The backend of Amnesia is implemented in Java using the Spring framework. Its components offer a ReST API that handles anonymization requests issued by the web interface. It uses a temporary local storage for the anonymization purposes and final results are returned by the ReST interface. There are three ways to communicate with Amnesia’s backend procedures:
Visit Amnesia’s online version ( provided only for test purposes for small datasets and hierarchies. To anonymize your private data, we recommend you use the following two options.
Run Amnesia’s application and execute the web request on localhost (port 8181).
Clone Amnesia’s repository from Github.
To successfully build the Amnesia engine follow these steps:
- Clone the project
- Go to controller/ and set the variable "os" with desired operation system ("windows" or "linux")
- Build the project
- Take the .jar from the "scr/target" directoryDownload pixelmed.jar from and install manaully to amnesia's Dependencies.
- Downoload tin the same folder where Amnesia's jar file will be executed.
- Run via terminal java -Xms1024m -Xmx4096m -Dorg.eclipse.jetty.server.Request.maxFormKeys=1000000 -Dorg.eclipse.jetty.server.Request.maxFormContentSize=1000000 -jar "path_to_jar_file" --server.port=8181 ⋅⋅⋅Then you can use the Amnesia’s API as in the previous step.
All the examples below are harmonized with the last two methods on localhost using datasets and hierarchies provided in
getSession [POST]
- Simple HTTP request returning the session id
Web services require a field called “Session” as an argument. “Session” is the HTTP session(Cookie) of the user, which is called JSESSIONID. This call returns the JSESSIONID of the user, in order to use it.
Example via Terminal:
# /getSession [POST]
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:8181/getSession
> {"Status":"Success","Session_Id":"D6DF59C4A03432B79BC61961F1671EDB"}
loadData [POST]
- file: MultipartFile, original dataset in .txt or .csv format
- datasetType: tabular -> Simple table, set-> Sets of values, RelSet -> Table with a set-valued attribute and Disk -> Disk based simple table
- del: Delimiter of dataset
- columnsType: Json string with keys the columns’ names and values the data type (int, double, string, date, set(hierarchy ‘s variable type must be string))
- session: Set session id as header parameter
- if datasetType is RelSet
- delSet: delimiter for the set-valued column
Examples via Terminal:
- Simple Table (tabular)
# /loadData [POST]
$ curl -X POST -H "Cookie: JSESSIONID=D6DF59C4A03432B79BC61961F1671EDB" http://localhost:8181/loadData
--form file=@"/path/to/Datasets/Scenarios/Simple Table-Disk based simple table/data1/newData.txt"
--form del=,
--form datasetType=tabular --form columnsType="{\"zipcode\":\"int\",\"age\":\"int\",\"gender\":\"string\",\"salary\":\"int\"}"
> {"Status":"Success","Message":"Dataset loaded successfully!"}
Sets of Values (set)
Amnesia handles “Procedure Codes”, which is a set column, as a string column.
# /loadData [POST]
$ curl -X POST -H "Cookie: JSESSIONID=D6DF59C4A03432B79BC61961F1671EDB" http://localhost:8181/loadData
--form file=@"/path/to/Datasets/Scenarios/Sets of Values/data1/setNumbers.csv"
--form del="|"
--form datasetType=set
--form columnsType="{\"Procedure Codes\": \"set\"}"
> {"Status":"Success","Message":"Dataset loaded successfully!"}
Table with a set-valued attribute (RelSet)
Amnesia handles “Procedure Codes”, which is a set column, as a string column
# /loadData [POST]
$ curl -X POST -H "Cookie: JSESSIONID=D6DF59C4A03432B79BC61961F1671EDB" http://localhost:8181/loadData
--form file=@"/path/to/Datasets/Scenarios/Table with a set-valued attribute/data1/mixedDataSet.csv"
--form del=,
--form delSet="|"
--form datasetType=RelSet
--form columnsType="{\"Procedure Codes\": \"set\", \"salary\":\"int\", \"age\":\"int\", \"date\":\"date\"}"
> {"Status":"Success","Message":"Dataset loaded successfully!"}
- Disk based simple table (Disk)
# /loadData [POST]
$ curl -X POST -H "Cookie: JSESSIONID=D6DF59C4A03432B79BC61961F1671EDB" http://localhost:8084/amnesia/loadData
--form file=@"/path/to/Datasets/Scenarios/Simple Table-Disk based simple table/data1/newData.txt"
--form del=,
--form datasetType=Disk
--form columnsType="{\"zipcode\":\"int\",\"age\":\"int\",\"gender\":\"string\",\"salary\":\"int\"}"
> {"Status":"Success","Message":"Dataset loaded successfully!"}
generateHierarchy [POST]
Hierarchy autogeneration requires loading the dataset initially to find the appropriate values in a specific column to generate a new hierarchy. In the examples below, we consider that the mixedDataSet.csv dataset (Table with a set-valued attribute) has been loaded.
