Template experiment to run a jsPsych study that displays a text prompt and records webcam video from the participant's computer during the trial. The experiment makes use of custom plugins and extensions developed by BEATLab members that allow for webcam recording, eye-tracking calibration, and device calibration.
This template aims to record webcam video footage from participant devices while participants are engaged in jsPsych studies. Custom plugins are embedded in this template that allow for webcam recording, eye-tracking calibration, and device calibration to ensure smooth usage for the participant and experimenters.
- jsPsych
Designed to be used in jsPsych experiment studies.
For major changes, please open an issue to discuss what you would like to change.
Opening an issue is the best way to get our attention. If you want to talk to one of the developers, contact them directly or fill out the general BEATLab contact form.
Contributors names and contact info:
- Shreshth Saxena
- Jackson Shi
- Lauren Fink