For bioinformatics on genome annotation sets. Decompose a UCSC knownGenes file or Ensembl-derived GTF into transcript regions (i.e. exons, introns, UTRs and CDS).
This program takes either a knownGene.txt file for some genome from the UCSC genome browser or a GTF for transcripts from Ensembl and decomposes it into the following transcript regions:
- exons
- introns
- exons from coding transcripts
- introns from coding transcripts
- exons from noncoding transcripts
- introns from noncoding transcripts
- 5' UTRs for coding transcripts
- 5' UTRs plus start codon plus 27 nucleotides for coding transcripts (to calculate Kozak context & uORF overlap with start codon)
- CDS for coding transcripts
- 3' UTRs for coding transcripts
python -i knownGenes.txt -o output_basename (--gtf || --ucsc)
For help enter -h
UCSC knownGene.txt or Ensembl GTF
ten region files in .bed format
This is built on the Transcript class, which constructs transcript objects from the input file and computes metadata about the transcripts.
- output is now in blockBedFormat by default (i.e. all exons dumped onto one line using block columns at the end)
- to change output format, change the value of useBlocks in