- hierType: type of hierarchy (mask (only for string data),distinct,range}
- varType: (int,double,string,date)
- attribute: column name
- hierName: name of hierarchy
- session: Set session id as header parameter
hierType is range and varType is {int or double}
- startLimit: int
- endLimit: int
The parameters above declare the domain range e.g. 1-100
- fanout: Number of children of each node (int)
- step: Range of each node (int)
Example via Terminal:
# /generateHierarchy [POST]
$ curl -X POST -H "Cookie: JSESSIONID=D6DF59C4A03432B79BC61961F1671EDB" http://localhost:8181/generateHierarchy
--form hierType=range
--form varType=int
--form attribute=age
--form hierName=age_hier
--form startLimit=1
--form endLimit=100
--form fanout=3
--form step=5
--out ./range_hier_age.txt
The hierarchy is stored in the “range_hier_age.txt” text file
- hierType is range and varType is date
startYear: int
endYear: int The parameters above declare the domain range in term of years e.g. 1945-2016
years: Range step in term of years e.g. 5 years
months: Range step in term of months e.g. 2 months
days: Range step in term of days e.g. 7 days
fanout: Number of children of each node (int)
Example via Terminal:
# /generateHierarchy [POST]
$ curl -X POST -H "Cookie: JSESSIONID=D6DF59C4A03432B79BC61961F1671EDB" http://localhost:8181/generateHierarchy
--form hierType=range
--form varType=date
--form attribute=date
--form hierName=date_hier
--form startYear=1940
--form endYear=2016
--form years=5
--form months=6
--form days=7
--form fanout=3
--out ./range_hier_date.txt
The hierarchy is stored in the “range_hier_date.txt” text file.
- hierType is distinct and varType is string
- sorting: {alphabetical,random} (string)
- fanout: Number of children of each node (int)
Example via Terminal:
# /generateHierarchy [POST]
$ curl -X POST -H "Cookie: JSESSIONID=D6DF59C4A03432B79BC61961F1671EDB" http://localhost:8181/generateHierarchy
--form hierType=distinct
--form varType=string
--form attribute=”Procedure Codes”
--form hierName=codes_hier
--form sorting=alphabetical
--form fanout=3
--out ./hier_p_codes.txt
The hierarchy is stored in the “hier_p_codes.txt” text file.
- hierType is mask and varType is string
- length: The length of mask (int)
Example via Terminal:
# /generateHierarchy [POST]
$ curl -X POST -H "Cookie: JSESSIONID=D6DF59C4A03432B79BC61961F1671EDB" http://localhost:8181/generateHierarchy
--form hierType=mask
--form varType=string
--form attribute=”Procedure Codes”
--form hierName=codes_hier
--form length=3
--out ./mask_hier_p_codes.txt
The hierarchy is stored in the “mask_hier_p_codes.txt” text file.
- hierType is distinct and varType is {int or double}
- sorting: {numeric,alphabetical,random} (string)
- fanout: Number of children of each node (int)
Example via Terminal:
# /generateHierarchy [POST]
$ curl -X POST -H "Cookie: JSESSIONID=D6DF59C4A03432B79BC61961F1671EDB" http://localhost:8181/generateHierarchy
--form hierType=distinct
--form varType=int
--form attribute=salary
--form hierName=salary_hier
--form sorting=numeric
--form fanout=3
--out ./distinct_hier_salary.txt
The hierarchy was saved in the “distinct_hier_salary.txt” text file.
loadHierarchies [POST]
- hierarchies: MultipartFile[], list of hierarchies files in .txt format
- session: Set session id as header parameter
Example via Terminal:
# /generateHierarchy [POST]
$ curl -X POST -H "Cookie: JSESSIONID=D6DF59C4A03432B79BC61961F1671EDB" http://localhost:8181/loadHierarchies
--form hierarchies=@"path/to/Datasets/Scenarios/Simple Table-Disk based simple table/data1/distinct_hier_salary.txt"
--form hierarchies=@"path/to/Datasets/Scenarios/Simple Table-Disk based simple table/data1/distinct_hier_age.txt"
> {"Status":"Success","Message":"Hierarchies have been successfully > loaded!"}
anonymization [POST]
- bind: json string {colName1:hierName1,colName2:hierName2,..,colNameN:hierNameN}
- k: at least k same records (int)
- m: optional, depends on the dataset type.(Sets, RelSet) (int)
- session: Set session id as header parameter
Returns a json string of possible solutions if the executed algorithm is Flash (simple table dataset) e.g. {sol1:{[1,1], unsafe},sol2:{[1,2], safe}} or the anonymized dataset.
