This action calls the Broker API to provision a secret for use by an application to login to Vault together with the service's role id. See: Vault API - Login with AppRole
This action is provided to illustrate how to call the Broker API. The Vault Login Action may be a better choice.
This action creates an AppRole secret which can be used to login and create a Vault token that can be renewed. This is required if you want your service to have continuous access to a database protected by a dynamic (rotated) secret (See: Vault database engine). Otherwise, you would only be able to start a service that could access the database using that dynamic secret for the duration of the intention.
Each invocation of this action should, at most, provision a single instance of a service. How a service is provisioned should not create a scenario where its token outlives the service instance. If multiple service instances are provisioned with the same token from a single invocation, an immortal shared token (if each individual service renews the same token) is created. Secure token renewal depends on the token expiring (relatively) quickly once a service instance is stopped.
In almost all situations, a GitHub Action should be using the Vault Login Action instead.
Please refer to the NR Broker Repository for full usage details.
- uses: bcgov-nr/action-broker-vault-revoke@v2
# The token of the action containing the service to use to login as
action_token: ''
# The broker url.
# Default: ''
broker_url: ''
# The service's application role id in vault. Setting this is recommended to avoid environment mismatch.
role_id: ''
# The vault url.
# Default:
vault_url: ''
This action outputs the wrapped Vault secret id as an environment variable.
This is a wrapped Vault secret id that can be used to access the service's secrets by logging in using the AppRole. The unwrapping API (/v1/sys/wrapping/unwrap) will return the secret id as the field, secret_id.
The scripts and documentation in this project are released under the Apache License