This plugin provides an ability to make a link to files on your server share.
If you have ‘git’ installed on your system:
Run the commands below:
$ cd $(REDMINE_HOME) $ ruby script/plugin install git://
Restart Redmine
Download an archived version (.zip file) of the plugin from
Unzip it. You are going to have redmine_wiki_unc_xxxxxxx directory. (‘xxxxxxx’ might be a combination of some characters)
Move the directory into redminevendorplugins\ directory. (You’ll get redminevendorpluginsredmine_wiki_unc_xxxxxxx\ directory and have some files in the directory.)
Restart Redmine
Note: Currently you don’t have to do ‘rake db:migrate_plugins’ because this plugin does not use DBs.
Wherever you can use Wiki notation, you can write ‘unc’ macro like this:
The path is the thing just copied from Windows Explorer. You need to trim double quotation marks (“…”) surrounding the path if exists. The path can be containing white-space without the double quotation marks. The path cannot be containing comma(,).
Then you’ll get the HTML tags below:
<a href="file://///server-name/dir/to/file">\\server-name\dir\to\file</a>
You can save time to type ‘/’ 5 times! :)
If you have the old version installed using ‘git’:
Run the commands below:
$ cd $(REDMINE_HOME)/vendor/plugins/redmien_wiki_unc $ git pull origin master
Restart Redmine
Repeat the steps for the installation. (Taking a backup – just copying the plugin directory to other place – is recomennded)
You can specify a ‘label’ instead of displaying UNC path.
{{unc(\\server-name\dir\to\file, Label of the file)}}
Then you’ll get the HTML tags below:
<a href="file://///server-name/dir/to/file">Label of the file</a>
If you are using Firefox, you’ll be happy with LocalLink plugin. (Update: The plugin is currently not working with the latest version of Firefox.)
If you are using Chrome, you’ll be happy with LocalLinks plugin.
Internet Explorer can handle file:// scheme without any add-ons.
For other browsers, please let me know how to work with file:// scheme happily.
You can create a link from the Wiki Toolbar button.