Example via Terminal for simple table dataset:
# /anonymization [POST]
$ curl -X POST -H "Cookie: JSESSIONID=D6DF59C4A03432B79BC61961F1671EDB" http://localhost:8181/anonymization
--form bind="{\"age\":\"age\",\"salary\":\"salary\"}"
--form k=3
> {"Solutions":{
> "sol5":{"result":"safe","levels":"[0, 2]"},
> "sol4":{"result":"unsafe","levels":"[1, 1]"},
> "sol7":{"result":"safe","levels":"[1, 2]"},
> "sol6":{"result":"safe","levels":"[2, 1]"},
> "sol1":{"result":"unsafe","levels":"[1, 0]"},
> "sol0":{"result":"unsafe","levels":"[0, 0]"},
> "sol3":{"result":"safe","levels":"[2, 0]"},
> "sol2":{"result":"unsafe","levels":"[0, 1]"},
> "sol8":{"result":"safe","levels":"[2, 2]"}
> }}
Example via Terminal for table with with a set-valued attribute:
# /anonymization [POST]
$ curl -X POST -H "Cookie: JSESSIONID=D6DF59C4A03432B79BC61961F1671EDB" http://localhost:8181/anonymization
--form bind="{\"age\":\"age\",\"salary\":\"salary\", \"Procedure Codes\": \"myNumHier\" }"
--form k=3
--form m=2
--out ./anonymized_mixedData.csv
The anonymized data are stored in “anonymized_mixedData.csv” file
getAnonRules [POST]
- sol: json string array which contain the anonymize level of each quasi-identifier e.g. [1,2] only for simple table data
- suppresed: boolean for only for simple table data
- session: Set session id as header parameter
The current endpoint is not supported for disk-based data (Disk based simple table) because the algorithm is executed using clustering and similarities that do not generate anonymization rules.
Examples via Terminal for simple table data:
# /getAnonRules [POST]
$ curl -X POST -H "Cookie: JSESSIONID=D6DF59C4A03432B79BC61961F1671EDB" http://localhost:8181/getAnonRules
--form sol="[1,2]"
--form suppressed=true
> {"Status":"Fail","Message":"The solution [1,2] satisfies 3-anonymity so > it can not be suppressed!"}
# /getAnonRules [POST]
curl -X POST -H "Cookie: JSESSIONID=D6DF59C4A03432B79BC61961F1671EDB" http://localhost:8181/getAnonRules
--form sol="[1,2]"
--form suppressed=false
--out ./anonRules.txt
The anonymized rules are stored in the “anonRules.txt” file.
Example via Terminal for table with with a set-valued attribute:
# /getAnonRules [POST]
$ curl -X POST -H "Cookie: JSESSIONID=D6DF59C4A03432B79BC61961F1671EDB" http://localhost:8181/getAnonRules
--out ./anonRules_mixed.txt
The anonymized rules are stored in the “anonRules_mixed.txt” file.
loadAnonRules [POST]
- rules: MultipartFile, the of anonymized rules in .txt format
- session: Set session id as header parameter
We suppose that a simple table dataset has already been imported to Amnesia, and we have exported the anonymization rules in the “anonRules.txt” as in the previous example.
