The data reader is now part of the Tetrad project. No futher development or bug fixes will be done here. Please report all issues to the Tetrad project issue.
This data reader was created to handle large size data files for efficient data loading. It reads data from a file as bytes using native file I/O instead of using the Java file handling API. In addition, it also packaged with data validation and other useful utilities.
In this new release, we also added metadata file handling and we'll describe it later.
In order to use this data reader as a dependency in your project, you'll first need to build the data reader with mvn clean install
and then add the following config to your pom.xml
Currently, CMU's Tetrad project uses this data reader to handle the data validation and loading in their GUI application. Our causal-cmd command line tool also uses it.
The usage of data reader is based on the target file type: Tabular or Covariance. For tabular data, you should choose the right class based on the data type: continuous, discrete, or mixed.
For example, let's read a continuous tabular data file. The first thing is to read the data columns using the TabularColumnReader
TabularColumnReader columnReader = new TabularColumnFileReader(dataFile, delimiter);
boolean isDiscrete = false;
DataColumn[] dataColumns = columnReader.readInDataColumns(isDiscrete);
Currently we support the following delimiters:
Delimiter | Char | Corresponding Enum Type |
Comma | ',' | Delimiter.COMMA |
Colon | ':' | Delimiter.COLON |
Space | ' ' | Delimiter.SPACE |
Tab | '\t' | Delimiter.TAB |
Whitespace | ' ' | Delimiter.WHITESPACE |
Semicolon | ';' | Delimiter.SEMICOLON |
Pipe | ' | ' |
And depending on if you want to exclude certain columns/variables, you can pass either column index or actual variable names when calling readInDataColumns()
// No column exclusion
// Exclude the first 3 columns
columnReader.readInDataColumns(new int[]{1, 2, 3}, isDiscrete);
// Exclude certain labeled variables
columnReader.readInDataColumns(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(new String[]{"var1", "var2", "var3"})), isDiscrete);
And during the columns reading, we'll also need to tell the column reader a default data type (is discrete or not) of each variable column.
For dataset that doesn't have header in the first line, we can generate column header.
TabularColumnReader fileReader = new TabularColumnFileReader(dataFile, delimiter);
boolean isDiscrete = true;
DataColumn[] dataColumns = fileReader.generateColumns(isDiscrete);
And once we have the columns information, we can start reading the actual data rows.
Data data =, hasHeader);
We use Data
as the returned type. And depending on if you want to exclude certain columns/variables during the reading, you can pass either column index or actual variable names when calling readInData()
, similar to the column reading exclusion.
Metadata is optional in general data handling. But it can be very helpful if you want to overwrite the data type of a given variable column. And the metadata MUST be a JSON file like the following example.
"domains": [
"name": "raf",
"discrete": false
"name": "mek",
"discrete": true
You can specify the name and data type for each variable. Variables that are not in the metadata file will be treated as domain variables and their data type will be the default data type when reading in columns described previously.
MetadataReader metadataReader = new MetadataFileReader(metadataFile);
Metadata metadata =;
dataColumns = DataColumns.update(dataColumns, metadata);
After reading the metadata JSON, we'll use the metadata to update the dataColumns
created during the data column reading step. This gives the users flexibility to overwrite the data type. For example, var1
in the origional dataset is a continuous column, but the user wants to run a search and treat this variable as a discrete variable. Then the user can overwrite the data type of this variable in the metadata file to achieve this.
