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AWS Account Operator

Table of Contents

1. AWS Account Operator

1.1. General Overview

The operator is responsible for creating and maintaining a pool of AWS accounts and assigning accounts to AccountClaims. The operator creates the account in AWS, does initial setup and configuration of the those accounts, creates IAM resources and expose credentials for a IAM user with enough permissions to provision an OpenShift 4.x cluster.

The operator is deployed to an OpenShift cluster in the aws-account-operator namespace.

1.2. Requirements

The operator requires a secret named aws-account-operator-credentials in the aws-account-operator namespace, containing credentials to the AWS payer account you wish to create accounts in. The secret should contain credentials for an IAM user in the payer account with the data fields aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key. The user should have the following IAM permissions:

Permissions to allow the user to assume the OrganizationAccountAccessRole role in any account created:

   "Version": "2012-10-17",
   "Statement": {
       "Effect": "Allow",
       "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
       "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::*:role/OrganizationAccountAccessRole"

Permissions to allow the user to interact with the support center:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

1.3. Workflow

First, an AccountPool must be created to specify the number of desired accounts to be ready. The operator then goes and creates that number of accounts. When a Hive cluster has a new cluster request, an AccountClaim is created with the name equal to the desired name of the cluster in a unique workspace. The operator links the AccountClaim to an Account in the pool, and creates the required k8s secrets, placing them in the AccountClaim's unique namespace. The AccountPool is then filled up again by the operator. Hive then uses the secrets to create the AWS resources for the new cluster.

For more information on how this process is done, please refer to the controllers section.

1.4. Testing your AWS account credentials with the CLI

The below commands can be used to test payer account credentials where we create new accounts inside the payer accounts organization. Once the account is created in the first step we wait until the account is created with step 2 and retrieve its account ID. Using the account ID we can then test our IAM user has sts:AssumeRole permissions to Assume the OrganizationAccountAccessRole in the new account. The OrganizationAccountAccessRole is created automatically when a new account is created under the organization.

  1. aws organizations create-account --email "[email protected]" --account-name "username-cli-test" --profile=orgtest
  2. aws organizations list-accounts --profile=orgtest | jq '.[][] | select(.Name=="username-cli-test")'
  3. aws sts assume-role --role-arn arn:aws:iam::<ID>:role/OrganizationAccountAccessRole --role-session-name username-cli-test --profile=orgtest

1.5. Local Development

1.5.1 Operator Install

The operator can be installed locally on a Minishift or Code-Ready-Containers (CRC) cluster (or a private OpenShift cluster). On a new local cluster, running the Makefile deploy target (passing the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key) will install the operator, and create all the necessary OpenShift CRDs and secrets for it to work locally.

You must be logged into the cluster as an administrator, or otherwise have permissions to create namespaces and deploy CRDs. For Minishift, this can be done:

oc login -u system:admin

This only needs to be done once for an individual local cluster.

1.5.2 Running the Operator and Local Development Mode

When developing locally using operator-sdk you may not have a metrics service running and other stages of the code may not want to be run. We have introduced the ability to set the environment variable FORCE_DEV_MODE to account for these edge cases. Set the dev mode to local when running locally.

ex: FORCE_DEV_MODE=local operator-sdk up local --namespace=aws-account-operator

2. The Custom Resources

2.1. AccountPool CR

The AccountPool CR holds the information about the available number of accounts that can be claimed for cluster provisioning.

kind: AccountPool
  name: example-accountpool
  namespace: aws-account-operator
  poolSize: 50

2.2. Account CR

The Account CR holds the details about the AWS account that was created, where the account is in the process of becoming ready, and whether its linked to an AccountClaime, i.e. claimed.

kind: Account
  name: osd-{accountName}
  namespace: aws-account-operator
  awsAccountID: "0000000000"
  claimLink: example-link
  iamUserSecret: osd-{accountName}-secret

2.3. AccountClaim CR

The AccountClaim CR links to an available account and stores the name of the associated secret with AWS credentials for that account.

kind: AccountClaim
  name: example-link
  namespace: {NameSpace cluster is being built in}
  accountLink: osd-{accountName} (From AccountClaim)
    - name: us-east-1
    name: aws
    namespace: {NameSpace cluster is being built in}
    id: 00000000000000
    name: {Legal Entity Name}