# /loadAnonRules [POST]
$ curl -X POST -H "Cookie: JSESSIONID=D6DF59C4A03432B79BC61961F1671EDB" http://localhost:8181/loadAnonRules
--form rules="path/to/anoRules.txt"
--out ./apply_rules.txt
The dataset which was produced from the anonymization rules is stored in the “apply_rules.txt” file.
clearSession [POST]
- session: Set session id as header parameter (setHeader("Cookie", "JSESSIONID="+ SessionID)
Example via Terminal:
# /clearSession [POST]
$ curl -X POST -H "Cookie: JSESSIONID=D6DF59C4A03432B79BC61961F1671EDB" http://localhost:8181/clearSession
> {"Status":"Success","Message":"Session is cleared!"}
getSolution [POST]
- sol: json string array which contain the anonymize level of each quasi-identifier e.g. [1,2]
- session: Set session id as header parameter
Example via Terminal:
# /getSolution [POST]
$ curl -X POST -H "Cookie: JSESSIONID=D6DF59C4A03432B79BC61961F1671EDB" http://localhost:8181/getSolution
--form sol="[1,2]"
--out ./anonymized_simple_table_data.txt
The anonymized dataset is stored in the “anonymized_simple_table_data.txt” text file.
getSuppressPercentage [POST]
- sol: json string array which contain the anonymize level of each quasi-identifier e.g. [1,2]
- session: Set session id as header parameter (setHeader("Cookie", "JSESSIONID="+ SessionID)
Examples via Terminal:
# /getSuppressPercentage [POST]
$ curl -X POST -H "Cookie: JSESSIONID=D6DF59C4A03432B79BC61961F1671EDB" http://localhost:8181/getSuppressPercentage
--form sol="[1,2]"
> {"Status":"Success","percentageSuppress":0.0,"Message":"The solution: > [1,2] satisfies k=3 anonymity","k":3}
For unsafe solution e.g. [1,1]
# /getSuppressPercentage [POST]
$ curl -X POST -H "Cookie: JSESSIONID=D6DF59C4A03432B79BC61961F1671EDB" http://localhost:8181/getSuppressPercentage
--form sol="[1,1]"
> {"Status":"Success","percentageSuppress":0.3,"Message":"To produce a k=3 anonymity solution, it must be suppressed by 0.3%","k":3}
getSuppressedSolution [POST]
- sol: json string array which contain the anonymize level of each quasi-identifier e.g. [1,2]
- session: Set session id as header parameter (setHeader("Cookie", "JSESSIONID="+ SessionID)
Examples via Terminal:
# /getSuppressedSolution [POST]
$ curl -X POST -H "Cookie: JSESSIONID=D6DF59C4A03432B79BC61961F1671EDB" http://localhost:8181/getSuppressedSolution --form sol="[1,2]"
> {"Status":"Fail","Message":"The solution [1,2] satisfies 3-anonymity so > it can not be suppressed!"}
For unsafe solution e.g. [1,1]
# /getSuppressedSolution [POST]
$ curl -X POST -H "Cookie: JSESSIONID=D6DF59C4A03432B79BC61961F1671EDB" http://localhost:8181/getSuppressedSolution
--form sol="[1,1]"
--out ./anonymized_suppressed_dataset.txt
The suppressed anonymized dataset is stored in the “anonymized_suppressed_dataset.txt” text file.
getStatistics [POST]
- sol: json string array which contain the anonymize level of each quasi-identifier e.g. [1,2]
- quasi_ids: String[], list of columns which are quasi-identifiers
- session: Set session id as header parameter (setHeader("Cookie", "JSESSIONID="+ SessionID)
Examples via Terminal:
- For age column
# /getStatistics [POST]
$ curl -X POST -H "Cookie: JSESSIONID=D6DF59C4A03432B79BC61961F1671EDB" http://localhost:8181/getStatistics
--form sol="[1,2]"
--form quasi_ids=age
> {"Status":"Success",
> "AnonymizedStats":[
> {"numberOfValues":"142","value":"[102]"},
> {"numberOfValues":"134","value":"[101]"},
> {"numberOfValues":"131","value":"[105]"},
> {"numberOfValues":"122","value":"[103]"},
> {"numberOfValues":"119","value":"[107]"},
> {"numberOfValues":"110","value":"[108]"},
> {"numberOfValues":"104","value":"[106]"},
> {"numberOfValues":"103","value":"[104]"},
> {"numberOfValues":"34","value":"[109]"},
> {"numberOfValues":"0","value":"problematic records"},
> {"numberOfValues":"0","value":"Records with support less than 3%"}],
> "TotalRecords":999,
> "k":3}
- For salary column
# /getStatistics [POST]
$ curl -X POST -H "Cookie: JSESSIONID=D6DF59C4A03432B79BC61961F1671EDB" http://localhost:8181/getStatistics --form sol="[1,2]" --form quasi_ids=salary
> {"Status":"Success",
> "AnonymizedStats":[
> {"numberOfValues":"999","value":"[10011]"},
> {"numberOfValues":"0","value":"problematic records"},