TabularDataReader dataReader = new TabularDataFileReader(dataFile, delimiter);
Data data =, hasHeader, metadata);
For covariance data, the data type can only be continuous, the header is always required in first row, and there's no missing value marker used. You also don't need to exclude certain columns. Due to these differences, the covariance data reading doesn't involve column reading nor metadata reading. It's very simple as below:
CovarianceDataReader dataFileReader = new LowerCovarianceDataFileReader(dataFile, delimiter);
CovarianceData covarianceData = dataFileReader.readInData();
Data validation validates the input data file based on user-specified settings. For example, to validate continuous tabular data:
TabularColumnReader columnReader = new TabularColumnFileReader(continuousDataFile, delimiter);
int[] excludedColumns = {6, 10, 1};
boolean isDiscrete = false;
DataColumn[] dataColumns = columnReader.readInDataColumns(excludedColumns, isDiscrete);
TabularDataValidation validation = new TabularDataFileValidation(continuousDataFile, delimiter);
List<ValidationResult> results = validation.validate(dataColumns, hasHeader);
As we mentioned earlier, for covariance data, the header is always required in first row, and there's no missing value marker used. You also don't need to exclude certain columns. Otherwise, its usage is very similar to the tabular data.
CovarianceValidation validation = new LowerCovarianceDataFileValidation(dataFile, delimiter);
List<ValidationResult> results = validation.validate();
The results of validation can be handled as INFO
, or ERROR
List<ValidationResult> results = validation.getValidationResults();
List<ValidationResult> infos = new LinkedList<>();
List<ValidationResult> warnings = new LinkedList<>();
List<ValidationResult> errors = new LinkedList<>();
for (ValidationResult result : results) {
switch (result.getCode()) {
case INFO:
And this data structure allows developers to handle the results based on their application's specific needs.
This is advanced topic for dataset that contians interventional variables. Below is a sample dataset, in which raf
, mek
, pip2
, erk
, atk
are the 5 domain variables, and cd3_s
and cd3_v
are an interventional pair (status and value variable respectively). icam
in another intervention variable, but it's a combined variable that doesn't have status.
raf mek pip2 erk akt cd3_s cd3_v icam
3.5946 3.1442 3.3429 2.81 3.2958 0 1.2223 *
3.8265 3.2771 3.2884 3.3534 3.7495 0 2.3344 *
4.2399 3.9908 3.0057 3.2149 3.7495 1 0 3.4423
4.4188 4.5304 3.157 2.7619 3.0819 1 3.4533 1.0067
3.7773 3.3945 2.9821 3.4372 4.0271 0 4.0976 *
And the sample metadata JSON file looks like this:
"interventions": [
"status": {
"name": "cd3_s",
"discrete": true
"value": {
"name": "cd3_v",
"discrete": false
"status": null,
"value": {
"name": "icam",
"discrete": false
"domains": [
"name": "raf",
"discrete": false
"name": "mek",
"discrete": false
Each intervention consists of a status variable and value variable. There are cases that you may have a combined interventional variable that doesn't have the status variable. In this case, just use null
. The data type of each variable can either be discrete or continuous. We use a boolean flag to indicate the data type. From the above example, we only specified two domain variables in the metadata JSON, any variables not specifed in the metadata will be treated as domain variables.
To show a data file preview using Java file API works for small or regular sized files, but handling large data file can often cause the "Out of memory" error. That's why we created this previewer.
// Show preview from the first line to line 20,
// only display up to 100 chars per line,
// apend ... if longer than that
int previewFromLine = 1;
int previewToLine = 20;
int previewNumOfCharactersPerLine = 100;
DataPreviewer dataPreviewer = new BasicDataPreviewer(file);
List<String> linePreviews = dataPreviewer.getPreviews(previewFromLine, previewToLine, previewNumOfCharactersPerLine);
This can be very handy when you want to show a preview of a larage data file before asking users tovalidate or load the file.
Reads the first few lines of data in a text file and attempts to infer what delimiter is in use.
// The number of lines to read to make the inference
int n = 20;
// The number of lines to skip at top of file before processing
// Here we use 2 because covariance data has total number of cases at line 1,
// and sometimes a commented line as well
int skip = 2;
String comment = "//";
char quoteCharacter = '"';
char[] delims = {'\t', ' ', ',', ':', ';', '|'};
char inferredDelimiter = TextFileUtils.inferDelimiter(file, n, skip, comment, quoteCharacter, delims);
When your application requires a delimiter auto-detection feature, this can be plugged in very easily.