2.4. AWSFederatedRole CR

The AWSFederatedRole CR contains a definition of a desired AWS Role, with both managed and custom Policies included

kind: AWSFederatedRole
  name: example-role
  namespace: aws-account-operator
  roleDisplayName: Example Role
  roleDescription: This is an example Role
  # Custom Policy definition
    name:  ExampleCustomPolicy
    description: Description of Example Custom Policy
    # list of statements for the policy
      - effect: Allow
        - "aws-portal:ViewAccount"
        - "aws-portal:ViewBilling"
        - "*"
  # list of  AWS managed
   - "AWSAccountUsageReportAccess"
   - "AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess"
   - "AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess"
   - "IAMReadOnlyAccess"

2.4. AWSFederatedAccountAccess CR

The AWSFederatedAccountAccess CR creates an instance of an AWSFederatedRole in AWS and allows the target IAM account to assume it

kind: AWSFederatedAccountAccess
  name: example-account-access
  namespace: aws-account-operator
    name: {Name for secret with osdManagedAdmin credentials} 
    namespace: {Namespace for the secret with osdManagedAdmin credentials}
  externalCustomerAWSIAMARN: arn:aws:iam::${EXTERNAL_AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}:user/${EXTERNAL_AWS_IAM_USER}
    name: {Name of desired AWSFederatedRole}
    namespace: aws-account-operator  

3. The controllers

3.1. AccountPool Controller

The accountpool-controller is triggered by a create or change to an accountpool CR or an account CR. It is responsible for filling the Acccount Pool by generating new account CRs.

It looks at the accountpool CR spec.poolSize and it ensures that the number of unclaimed accounts matches the number of the poolsize. If the number of unclaimed accounts is less then the poolsize it creates a new account CR for the account-controller to process.

3.1.1. Constants and Globals

emailID = "osd-creds-mgmt"

3.1.2. Status

Updates accountPool CR

  claimedAccounts: 4
  poolSize: 3
  unclaimedAccounts: 3

claimedAccounts are any accounts with the status.Claimed=true

unclaimedAccounts are any accounts with status.Claimed=false and status.State!="Failed".

poolSize is the poolsize from the accountPool spec

3.1.3. Metrics

Updated in the accountPool-controller


3.2. Account Controller

The account-controller is triggered by creating or changing an account CR. It is responsible for following behaviors:

If the awsLimit set in the constants is not exceeded:

  1. Creates a new account in the organization belonging to credentials in secret aws-account-operator-credentials
  2. Configures two AWS IAM users from iamUserNameUHC and iamUserNameSRE as their respective usernames
    • Creates IAM user in new account
    • Attaches Admin policy
    • Generates a secret access key for the user
    • Stores user secret in a AWS secret
  3. Creates STS CLI tokens
    • Creates Federated webconsole URL using the iamUserNameSRE user
  4. Creates and Destroys EC2 instances
  5. Creates aws support case to increase account limits

Note: iamUserNameUHC is used by Hive to provision clusters iamUserNameSRE is used to generate Federated console URL

3.2.1. Additional Functionality

  • If status.RotateCredentials == true the account-controller will refresh the STS Cli Credentials
  • If the account's status.State == "Creating" and the account is older then the createPendTime constant the account will be put into a failed state
  • If the account's status.State == AccountReady && spec.ClaimLink != "" it sets status.Claimed = true

3.2.2. Constants and Globals

awsLimit                = 2000
awsCredsUserName        = "aws_user_name"
awsCredsSecretIDKey     = "aws_access_key_id"
awsCredsSecretAccessKey = "aws_secret_access_key"
iamUserNameUHC          = "osdManagedAdmin"
iamUserNameSRE          = "osdManagedAdminSRE"
awsSecretName           = "aws-account-operator-credentials"
awsAMI                  = "ami-000db10762d0c4c05"
awsInstanceType         = "t2.micro"
createPendTime          = 10 * time.Minute

// Fields used to create/monitor AWS case
caseCategoryCode              = "other-account-issues"
caseServiceCode               = "customer-account"
caseIssueType                 = "customer-service"
caseSeverity                  = "high"
caseDesiredInstanceLimit      = 25
caseStatusResolved            = "resolved"
intervalAfterCaseCreationSecs = 30
intervalBetweenChecksSecs     = 30