> {"numberOfValues":"0","value":"Records with support less than 100%"}],
> "TotalRecords":999,
> "k":3}
- For age and salary combined
# /getStatistics [POST]
$ curl -X POST -H "Cookie: JSESSIONID=D6DF59C4A03432B79BC61961F1671EDB" http://localhost:8181/getStatistics
--form sol="[1,2]"
--form quasi_ids=age
--form quasi_ids=salary
> {"Status":"Success",
> "AnonymizedStats":[
> {"numberOfValues":"142","value":"[102, 10011]"},
> {"numberOfValues":"134","value":"[101, 10011]"},
> {"numberOfValues":"131","value":"[105, 10011]"},
> {"numberOfValues":"122","value":"[103, 10011]"},
> {"numberOfValues":"119","value":"[107, 10011]"},
> {"numberOfValues":"110","value":"[108, 10011]"},
> {"numberOfValues":"104","value":"[106, 10011]"},
> {"numberOfValues":"103","value":"[104, 10011]"},
> {"numberOfValues":"34","value":"[109, 10011]"},
> {"numberOfValues":"0","value":"problematic records"},
> {"numberOfValues":"0","value":"Records with support less than 3%"}],
> "TotalRecords":999,
> "k":3}
version 1.3.0 (release date: 11/02/2022)
- Integration of additional information loss metrics
version 1.2.9
Privacy guarantees with demographic statistics.
Support for anonymization of DICOM files.
version 1.2.8
Better interface for pseudo-anonymization.
Support for user-defined masking rules.
Added error messages on loading dataset
Removed openjfx java library.
Bug fixed on loading Dataverse data.
- Bug fixed in files extraction
- Bug fixed in suppression
version 1.2.7
Integration with the dataverse project.
Bug fixed in zenodo inegration.
version 1.2.6
ReST API upgrade.
Bug fixed in string hierarchy.
Bugs fixed in anonymization rules
version 1.2.5
Cleaning non-printable characters
Keep 128 characters from the titles of columns
Cleaning titles of columns from undesired characters
version 1.2.4
Bug fixed in masking based autogeneration hierarchy
Resolved front-end issues
Bug fixed in suppression
Bug fixed in statistics
version 1.2.3
New feature, autogeneration masking based hierarchy for strings
Fixed bug in date formatting
Fixed bug in dataset loading
version: 1.2.2
Increased upload file size
Bugs fixed in hierarchy section
Bug fixed in date values localization
version: 1.2.1
Optimized clustering disk based algorithm.
Better handling for "(null)" hierarchy node for unspecified values e.g. empty cells.
Bug fixed in km-anonymity algorithm.
Bug fixed in online version.
Bug fixed for non-english character set.
Bug fixed for parsing dates with specific localization.
version: 1.2.0
Checked values existence in hierarchy tree.
Fixed bug on Safari browser.
Fixed bugs on hierarchy's operations (add, edit, delete).
Fixed bug on suppression functionality.
Better handling of the empty cells for range type of hierarchy.
Fixed bug for windows OS related on java version.
New clustering disk based algorithm.
Setted limits on dataset's records and on hierarchy's nodes for on-line version.
Faster loading of date values in dataset.
Fixed bug for decimal values with comma.
Changed loading data-types.
Fixed bug on rage date type with the same bounds.
version: 1.1.1
Increased the Java heap size.
Fixed a bug causing crushed in the windows' version of Amnesia.
The on-line version of Amnesia is restricted to 3 minutes of processing time per anonymization task.
Fixed bug with characher encoding on several Linux distributions.
version: 1.1.0
New algorithm for Object-relational dataset (combination between relational dataset and set-valued dataset).
Update error handling.
Bugs fixed in hierarchy editing.
Hierarchy removing.
Bugs fixed when the results are appeared.
version: 1.0.7
Updated interface.
Several bugs fixed.
version: 1.0.6
Template implementation via terminal.
Template implementation via rest service.
version: 1.0.5
Date hierarchy editing.
Updated interface.
Several bugs fixed.
version: 1.0.4
Wizard for numeric ranges has been updated.
Upgraded scalability capabilities (Bigger files, can now be uploaded).
version: 1.0.3
Bugs fixed in suppressing and km-anonymity algorithm.
Changes in text descriptions.
version: 1.0.2
- Bugs fixed in front-end and back-end.
version: 1.0.1
Better inteface in pie graph.
Changes in suppressing.
Hierarchy editing.
Bugs fixed.
version: 1.0.0
- Initial release.