This is a basic github repository to show a Github structure, docstrings, and test codes via pytest.
To be added in the future.
The python_github_tutorial package dependencies can be installed via conda, and this package tagged in conda via pip install:
Create and install conda package:
cd path_to_first_python_github_tutorial_dirctory_with_environment_yml_file
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate python_github_tutorial
pip install -e .
Note: If you update the conda package, you may have to redo the pip install. Without doing this, it may allow incompatable versions of the dependencies to be installed, etc.:
pip install -e .
This is an example of the supplimentary functions in the utils directory (python_github_tutorial/utils) and the main function in the main_functions directory (python_github_tutorial/main_functions).
The example is located here 'examples_to_run/'. The instructions to run it are provided below:
cd examples_to_run
This is the same example but running it as an interactive job (i.e., like a Jupyter notebook). The example is located here 'examples_to_run/'.
When using Visual Studios Code (VScode), the '# %%' above each section makes it a cell, which can be run individually by holding shift and pressing enter.
The python_github_tutorial software tests the installation using pytest.
The unit tests via pytest
ensure that the code is build properly, running correctly and producing
accurate results.
To perform these tests (unit tests) for the python_github_tutorial package, please run the following commands
from the python_github_tutorial/tests
Run all the tests:
cd python_github_tutorial/tests
pytest -v
Run individual test on '':
cd python_github_tutorial/tests
Run individual test on '':
cd python_github_tutorial/tests
Building these HTML files locally via sphinx, which will allow you to access them with your
local internet browsing application or HTML viewer (chrome, safari, VScode, etc.).
The HTML files will be located in the docs/_build/html
directory after they are built.
The python_github_tutorial utilizes sphinx to construct the documentation.
The user can build the documentation locally by executing the following command from the docs
conda activate python_github_tutorial
make html