// AccountPending indicates an account is pending
AccountPending = "Pending"
// AccountCreating indicates an account is being created
AccountCreating = "Creating"
// AccountFailed indicates account creation has failed
AccountFailed = "Failed"
// AccountReady indicates account creation is ready
AccountReady = "Ready"
// AccountPendingVerification indicates verification (of AWS limits and Enterprise Support) is pending
AccountPendingVerification = "PendingVerification"
// IAM Role name for IAM user creating resources in account
accountOperatorIAMRole = "OrganizationAccountAccessRole"

var awsAccountID string
var desiredInstanceType = "m5.xlarge"
var coveredRegions = []string{

3.2.3. Spec

Updates the Account CR

  awsAccountID: "000000112120"
  claimLink: "claim-name"
  iamUserSecret: accountName-secret

awsAccountID is updated with the account ID of the aws account that is created by the account controller

claimLink holds the name of the accountClaim that has claimed this account CR

iamUserSecret holds the name of the secret containing IAM user credentials for the AWS account

3.2.4. Status

Updates the Account CR

  claimed: false
  - lastProbeTime: 2019-07-18T22:04:38Z
    lastTransitioNTime: 2019-07-18T22:04:38Z
    message: Attempting to create account
    reason: Creating
    status: "True"
    type: Creating
  rotateCredentials: false
  state: Failed
  supportCaseID: "00000000"

state can be any f the account states defined in the constants below:

  • AccountPending indicates an account is pending
  • AccountCreating indicates an account is being created
  • AccountFailed indicates account creation has failed
  • AccountReady indicates account creation is ready
  • AccountPendingVerification indicates verification (of AWS limits and Enterprise Support) is pending

claimed is true if currentAcctInstance.Status.State == AccountReady && currentAcctInstance.Spec.ClaimLink != " rotateCredentials updated by the secretwatcher pkg which will set the bool to true triggering an reconcile of this controller to rotate the STS credentials supportCaseID is the ID of the aws support case to increase limits conditions indicates the last state the account had and supporting details

3.2.5. Metrics

Update in the account-controller


3.3. AccountClaim Controller

The accountClaim-controller is triggered when an accountClaim is created in any namespace. It is responsible for following behaviours:

  1. Sets account spec.ClaimLink to the name of the accountClaim
  2. Sets accountClaim spec.AccountLink to the name of an unclaimed Account
  3. Creates a secret in the accountClaim namespace that contains the credentials tied to the aws account in the accountCR
  4. Sets accountClaim status.State = "Ready"

3.3.1. Constants and Globals

AccountClaimed          = "AccountClaimed"
AccountUnclaimed        = "AccountUnclaimed"
awsCredsUserName        = "aws_user_name"
awsCredsAccessKeyID     = "aws_access_key_id"
awsCredsSecretAccessKey = "aws_secret_access_key"

3.3.2. Spec

Updates the accountClaim CR

  accountLink: osd-{accountName}
    - name: us-east-1
    name: aws
    namespace: {NameSpace}
    id: 00000000000000
    name: {Legal Entity Name}

awsCredentialSecret holds the name and namespace of the secret with the credentials created for the accountClaim

3.3.3. Status

Updates the accountClaim CR

    - lastProbeTime: 2019-07-16T13:52:02Z
      lastTransitionTime: 2019-07-16T13:52:02Z
    message: Attempting to claim account
    reason: AccountClaimed
    status: "True"
    type: Unclaimed
    - lastProbeTime: 2019-07-16T13:52:03Z
      lastTransitionTime: 2019-07-16T13:52:03Z
    message: Account claimed by osd-creds-mgmt-fhq2d2
    reason: AccountClaimed
    status: "True"
    type: Claimed
    state: Ready

state can be any of the ClaimStatus strings defined in accountclaim_types.go conditions indicates the last state the account had and supporting details

3.3.4. Metrics

Updated in the accountClaim-controller


3.4 AWSFederatedRole Controller

The AWSFederatedRole-controller is triggered when an AWSFederatedRoke is created in any namespace. It is responsible for following behaviours:

  1. Building AWS Policy Doc from Role definition in the spec
  2. Attempting to validate the Role in AWS by creating the Role, and deleting it if successful
  3. Setting the status to Valid or Failed
  4. If the status is Valid or Failed, stop all reconciling
  5. If an AWSFederatedRole is deleted, cleaning up any instance of the Role in AWS by cleaning up any AWSFederatedAccountAccesses using the AWSFederatedRole

3.4.1. Constants and Globals


3.4.2. Spec

  roleDisplayName: Example Role
  roleDescription: This is an example Role
  # Custom Policy definition
    name:  ExampleCustomPolicy
    description: Description of Example Custom Policy
    # list of statements for the policy
      - effect: Allow
        - "aws-portal:ViewAccount"
        - "aws-portal:ViewBilling"
        - "*"
  # list of  AWS managed
   - "AWSAccountUsageReportAccess"
   - "AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess"
   - "AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess"
   - "IAMReadOnlyAccess"

roleDisplayName is a human-readable name for the Role roleDescription is a human-readable description for what the Role does awsCustomPolicy is a representation of an AWS Policy to be created as part of the Role. It contains a Policy name a description, and a list of AWS Statements which Allow or Deny specific actions on specific resources. Please refer to the following documentation for more information: awsManagedPolicies is a list of AWS pre-defined policies to add to the Role. Please refer to the following documentation for more information:

3.4.3. Status

  - lastProbeTime: {Time Stamp}
    lastTransitionTime: {Time Stamp}
    message: All managed and custom policies are validated
    reason: AllPoliciesValid
    status: "True"
    type: Valid
  state: Valid

conditions indicates the last states the AWSFederatedRole had and supporting details. In general for AWSFederatedRoles, only one condition is expected, and it should match the state. state is the current state of the CR. Possible values are Valid and Failed

3.4.4. Metrics


3.5 AWSFederatedAccountAccess Controller

The AWSFederatedAccountAccess-controller is triggered when an accountClaim is created in any namespace. It is responsible for following behaviours:

  1. Ensures the requested AWSFederatedRole exists
  2. Converts the AWSFederatedRole spec into an AWS Policy Doc
  3. Creates a unique AWS Role in the AWS containing the OSD cluster using the AWSFederatedRole definition
  4. Creates a unique AWS Policy if the AWSFederatedRole has awsCustomPolicy defined and attaches it to the Role
  5. Attaches any specified AWS Managed Policies to the Role

3.5.1. Constants and Globals


3.5.2. Spec

    name: {Name for secret with osdManagedAdmin credentials} 
    namespace: {Namespace for the secret with osdManagedAdmin credentials}
  externalCustomerAWSIAMARN: arn:aws:iam::${EXTERNAL_AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}:user/${EXTERNAL_AWS_IAM_USER}
    name: {Name of desired AWSFederatedRole}
    namespace: aws-account-operator  

awsCustomerCredentialSecret is the secret reference for the osdManagedAdmin IAM user in the AWS account where OSD is installed externalCustomerAWSIAMARN is the AWS ARN for the desired IAM user that will use the AWS role when created. This should be in an AWS account external to the one where OSD is installed awsFederatedRole is the reference to the target AWSFederatedRole CR to create an instance of

3.5.3. Status

  - lastProbeTime: {Time Stamp}
    lastTransitionTime: {Time Stamp}
    message: Account Access Ready
    reason: Ready
    status: "True"
    type: Ready
  state: Ready

conditions indicates the states the AWSFederatedAccountAccess had and supporting details consoleURL is a generated URL that directly allows the targeted IAM user to access the AWS Role state is the current state of the CR

3.4.4. Metrics


4. Special Items in main.go

  • Starts a metric server with custom metrics defined in localmetrics pkg

4.1 Constants

metricsPort               = "8080"
metricsPath               = "/metrics"
secretWatcherScanInterval = time.Duration(10) * time.Minute

metricsPort is the port used to start the metrics port

metricsPath it the path used as the metrics endpoint

secretWatcherScanInterval sets the interval at which the secret watcher will look for secrets that are expiring


Operator to manage pool of AWS accounts for Hive







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  • Dockerfile 0.2%