env
source biisq_env/bin/activate
pip install numpy
pip install scipy
pip install cython
pip install joblib
git clone
cd BIISQ/examples/ex_gene_1/
cd viz
there is another example for paired end data in BIISQ/examples/paired_end.
Running this script will summarize transcript composition and quantification. By default results will be stored in BIISQ/examples/ex_gene_1/output. The summary.html file contains descriptions of the individuals and isoform compositions.
If your data is very small, you might consider running BIISQ several times without proposals and merging, e.g. --max-n-prop 0 --min-n-prop 0